I'll Never Let You Go (Sixteen)

May 15, 2014 00:10

Title: I'll Never Let You Go
Sequel to: More Than the World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: "If two people are meant to be, they'll pull through, and I've never seen a couple more in love than you and Alex. You'll see, Jack. Everything will be okay."
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. I do, however, own Josie and her sweet little self, along with any other original characters.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


“That’s a good look for you, bro,” I told Matt, nodding at the pink fluffy tiara sitting atop of his dark hair.

“You told Josie I was the guest, so that automatically made me the tea party princess,” he answered and I laughed.

“Well at least she’s being polite,” I said, gently laying a blanket over the sleeping toddler. “Looks like you wore her out.”

“I gave her some sleepy time tea,” he answered and let out another laugh.

“Smart move. Your reward is you can watch whatever you want,” I grinned, handing him the television remote, “just don’t order any porn.”

“I’ll try not to.”

I left him in the living room, going into the kitchen where May was flipping through a magazine at the table.

“What’s up, baby mama?” I asked her, emptying Josie’s juice from her cup and setting it in the sink.

“Eh,” she answered and I raised an eyebrow.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine. Just tired.”

“Why don’t you go take a nap?”

“Don’t have time. We’re going to Matt’s parents house for dinner,” she answered.

“Have you met his parents yet?”

“No. This is my first being introduced to his family as the mother of his child,” she said and I nodded.

“You nervous about it?” I asked, seeing her make a face.

“A little. I mean, I want them to like me. And I feel a little weird about the fact that I got pregnant before we even started dating. What if they think I’m like, a whore or something,” she said and I shook my head.

“They’re gonna love you, May,” I told her, reaching my hand out and rubbing the top of hers. “You’re a sweetheart and their son is crazy about you.”

“Matt told me I have nothing to worry about, but I don’t know. I’m just anxious,” she said and I nodded.

“It’ll be fine. Don’t freak yourself out.”

“I’ll try not to,” she said, sighing. “So what are you and Josie doing tonight?”

“Alex is coming over,” I told her and she raised her eyebrows.

“Well that’s good.”

“I hope so. I called him yesterday and asked him to come. I’m just hoping it was the right thing to do,” I told her, biting my lip.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I’m just nervous it hasn’t been long enough. Like, what if things still aren’t okay between us?”

“You miss him, Jack. Don’t torture yourself,” she said. “Just be with your family and have a good time.”

I didn’t answer, just looked down at my hands as I messed with a corner of the magazine she had been reading.

“It’s gonna work itself out,” she told me and I glanced up, seeing her nod at me as I bit my lip.

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. If two people are meant to be, they'll pull through, and I've never seen a couple more in love than you and Alex. You'll see, Jack. Everything will be okay,” she said and I smiled softly, looking back up at her.

“I really hope so.”

I heard voices in the other room before a familiar laugh sounded, making me smile. I had missed that laugh.

“May, you know your boyfriend’s wearing a pink tiara, right?” Alex asked as he came into the room, setting a bag on the counter.

“I don’t question it anymore,” she said, shrugging and he laughed.

“Hey,” he said, giving me a nervous smile and I grinned.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Matthew!” May called out, rubbing her small baby bump and I smiled.

“What?” he asked from the next room and she scoffed.

“Get your ass in here!” she exclaimed and I laughed.

“What?” he asked, leaning in the doorway, tiara still sitting on his head.

“Are you wearing Josie’s princess tiara to dinner with your parents?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and he shrugged.

“Depends. Does it make me look pretty?” he asked, making her crack a smile.

“Of course it does, baby,” she said and I grinned. “We should probably get going soon.”

“Ready when you are, preggers,” he responded and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m gonna punch him,” she said and I smiled.


“What shapes do you want these cookies to be?” Alex asked Josie as I rolled out the dough for that batch of sugar cookies.

The three-year-old was standing on the bench next to him, arms wrapped around his neck. She hadn’t let him go since she woke up from her nap.

“Snowflakes!” she exclaimed happily and he smiled.

“The last ones were snowflakes, baby. Why don’t we do try something else? What about candy canes?” he asked and she nodded.

“Okay, daddy,” she said and I smiled.

“Here you go,” I said, sliding the dough closer to them.

“Ready?” Alex asked, grabbing the cookie cutter and handing it to her.

He held her waist as she leaned forward, pressing the cookie cutter down in the middle of the dough.

“Good job, mama,” he said, pulling the cookie cutter up and placing it in another spot. “Okay, press right there.”

I smiled as I watched them, taking my phone out and snapping a picture.

“Okay, Deedee!” Josie exclaimed as Alex pulled away the spare dough, sneaking a little bit into his mouth. “We done!”

“Well the oven’s full, so we’re gonna have to wait to put these one’s in,” I told her, picking up the shapes and placing them on a cookie sheet. “Looks like we have enough dough to make one more batch. What shape do you want to do now?”

“Snowflake!” she cheered and I laughed, catching Alex’s eye as he grinned.

“Fine,” I said, hearing the timer ding.

I turned around, opening the oven door to check the cookies.

“Our first snowflakes are done!” I announced, pulling them out and setting them on top of the stove.

“Yay!” Josie cheered, clapping and grinning at Alex. “Daddy! Hurry up so we color the cookies!”

“We gotta wait for them to cool, honey,” he said, handing her the snowflake cookie cutter.

“Why?” she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Because if we put the icing on right now it’ll just fall off,” he told her, peeling away excess cookie dough from around the cutter.

“Oh,” she stated, not saying anything else on the subject and he shrugged.

“Do you guys want hot cocoa?” I asked, grabbing the packets out of the cupboard and turning around to look at them.

“Yes!” Josie answered and Alex nodded.

“With marshmallows,” he said, giving me a playful grin and I smiled.

“Yeah, yeah. I won’t forget your marshmallows.”

“All done!” Josie exclaimed, putting down the cookie cutter. “Now we color cookies?”

“No, baby, they’re still too hot,” I told her, pouring hot water into the mugs.

“When can we color?!” she demanded, sighing and sitting down.

“Hey now,” Alex said sternly. “Santa’s still watching you, little girl. You need to behave yourself.”

“Jo, you, me and daddy can watch a movie and drink our cocoa and then once it’s done the cookies will be ready to decorate,” I told her, grabbing the mini marshmallows and putting them in the mugs.

“Let’s go pick out a movie,” Alex said, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, making her squeal and laugh.

I smiled, putting the last tray of cookies in the oven before carrying the mugs into the living room.


“Well you’re definitely going to need a bath before bed,” I told Josie, seeing the frosting all over her hands and Alex laughed.

“What cookies are we leaving out for Santa?” he asked her, helping her put red stripes on the candy cane cookies.

“Candy canes and snowflakes,” she answered, pushing the finished candy cane cookie away from her and he nodded.

“No snowmen?”

“Santa doesn’t eat snowmen, silly,” she answered, giggling and I chuckled, sneaking a cookie and taking a bite from it when she wasn’t looking.

“Right, what was I thinking?” he said, shaking his head and I snorted.

“Ya weirdo,” I teased and he rolled his eyes.

Josie let out a yawn and I raised an eyebrow.

“Somebody’s sleepy,” I said and she shook her head.

“No,” she stated and I laughed.

“You know, the sooner you go to sleep tonight, the sooner Santa will bring you your presents,” I told her and Alex nodded.

“Santa’s not gonna come until you go to bed, so you better not stay up too late,” Alex told her.

“Okay,” she said, pushing the cookie she was decorating away from her and looking up at me. “Deedee!”

“What?” I asked, trying to hide the rest of the cookie I had half-eaten under the table even though she had already seen it.

“You eated the cookies!” she screeched, eyes widening. “Daddy! Deedee eated the cookies for Santa!”

“Well, someone’s getting coal in their stocking!”

♠ ♠ ♠Did you guys miss Josie?
'Cause I freaking did! <3
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