I'll Never Let You Go (Seventeen)

May 22, 2014 02:12

Title: I'll Never Let You Go
Sequel to: More Than the World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: "If two people are meant to be, they'll pull through, and I've never seen a couple more in love than you and Alex. You'll see, Jack. Everything will be okay."
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. I do, however, own Josie and her sweet little self, along with any other original characters.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


“Good night, Josie,” I told the three-year-old, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“And we open Santa’s presents?” she asked and I nodded.

“Yep. You’ll have lots of fun presents to open,” I told her, turning on her night light.

“Okay, Daddy. I love you,” she said and I smiled.

“I love you too, baby,” I told her, hearing footsteps as Jack came into her bedroom.

“Good night, Jo-Jo,” he told her, leaning down and giving her a kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Deedee,” she answered, yawning. “Good night.”

I left the room, going into the living room where the television was playing A Christmas Story. I sat down, watching it for a few minutes before I saw Jack come into the living room.

“You want some eggnog?” he asked, itching his stomach and leaning against the door frame.

“Sure,” I told him, watching him turn around and disappear into the kitchen.

He returned a few minutes later with two glasses of eggnog, handing one to me and sitting down on the couch next to me.

“Thanks,” I answered, relaxing back into the couch.

“You need your roots touched up,” he said, taking a sip of his eggnog with a small smirk playing on his lips. “Everyone’s gonna know you’re not a real blonde.”

“Guess I need to get a hold of my hairdresser,” I answered and he laughed. “I’ve missed you.”

“If you’re gonna get me all emotional, then at least rub my feet,” he said, putting his feet up on my lap.

“I wasn’t trying to get you all emotional,” I said, putting the eggnog down and taking his left foot in my hands.

“I’m pregnant. Everything makes me emotional,” he answered and I laughed.

“I’m really sorry, baby,” I told him, sliding my thumb against the sole of his foot. “I know I’ve said it a million time before, but I mean it this time. You deserve to be excited about this baby. We both should be just as excited about this baby as we were about Josie. I acted like a complete asshole and a terrible father. I’m so sorry. To both of you.”

“You’re not a terrible father, Alex. A terrible father wouldn’t be here at all,” he told me, nudging my hands with his right foot and I chuckled, switching feet. “You are an asshole though.”

“I’m glad we agree on one thing,” I said and he chuckled. “How are you feeling?”

“Pregnancy-wise?” he asked and I nodded. “I feel fine. I still have like random bouts of morning sickness, but my energy is coming back. I don’t know if that’s just from the iron supplements though. And whenever I’m not puking I just want to eat the world.”

“Sounds about right,” I said, smiling and looking at his flat stomach peeking out from where his t-shirt had ridden up. “Do you know how far along you are yet?”

“I haven’t had a doctor’s appointment,” he answered, running his hand over his stomach. “I have one on Monday.”

“Can I come?”

“You fucking better,” he answered and I laughed.

“How are we gonna tell Josie? She’s gonna be so pissed.”

“We can just tell her I’m getting fat and then surprise her with a baby one day?” he suggested and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not so sure that’s the mature way to go,” I told him and he sighed.

“I don’t know. We have time. We can figure it out,” he answered, opening his arms. “Come here.”


“Come here. I want to be close to you.”

I crawled forward, hovering over him before settling down beside him.

“I missed you,” he told me quietly, running a thumb over my cheek.

“I missed you too,” I told him, laying my hand over his stomach.

“What are we gonna do?” he asked, looking at me intently. “I don’t know how to be without you.”

“I don’t wanna be without you,” I told him, shaking my head gently.

“Are we gonna be okay?”

“I think so,” I said, nodding. “I think we can make it.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I love you,” I answered simply and he frowned.

“I love you too, but-”

“No buts.”

“I want us to be okay.”

“We will be.”

“Where have you been staying?” he asked, shifting his body and winding our legs together.

“With Vinny,” I answered, running my fingers along his side.

“Just with Vinny?”

“Yeah,” I answered, seeing the curiosity in his eyes. “I haven’t talked to Josh since I quit smoking. I don’t want the temptation. I promised you.”

“Have you talked to Travis?” he asked and I bit the inside of my lip.

“No. I was kind of a dick to him.”

“You should talk to him. He’ll understand.”

I hummed, drawing invisible shapes on his stomach.

“I’m really glad you came tonight,” he told me, and I could feel his fingers running through my hair soothingly.

“I’m glad you asked me to, baby,” I told him.

“I didn’t want to spend Christmas without you,” he answered and I smiled.

“Can I kiss you?”

“I don’t think you’ve ever asked me before,” he answered, laughing.

“It seemed appropriate.”


“How did this turn into me wrapping all the presents while you just sit there and eat a bunch of cookies?” I asked, hearing Jack laugh.

“‘Cause your baby wants cookies,” he answered, rubbing his stomach and taking a sip of his eggnog.

“Yeah, yeah,” I answered, rolling my eyes and putting another present under the tree for Josie. “You can’t even tell you’re pregnant yet.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not,” he said, sticking his tongue out before letting out a yawn. “I’m tired.”

“Well if you would get down here and help me this would get done faster and we could go to sleep,” I told him and he shrugged.

“Or you can just finish it and I’ll go to bed by myself,” he answered, grinning and I glared.

“I like my scenario better,” I told him and he laughed, sliding down onto the floor next to me.

“Maybe next year we shouldn’t wait until Christmas Eve to wrap the Santa presents,” he said and I shrugged.

“Might be a good idea,” I said, feeling him rest his head on my shoulder and tossing his left leg over my thighs. “You’re not helping.”

“I want to cuddle.”

“Go to bed,” I laughed, kissing his hair.

“Bitch, I’m waiting for your ass,” he answered and I rolled my eyes.

“Help me with the tape,” I said, handing him the roll of scotch tape.

“Fine,” he said, ripping off pieces of tape to hand to me. “Are you coming to my mom’s with us in the morning?”

“As long as I’m invited.”

“Of course you are,” he answered, handing me another piece of tape. “She’s making a big brunch.”

“My mom wants to see Josie tomorrow too.”

“I know, she called me,” he said, grinning and I rolled my eyes.

“I told her I would handle it.”

“She’s just being your mom.”

“I know,” I answered, grabbing the last present that needed wrapping. “Last one.”

“Yay!” he cheered, yawning again.

I finished that one, putting it under the tree before grabbing Jack and pinning him to the floor.

“Ow,” he grunted, staring up at me.

“I love you,” I told him, nuzzling my face into his neck.

“I love you too,” he answered, playing with the hair at the back of my neck, “but we should totally do this in our bed instead of on the floor.”

I laughed, getting up and holding my hand out to help him stand up.

♠ ♠ ♠Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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