I got a crush on you 8/?

Mar 10, 2013 01:41

Title: I got a crush on you 8/?
Author: jalex_bandwhore
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex is shy, quiet and reserved but he has a secret.
A secret crush on all-state swim champion Jack Barakat.
But little does he know that this Valentine's Day will change everything.
Disclaimer: Totally happened
Author Notes: At bottom

Jack and I spent the entire weekend at my house minus the few hours when his parents made him come home and sleep. My parents love him. They think he’s so nice and respected, and he is, don’t get me wrong but I just think it’s funny.

My alarm went off at six-fifteen am on Monday morning and I wanted to cry, Jack and I spent most of the night texting each other, I feel asleep around three-thirty according to my phone, and Jack must of fell asleep after his last text to me; Good night love xoxo . I texted him; Good morning babe Can’t wait to see you xoxo

Getting out of my warm bed was horrible but it meant that I could see Jack sooner, walking into the bathroom, turning on the shower and slowly stripping off my clothes. Getting in the shower this morning felt different, I’m not sure why though. I didn’t do anything different; washed my hair, washed my body, conditioned my hair, thought about Jack, nothing different at all. Yes, I thought about Jack, and I can because he’s MY boyfriend

I, Alexander William Gaskarth have a boyfriend. I can’t believe that. He really did change my Valentine’s Day for the better and I couldn’t thank him enough.

I turned off the shower, grabbing a towel and walking out and go to the sink to brush my teeth and plug in my straightener. Looking up to the clock I had in the bathroom, I notice I still had a good hour before I needed to start walking toward school or if I decided to ride the bus in the morning I had about forty-five minutes, I will never understand how it takes so long to get home from school but fifteen minutes to get to school.

Walking into my room to the closet, I stare at my clothes trying to decide what to wear when my phone buzzed on the side table next to my bed, walking over to retrieve it. I smiled when I saw who it was from JackAttack ♥ ; morning babe I’ll be there in 30 minutes, is that okay? Wait he’s going to be here in thirty, why?

Um okay but why?

member I’m going to be your chariot to school

oh yeah, I should probably get dressed then

no no don’t ;)

oops too late ;)

I grabbed some black skinnies and a tight navy blue v neck tossing them on my bed and grabbing some boxer-briefs and dropping the towel, sliding them up my legs. Flipping my head over and toweling my hair semi dry I grabbed my v neck and put it on and then grabbed my skinnies, hopping and bouncing around my room pulling them up. Picking up my towel and phone, tossing my towel in the laundry basket in the bathroom and opening Jack’s text and laughing; but but butthead :(

Don’t pout or no kisses this morning I heard a buzzing noise; I looked up and saw Jack smirking in the mirror. ‘Is that how you always get into your skinnies?’

I looked at Jack with wide eyes, ‘I…I um,’ I started to blush, ‘ye…yeah.’

Jack walked over to behind me, ‘You’re too cute.’ I started blushing more.

‘Why…why are you…you here earl...earlier?’

‘I missed you.’

‘I…I missed you to…too.’

Jack moved away from me but before he kissed my cheek and stood next to me. I grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair as Jack watched me and made faces at me in the mirror. I started straightening my hair and Jack said he was going to go find something for us for breakfast, I finished my hair about ten minutes later, unplugging the straightener, grabbing my phone and grabbing my backpack from my room, and heading downstairs to find Jack.

I looked in the kitchen and the living room and couldn’t find Jack. I pulled out my phone and called him, but he didn’t answer, maybe he went to see Matt. I heard a knock on the front door, I went to go see who it was when I heard Jack call out, ‘Lexy hurry I’m about to drop everything.’ I opened the door quickly to see Jack standing there with Starbucks and a McDonald’s bag. I grabbed one of the drinks from Jack just as he was about to drop it. ‘Sorry, I had a craving for sausage McMuffin and Starbucks.’ I just smiled at him and followed him into the kitchen.

‘So I got you a Caramel Frap and I got me a Double Chocolaty Chip Frap and at Mickey D’s I got us some sausage McMuffins and hash browns. Is that okay?’

‘On…Only if I…I can have som…some of your Frap to…too.’

‘I wouldn’t have it any other way,’ Jack lean forward and kissed me on the lips and let me have the first sip of his Frap. Jack handed me my McMuffin and grabbed his too and we sat quietly at the counter and ate our breakfast.

Jack got up first and tossed his trash away and looked at me, ‘Ready babe?’ I shook my head no. ‘What’s wrong Lex?’

‘I…I’m scare…scared.’

‘Why are you scared?’

‘What…what if peop…people make fun of…of me?’

‘Why would someone make fun of you?’ Jack walked back over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me.

‘Be…because I can…can’t talk norm…normal.’

‘Lexy, you talk just fine. You just get nervous around people. If anyone makes fun of you tell me and I’ll deal with them.’


‘Baby, don’t look so sad, I hate when you’re sad. I’ll let you have the rest of my Frap if you smile for me.’

‘You dran…drank it all Jack.’

Jack looks at me and laughs, ‘Oh yeah. I’ll buy you another one if you smile for me.’

‘You…you don’t have to buy…buy me anot...another one.’

‘Will you smile for me?’

I look at him and smile and he kisses me. ‘You’re too cute,’ Jack said and kisses me again.

‘Let’s go,’ Jack said grabbing my hand, hopping up from his seat and pulling me up with him. We walk towards the front door, I grab my backpack and he opens the door, walking out to his car. Getting in on the passenger side and Jack getting into the driver’s side, he starts the car and we head off towards school.

We arrive at school five minutes later, but we still have a good twenty minutes before the first bell goes off. I’m starting to feel nervous again, so I’m not looking up from my hands when Jack unbuckles his seatbelt and turns towards me, ‘Lexy, don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. Matt won’t either.’

‘I…I know it…it’s just that I’m scare…scared. I…I’m sorry.’

‘Alex, look at me please.’

I slowly looked up at Jack, ‘I like you Alex. I don’t care what anyone thinks of it. I want you to be my boyfriend and I’m glad you said yes. I know you’re scared; hell I am too, only because I’m afraid of losing you. I don’t want to lose you because of what other people say. So if anyone I don’t even care who says anything negative about us or you, I want you to text me right away and I will come talk to them. I will talk to Matt and explain everything to him and he will watch out for you too. He thinks you’re great for me. And I think you are too. So please smile or I will tickle you in this parking lot and no one will be able to stop me.’

I look at Jack and bite my bottom lip. When Jack brings his thumb up to my lip, pulling it down slowly, ‘Sorry,’ I say. He smiles and I smile back at him.

‘Jacky, I…I like you too.’

Jack smiles and kisses me softly when there’s a knock on my window scaring us both. Jack leans back and I turn towards the window when I see Matt grinning.

I roll down the window and Matt says, ‘Don’t forget we have classes in ten minutes, guys.’ I start blushing and Jack laughs, ‘Shut up and get to class Fly. I can kiss my boyfriend and still get to class before you.’

Matt just laughs and I hide my face in my hands. ‘Hey Matt I need to talk to you about something. Lex, do you want to be here or do you want me to explain it to him by myself?’

‘I…I’ll go to cla…class.’

‘Okay, I’ll be in as soon as I explain it to Fly, okay?’


I turn and grab my bag and Jack grabs my arm to get my attention. I look up at him, ‘Everything will be fine babe. I promise and you can’t leave till you give me a kiss.’ I blush and kiss him softly. ‘See you in a few minutes.’

I open the door and Matt smiles and says, ‘Hi Alex.’

I smile and say hi back and walk toward the doors when Matt gets into the front seat and Jack starts explaining everything. I walk into the building and go to my first class which Matt has with me. Going to my desk and sitting down pulling out my notebook and writing down the homework that’s on the board.

Matt walks in a few minutes later after the bell but no one says anything because the teacher isn’t even in here. Matt sits down by me and smiles, pulling out his phone and texting me; Jack explained everything, don’t worry Alex I got your back too. :)

Thanks Matt.

No problem where’s Miller at?

he hasn’t showed up yet

such a slacker

I laugh at the text, you would of gotten a detention if he was in here

good point Alex

Just then Mister Miller walks into the classroom and everyone settles down and announces there’s a pop quiz but we can work with a partner. Matt looks at me and I look at him, he laughs and says, ‘Partners?’ I shake my head yes.

A girl in our class walks over to Matt, ‘Wanna be partners Matt?’ Matt looked at and saw Zoe, a girl in our class standing there, 'Sorry Zoe, Alex and I are going to be partners today. But how about next time we can be?'

'Yeah sure Matt.' Zoe turned and Cameron Hurley walked up to her and asks her to be his partner.

Mister Miller hands Matt and I our quiz, I read over the quiz and hand it to Matt. 'Seems easy enough,' Matt says.


Matt decides he's going to write and that I'm going to look for the answers.

We finish about ten minutes later and I look around the room and I seems like everyone is still working on theirs, so Mister Miller walks over to Matt and I and asks if we're done and Matt hands him the quiz. 'Looks like you two make a good team.'

‘Thanks Mister Miller,’ Matt says and I just smile. Mister Miller goes back to his desk and Matt and I talk quietly while everyone else finishes their quizzes. The rest of class is boring and we don’t really do anything because everyone takes the full hour to do the quiz.

Jack is outside of the class when the bell rings, Matt says bye to me and goes off to his locker when Jack grabs my hand and we walk down the hallway to mine. ‘Did everything go okay in first hour?’ I shake my head yes to Jack as we reach my locker.

‘I missed you,’ Jack says as I open my locker.

‘I…I missed yo…you too,’ I reply as Jack leans in kisses my cheek. I start blushing and hiding my face in my locker.

‘Lexy, don’t hide from me,’ Jack says as I feel his hands on my sides.

‘Do…don’t yo…you dare.’


‘Tick…tickle me.’

‘Thanks for the idea,’ Jack says, smirking and lightly tickles me.

‘Don’t Jac…Jack.’ I attempt to say through the laughing.

He stops and looks at me, ‘I’ll be good if you give me a kiss.’

I look up at him and I notice there are still a few Kisses in my locker on the top shelf. I grab one and hand it to him.

He just laughs and takes it, pulling off the foil and putting it in his mouth and then pulling me close and kissing me. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly and he slides his tongue in. I moan softly as his tongue runs over mine. He bites my lip and pulls gently. He lets go and smirks.

‘Jack,’ I whisper.

‘Chocolaty,’ he smirks.

Just then the bell rings, and we head off to study hall. Jack sat in the back with me since we never really had assigned seats everyone just sits normally where they do every week since we started school. But the change didn’t go unnoticed, but no one really said anything until half way through when Danny; also a senior, walked up to Jack’s desk, ‘Why you sitting back here with Stutterkarth?’

Jack looked up at Danny and calmly said, ‘Don’t call him that.’

‘Why not that’s his name.’

‘No his name is Alex Gaskarth, not Alex Stutterkarth. And he’s my boyfriend so why not sit by him?’

‘You…you’re going out with him?’


‘Oh um shit, I’m…I’m.’

‘You’re what Kurily?

‘Sorry, to you and Alex. I didn’t know you’re gay Jack and I’m sorry for calling Alex, Stutterkarth.’

‘I’m bisexual actually but whatever, Alex?’ I look up at Jack and he smiles, ‘Do you accept Danny’s apology?’

‘Yes,’ is all I said. I look up at Danny and he says he’s sorry again and walks away.

‘See Lexy, I’m not going to let anything happen to you,’ Jack leans over and kisses my cheek and I smile at him.

We go back to quietly talking until the end of study hall and walk out hand in hand to my locker when I realized I didn’t grab any money or anything to eat for lunch. ‘Shit.’


‘I did…didn’t bring an…any mon…money for lunch.’

He just starts laughing at me. I look at him and pout.

‘Alex, we’re going out for lunch with the team like I always do.’

‘We… we are?’

‘Alex, we don’t have to if you don’t want to. We can stay here and eat or we can go somewhere and eat just ourselves, but sometime we’re going to have to face the team.’

I thought for a few moments and he was right I couldn’t keep hiding from this, we had to let people know and I was scared but he wouldn’t let anything happen to me and Matt was going to be there too.

‘Okay. Let…let’s go out wit…with the team.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, you won…won’t any…anything happ…happen to me.’

‘Okay let’s go then before they leave us.’ Jack grabbed my hand and we walk down to his locker putting his books away and then walking towards Matt’s locker where everyone was.

A chorus of hello’s and hi’s to Jack later, everyone was deciding where they wanted to eat deciding on Taco Bell, when one of the guys asked Jack who I was, I think his name is Stephen, whose a Sophomore.

‘Everyone, this is Alex for those who don’t know.’ A few guys said hi or hello, ‘And the reason he’s with us today is because he’s my boyfriend.’

No one really said anything till Alex De Leon spoke up and said, ‘Finally, you asked him out, jeeze took you long enough Jack.’

Jack laughed, ‘It wasn’t that long.’

‘It was half a year before you decided to talk to him, ever since you found out he was Fly’s neighbor, you wouldn’t stop talking about him during practice, in the meets, or anytime you saw him.’

I just looked at Jack as he started blushing. ‘Is that…that true?’

‘Yeah,’ he said quietly to me.

I just laughed.

‘It’s not funny,’ he said and I laughed a little more till he started pouting.

The guys started laughing at him then, Matt chimed in with, ‘Okay guys let’s leave Jack alone. We’ve embarrassed him enough for today. Let’s go eat.’ They all stopped laughing and started walking towards their cars, when I pulled on Jack’s arm, but he stayed in that spot.

‘Awww Jac…Jacky.’ I leaned up and kissed his pout. He kissed me back, ‘That wasn’t funny.’ I just smirk at him and we start walking towards his car.

Awkward ending :/
So, what would you like to see happen in this?

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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