Perfect Disaster (chapter five)

Mar 07, 2013 20:10

Title: Perfect Disaster (chapter five)
Pairing: ~*Jalex*~
Rating/warnings: PG13/none; angst?
Summary: Jack knew he'd met Alex for a reason.
Disclaimer: 100% fiction, I own no one, etc. Title is from Ever After by Marianas Trench and cut is from ATL, although if you're reading this I'd assume you already knew that
A/N: Maybe this'll start to answer your questions? Don't make any assumptions yet though ;) -Clare

The next Saturday, Jack let himself sleep in until he was awakened by his phone ringing on the bedside table. He grumbled and stuck a hand out of the comforter he was wrapped in to grab around for the device. By the time he'd found it buried under all the clutter on the small table, the call had dropped. He groaned and rolled over, slowly blinking his eyes open and letting them adjust to the bright morning light before holding his phone up and checking to see what the alarm was for.Missed call: Alex Gaskarth, 10:47 am


Alex had called. Jack immediately thought about their project, but they didn't have anything planned for that day that he could remember. They'd finished the song, and they'd found a drummer and a bassist to help them, so all they had to do was record it. They had the school studio reserved for the next Tuesday afternoon, so Jack was confused as to why Alex was calling him on a Saturday. He wouldn't let himself believe the smaller boy just wanted to talk to him, because that would lead to a bigger crush on him, and that would lead to disappointment, and

The brunette slowly sat up, pulling the blanket up around his shoulders against the chilly morning air as he hit "return call". He brought the phone to his ear and waited.


"Yeah, hey, sorry I missed your call, what's up?" he mumbled.

Alex giggled on the other side. "Did I wake you up, sleepyhead?" he teased.

"Yeah, kinda, but I'm awake now, so..."

The pause on the other end started making him nervous.

"Your morning voice is kinda cute," Alex murmured quietly. Jack couldn't help the jitters that started in his chest. "Awh, thanks," he giggled.

"So, um, it's Saturday, and I have nothing to do, so I was wondering if you, um, w-wanna see a movie with me?" Alex said quickly. Jack could tell he'd said it quickly to get it out before he lost his nerve. He smiled, thinking about Alex blushing and pressing his lips together and being all cute and nervous on the other end. "Y-yeah, sure, sounds great! What time?"

"Um, I should do some work for school, but I can pick you up around three?" Alex suggested.

Jack nodded to himself. "Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, I'll see you later, Jack."


Jack let out a girlish giggle and hung up. He grinned and fell back against the pillows, trying to not overthink this. They were just friends going to a movie on a Saturday. That was all.

Even though Jack really, really hoped it wasn't.


Jack heard the doorbell ring later than afternoom, just as he was stepping out of the shower. He swore and quickly wrapped a towel around his waist, hoping that Alex wouldn't mind. Hell, if he wanted to be Jack's friend, he'd have to get used to it. The brunette jogged from the bathroom through the cold apartment to the front door. He quickly unlocked it and opened it, revealing an adorable-as-ever Alex standing on the doormat.

When the dirty-blonde realized what Jack was wearing, or the lack of what he was wearing, he flushed a soft shade of pink. "Jack, um, sorry, I didn't mean to, ah, catch you like this-" he stammered. The brunette laughed and stepped back. "It's fine, Alex, it's my fault for not getting out of bed early enough. Come in," he encouraged. Alex shuffled inside, still blushing. "I'll be right back, okay?" Jack told him. Alex nodded, allowing Jack to run back to his bedroom and quickly pull on some clothes. He quickly ran a hand through his messy hair, deciding that a beanie would work for the sake of time. He picked one up from his dresser and tugged it over his unruly hair before jogging back to Alex, who had moved to the kitchen and was leaning against the counter. He looked up when he heard Jack approach and held up his keys. "Ready?" he asked. Jack picked up his jacket from the kitchen counter. "Yeah, let's go."


Alex drove to the mall. Jack teased him about his "ancient" car that Alex defended as classic as the brunette fiddled with the radio, trying to find a good signal. He was about to give up when Alex reached over and smacked it in one particular spot, causing the radio to finally get its shit together and play music. That shut Jack up about the crappiness of old cars.

They walked through the mall to the movie theatre, chatting about school and teachers and music. They picked some random chick flick that Alex said some of his friends had seen. Alex was a gentleman and paid for Jack's movie ticket, not that it helped Jack's messy thoughts about Alex at all. The boy was sending mixed feelings, which was fucking with Jack's emotions more than he knew he should be allowing them to.

They walked past the box office and into the concessions area, where Jack insisted that he pay for their food. Alex protested, but eventually gave in because after all they were two broke college kids who both now had concert tickets to pay for on top of living expenses. Alex picked out some insanely sugary candy and Jack just bought regular popcorn.

After Jack throwing a few kernels at Alex for teasing him about not using butter, the two made their way to the theatre. Jack led the way all the way up to the back row. They settled in the two seats in the middle, Jack immediately kicking his feet up on the chair in front of him.

"Jack, that's rude!" Alex exclaimed, swatting at Jack's thigh. The brunette laughed, but took his feet down. "Since when did you become my mom?" he muttered. "Ssshhh, I wanna see the previews," Alex hissed. Jack rolled his eyes but shut his mouth and settled in for the movie.

He tried his best to focus on the film, but with Alex's constant comments, it was kind of difficult. Not that Jack minded; he loved being able to notice the little things about the dirty blonde, like how his nose wrinkled up when he laughed, and how his eyes got all misty when the guy finally proposed, and how he cooed at all the couple's cute moments. He was so caught up in the movie that he didn't notice Jack's eyes on him at all, but Jack was okay with that. He didn't want to complicate this, whatever "this" was.

The movie ended with the couple getting married and taking off on a wild honeymoon. When the first lines of the credits appeared, Alex turned to Jack with a huge grin. "That was so cute!" he exclaimed. Jack laughed. "Yeah, it was. You ready?" Alex nodded and stood up, still smiling. Jack followed him out of the theater and out to the mall's courtyard. "So, uh, do you have to go at any certain time?" Jack asked. Alex shook his head. "No, why?" "I was just wondering if you wanted to get something to eat with me?" Jack asked hopefully. "Oh, yeah, sure! Um, food court?" Jack grinned. "Sounds good."

The two started making their way towards the food court, making easy conversation and enjoying each other's company. Jack loved how at ease Alex looked; he had noticed in the past couple days the other boy had seemed stressed about something but he hadn't asked, thinking they weren't really close enough for Jack to ask questions about his personal life. He was just happy Alex seemed to have worked out whatever had been bothering him, and that he was happy for now.

The pair had almost reached the food court when Alex suddenly stopped talking in the middle of his sentence and stood frozen. Jack continued for a few steps, then turned back. "Alex?" he asked, confused. The other boy had a look of mixed surprise, confusion, and even some fear on his face. "Alex, what's wrong?" Jack asked, stepping closer. The dirty blonde only grabbed his hand and pulled him into the nearest store. Alex may not have noticed that it was a Victoria's Secret store, but Jack did. Alex didn't stop walking until they reached the very back of the shop, where he turned to face Jack without letting go of his hand. He opened his mouth to speak but a salesgirl interrupted him. "Can I, uh, help you guys?" she asked, obviously confused what two men were doing in a lingere store. "No, we're just looking for stuff for our girlfriends, we know what we're looking for. Thanks," Alex said quickly. The girl looked down at their intertwined fingers, gave them a strange look, but shrugged and left them alone.

Jack turned his attention back to Alex. "Alex, what's going on? Are you okay?" The smaller boy just chewed on his lip nervously. Jack sighed. "Alex, I'm not... I'm not going to hurt you, or laugh at you, just please, tell me what's wrong?" he asked. "C-can we just go to the car? Please?" Alex said quietly, eyes pleading. Jack shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Come on." He pulled Alex out of the store and led him to the parking lot.

When they reached the car, Alex got in the driver's side, leaving Jack to get in the passenger's side. Jack got in and turned to face Alex, who was nervously twisting his fingers together, gathering his thoughts. "Jack, this this will sound bad, but please, please just hear me out. Just let me finish and then we'll talk? But please, hear the whole story, okay?" Jack nodded. He patiently waited as Alex drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. He'd figured out by now that whatever or whoever he'd seen, it had scared him enough to be acting like this, but he didn't want to push the other boy.

Alex looked up after a few beats. "Jack, I...I saw my boyfriend back there."

rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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