Got Your Heart In My Hands (Six)

Mar 06, 2013 18:37

Title: Got Your Heart In My Hands
Sequel to Keeping This Up Could Be Dangerous
Author: Amber
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Jack
Summary: A few years have passed since Jack and Alex have officially become a couple, and their relationship is still going strong; but will it be able to handle the stress of the band's rising fame?
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.

I bit into my sandwich, and looked down at the small kitten sitting in my lap. Flacco's big blue eyes stared up at me, and as soon and I looked at him he stood up on his hind legs with his front paws on my chest. He purred loudly, and meowed at me before looking over at my sandwich. I ripped a small piece of lunch meat off before feeding it to him. After eating, he happily curled back up in my lap, continuing to purr.

My boyfriend grunted next to me, and I looked over to meet his glare. I grinned and leaned over to kiss him, but he turned his head causing me to kiss his cheek instead. I groaned and rolled my eyes. Ever since I brought the kitten on the bus, Alex had been acting like I wasn't giving him any attention.

"Alex," I whined.

"Go away," he said, taking a bite of his own food and turning his attention toward his cell phone.

"When do we have to meet the guys for that interview?"

"In about twenty minutes," he said, "Then we are all going to hang out outside the bus, because Matt says that we've been hanging out here to much."

"Alright," I said lifting the kitten off my lap and sitting him down on the couch next to Alex. "I'm going to go change and get ready then."

"Whatever," he said looking up at me. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, this time being welcomed to the kiss rather then pushed away. I started to straddle him before he pulled away from me. "Go get ready."

"Now I don't want too," I said.


"Fine," I sighed, getting back up.

"Good boy," he said slapping my ass.


We sat in this dingy little bar, about ten minutes away from the venue. Our interview, was kind of awkward. The girl who was doing the interview kept making eyes at Rian and It really seemed like she wanted in his pants. The questions she asked weren't any better. She asked about our love lives, which was nothing new, but then she went on to asking us weird things like our favorite sex positions, and detailed descriptions of our best sexual encounters. As usual Alex went into elaborate details about his fictional sex life with my mom.

I sipped on my pop, staring enviously at Matt's beer. I still had another year before I could legally by my own alcohol. The waitress came over and dropped off our food, and I started to devour my burger before she even left. Alex looked at me rolling his eyes, before taking a bite of his own food.

"What?" I said with a mouthful of food, staring down my boyfriend.

"You're disgusting," he said.

I swallowed my food, "Like you've never done anything gross. You're probably worse than me."

"Doubt it," he said.

"You know as much as we all love to listen to all your little lovers quarrels, shut the fuck up and eat your food," Matt glared, before taking a drink of his ice cold beer.

"Fuck you Matt," Alex and I said at the same time.

"Jinx!" Alex screamed, almost shoving his food off the table as he jumped up. He leaned across the table throwing his hand over my mouth before I could say anything at all. "You can't say another fucking word until someone says your name three times."

I tried expressing my complaint but my words just came out as muffled mumbles against Alex's hand.

"Ah, ah, ah, if you talk at all you will be receiving a punch in the dick," Alex grinned.

"That's not good enough," Matt piped in, "Add something else."

"Like what?" Alex asked.

"How about, he has to wear a dress." Rian laughed.

"Alright," Alex smirked turning his attention back toward me. "If you talk at all you will get a punch in the dick and you'll have to wear a dress for, let's say three weeks."

I groaned and nodded, knowing the only thing I could do was to trick one of them into saying my name.

"Good boy," Alex said removing his hand, before turning to address the others, "and if any of you bastards say his name I will Jack off in each and every one of your beds. Am I understood?" Alex threatened.

"That's sick," Zack said making a face, "but I'll agree."

"Yeah, some quiet will be nice," Rian laughed.

"Alright Alex, it looks like we all agree." Matt said.

"Good," he grinned before returning to his forgotten food.

When we were all finished eating we left the bar and headed back to the venue. Staying silent was proving to be a difficult task, but I really did not was to preform on stage for three weeks in a dress. Sure once or twice I wouldn't mind, but three weeks, there was no way. When we got back to the bus, Alex made it his mission to let everyone we know in on what was going on. He didn't want anyone to say my name and get me out of this jinx.

I flopped onto the couch, and pet a sleeping Flacco on the head. He stirred, and looked up at me before going right back to sleep. Zack moved about the bus, trying to clean up the mess that had accumulated over the past few days. It was his week to make sure the bus stayed clean, and he was pretty good at it too. I picked up the notebook Alex had left on the couch and ripped out a blank page. Crinkling up the paper, I launched the wad at Zack's head. The ball made contact, and he grabbed the spot of his head that it hit before spinning around and looking at me.

"J..." He started before realizing he was about to say my name, "Oh no you don't. There is no way I am going to say your name."

I sighed, watching Zack get back to work. It was going to be difficult to get out of the jinx. As I was trying to figure out a way, an idea dawned upon me. Alex. Alex wouldn't be able to resist my charm for long, and if I could somehow turn him on there was no way he would be able to go without saying my name. My plan was set, all I had to do now was wait for Alex to return to the bus.

♠ ♠ ♠
O: Oh my gosh! I updated!
I know I know it's been so long.
I hate being busy I really do.
I am starting to work on making more time for writing, but between work and school I barely even have a social life anymore. SIGH. haha Anyway! I hope you enjoy! Katie and I planned this out and we are excited about it.

I love you all! Thank you so much for sticking with us, and reading our story.
It means a lot!

Comment and Enjoy!!! :D
<3 Amber
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