Holding On To Keep This Strong (Ch. 7)

Mar 10, 2013 13:48

Title: Holding On To Keep This Strong

Pairing: Jack + Alex = Jalex
Rating/Warnings: Pg-13
Summary: Alex is starting his first year of teaching and Jacks going into his senior year...Simple life transitions are giving them both more than they'd ever bargained for
Disclaimer: I do not own the lovely boys mentioned

Jack was ecstatic...no more than ecstatic, zealous? No, really there wasn't a word that could describe how happy he was.
He'd convinced Zack to take him to school earlier than usual and before first period he'd gotten to hang out with Alex. Sure the teacher had talked him into helping him put kids papers on their desks, but he didn't mind it. He was just happy to have been around the teacher. And he'd have all the time he wanted to be with Alex after school, he couldn't help but ooze of happiness.

Which is exactly why Rian is annoyed with him while Cassadee and Zack are cooing like crazy over the black and blonde haired teen.

"Why the fuck is he so happy about a date? And why are you two acting like idiots along with him?" Rian  questioned.

"Ri, shut up. He's finally going out with Alex after months of liking him. You should be happy for him too." Cass replied shortly, returning her attention back to Jack. "Are you gonna wear something different?"

Rian rolled his eyes and shoved a tortilla chip into his mouth,having talked everyone into yet another Mexican food lunch.

"Honestly, I haven't thought about it. I've just been so excited about spending more time with him." Jack gushed, smiling at the thought of his teacher.

"Wait!" Zack nearly shouted gaining the attention of a few neighboring tables. "You didn't fill me in on last night." He said lowering his voice, glaring at the few people that were still looking at him.

"Oh...yeah." Jack smiled awkwardly, his cheeks flushing a light pink for no apparent reason, and he went on to explain the previous night to his overly curious friends.

"Awh! Jack!" Cass squealed. "You guys are so cute. I call being the maid of honor at your wedding." She giggled causing Rian to roll his eyes and smile at her.

"I bet a wedding is the last thing on Alex's mind." Jack chuckled and shook his head. He did have to admit marrying the teacher sounded appealing, of course he still had a lot more to learn about the teacher but he could daydream while doing so.

"But is it the last thing on your's?" Zack said, cocking an eyebrow at his best friend.

"Oh shut up Zack. You know I have to think about it, but that doesn't mean I really want it."

"But you want him." Rian teased. "So you kinda want the happily ever after package too."

"Well yeah he wants a happily ever after. I mean when we started dating I wasn't banking on three months of bliss and then dealing with a broken heart for however long after that. "Cassadee said gesturing to Rian. Both Zack and Rian shrugged at that, unable to come up with a constructive rebuttle. "Anyway, back to clothes. Can I pretty please come over and help you pick out an outfit for tonight?" She practicably begged, he voice oozing of enthusiasm.

"Okay, come over at like five thirty."

She nodded and eyed Zack. "You coming too?"

"Yeah, I have to make sure my baby looks presentable. Remember in freshman year when he literally rolled out of bed and came to school for a week straight? He's come a long way."

"Hey, that was one week. Everyone but Cass started dressing like me after that."

Zack rolled his eyes and grabbed another chip.

"For the record I did not start wearing girl's jeans after you did. Just Zack and that kid who started hanging out with the pot heads."

"And we all look damn good, besides Alex wears girls jeans too. It obviously works if he does it."
Rian rolled his eyes and reached out for yet another tortilla chip. "I'm done with this conversation." He stated, not bothering to make eye contact with the younger boy. "So whose ready for Vinny's fall party next weekend?"

Alex filed through his notebook, searching for a blank page. There had to be one in there, how much could he have possibly written over the summer? Bingo, one blank sheet stared back at him, sure it had ink on it that had bled from the other side but it was good enough.

Being the sap that he was Alex wanted to make his first date with Jack special -that is if it was even a date. He planned everything to a T mentally but without having it all in writing his thoughts were useless.

Alex finished writing his list and overly developed description of what everything was to look like and shut his notebook. He knew he could easily let himself down being such a perfectionist but he consoled himself with the fact that Jack would be happy with his efforts. The teacher put his notebook into his messenger bag and took out his laptop, he'd have at least a few more minutes until Jack arrived for sixth period, so why not be productive with that spare time?"Hey Alex." Jack mumbled as he entered the teacher's class room.

"Hey Jack...are you alright?" The teen nodded and smiled, still looking down at the floor.
"I'm fine, I promise. I'm just really nervous about tonight, really excited too."
Alex smiled and made his way to the teen, lacing their fingers once there.
"There's no need to be nervous. But you should be excited, I've got something pretty cool planned."
Alex smiled further at the way Jacks eyes lit up at the mention of his plans.
"Can I have a hint?"
"Nope." The teacher said with a sly smirk. "I promise the surprise will be well worth it."
"I guess...just one small hint, please."
"Okay, what kind of food do you like?"
Jack raised a brow and smiled. "Really? Food is my hint?"
"No, once you tell me what kind you want it'll be the one thing you're cued in on."
The teen rolled his eyes before looking back to the teacher and pressing his lips together in concentration. "Uh,pizza." He said confidently with a signature bright smile.
"Pizza? Are you sure?"
"It's pizza, of course I'm sure."
Now Alex was the one to roll his eyes but he noted to comply to the request anyway.
"Well at least I know you're not a picky eater."
"Not at all, maybe I can make you instant mac n' cheese some time." he laughed, his smile widening.
"I think I'll have to take you up on that." Alex joked right back, lightly tugging on Jack's hand leading him to his desk. "You get one more hint." He stated as they stopped in front if his lap top, his iTunes library displayed on the screen. "Pick from the bottom four playlists. But just based off of their titles."
Jack cocked a brow and the older man before focusing on the screen and reading off the titles.
"Fluff punk sounds promising." Alex smiled and nodded, he'd hoped that Jack would pick that playlist, it was the only one he'd completely finished prior to coming to school that morning. "So is there anything else I get to poke around at?"
"Nope. But I can give you next weeks reading assignment if you'd like."
"Are you serious? Way to ruin the mood Alex." Jack joked, lightly hitting the teacher's chest with his free hand.
"Oh, you know I'm just kidding. I promise not to bring up class stuff, ever, in our relationship unless you ask of it. Or I happen to need help with a book choice again."
The teen rolled his eyes and dropped his hand from Alex's.
"So this is a relationship now, eh?" He teased, completely ignoring the rest of Alex's statement.
"I don't know, is it?"
Jack paused for a few moments before nodding, large smile occupying his lips once more. "Yeah, I guess it is."
"I was hoping you'd say that." Alex murmured, enveloping his lips around the younger's. Jack smiled onto his teacher's lips and gladly complied, lacing their fingers once more. The teen pulled away after several moments, his eyes meeting with Alex's chocolate brown ones.
"You've got yourself a boyfriend." He giggled before molding his lips back over the dirty blonde's.

A/N: Really short chapter, I know. But I'll make it up in like two chapters because nine is super long and its not even done yet. Anyways feedback is as always appreciated. - Sidni

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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