Holding On To Keep This Strong (Ch. 35)

Oct 10, 2013 15:44

Title: Holding On To Keep This Strong
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Chapter Rating/Warnings: Mild language
Summary: Alex is starting his first year of teaching and Jacks going into his senior year...Simple life transitions are giving them both more than they'd ever bargained for.
Disclaimer: This is fiction, I don't own anyone mentioned.

Jack crawled into Alex's bed fighting back tears, which was pointless considering they'd already escaped his eyes. And thinking about it it was probably harder not to cry when everything surrounding him represented who he was crying over. But he didn't want to leave because that just put him further away from Alex and that would only call for more tears.

Really it was Jack's fault, at least he felt like it was. Alex storming off with hurt feelings and a clouded head, yeah, Jack felt like that was completely his fault. And his own hurt feelings, his fault too. He could have just kept his mouth shut. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he said something, he'd been doubting his relationship with Alex since Oli got back in town. He was already very much overdue for losing his filter and saying what Alex definitely didn't want to hear, even if he felt it too.

So he did all that he could. He pulled the cover's on Alex's side of the bed into his chest and cried into them as he breathed in the older boy's scent hoping it would cling onto his skin so he'd never have to want Alex close to him as badly as he did right now.
By the time Jack had to leave for school the next morning he still hadn't gotten out of bed and was tempted to ditch school for the day. He could just call himself in sick but that meant he'd have to move from where he was curled up on the bed...and that just wasn't appealing. So he just lay there contemplating what to do for the next few minutes though it was already apparent what he'd actually end up doing.

Alex rolled out of bed unusually early, looking over at Oli who'd been laying next to him.

"God, I wish I loved you..." He sighed looking fondly at the sleeping man. But of course he  couldn't dwell on that when he had to get ready for work...but then again it wouldn't hurt to miss a day.

He wasn't sure how he'd fair seeing Jack then either and having to act normal when there would be obvious tension between them. But teaching was his job, not for just Jack but all his other students. So letting some personal problems get in the way of that...well it was kind of unfair to all his other students.

Eventually Alex opted on sucking it up and getting ready for work.

Within an hour he had showered and was ready for work. He'd wanted to say goodbye to Oli and thank him before leaving but he was still asleep by the time he left. So he left a note for him on the bedside table in hopes that he'd find it before he left for his office.
Alex made it to the school about a half hour early, unlocking his classroom and flicking the lights on. If he was being completely honest it was almost a relief to be in a space that was entirely his own. He had control here. No one else setting their own boundaries or rules, this was his place where he had complete control, which usually he didn't need but today having that security was nice.

When his first period class had started Alex had loosened up for the most part. He was still on edge about Jack but it seemed like he wouldn't be showing up today since they were already twenty minutes into the period. So he relaxed as much as he possibly could and got on with his lesson for the day.

"Hey, Alex?" One of his students asked, grabbing his attention.


"When are we getting our papers back?"

"Shit...I left them at my apartment. Know what, I'll get them next period and you guys are welcome to pick them up whenever you can. Sound good?" He asked, earning a few sounds of approval from his students.

So as promised during second period Alex was in his car driving to his apartment. He was almost certain Jack wouldn't still be there. But there was the part of him that knew he was still at what he'd call their place; yet he happened to be very good at ignoring his internal voice that was often right.

He parked his car in it's assigned garage and clamored out heading towards his apartment.

When he made it into the apartment everything was still, silent. Too silent for Jack to still be at home, at least that's what Alex hoped for.

Alex walked through the short hallway into his -- no, their-- bedroom, seeing the obvious outline of a person on his side of the bed. And the tuft of black blonde hair sticking out of the covers let him know exactly who it was. He sighed and kept moving, going towards the dresser where he left his folders with student's papers in them. Once he had the papers he walked towards the bed and set them gently on the floor.

He kneeled down next to Jack, pulling the cover down just enough so that he could see the younger boy's face. He leaned over him not entirely sure what to do or how he felt. But on instinct he let himself lean down and plant a kiss onto Jack's cheek.

Even if he was hurt and upset right now there was absolutely no way he could deny how he felt about Jack. But that didn't mean any sort of forgiveness was in order, sadly things weren't just that easy. Every action just can't be based off of emotion otherwise the world would be complete chaos. And Alex wasn't willing to make his and Jack's relationship that big of a mess even if they were in a rut.

So he gained some composure, collected his folders and left the apartment to head back to the high school.
Jack finally left the bed at around twelve o'clock, trying his best not to break down again. Maybe staying here wasn't the greatest idea, but he wanted to be there when Alex came back. He wanted to show him that he wasn't giving up on them. Even if he doubted their relationship, he wasn't giving up, he wasn't leaving. They were worth the fight and he'd put up a damn good one if he had to prove that to Alex.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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