I got a crush on you. 5/5

Feb 14, 2013 22:49

Title: I got a crush on you 5/5
Author: Jalex_bandwhore
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex is shy, quiet and reserved but he has a secret.
A secret crush on all-state swim champion Jack Barakat.
But little does he know that this Valentine's Day will change everything.
Disclaimer: Totally happened
Author Notes: bottom

I wake up to a buzzing noise, blinking away the sleep I reach out to where the buzzing noise is coming from, I realize it’s my phone and I’m getting a text. I groan, look at who it’s from and I smile. Crush ♥ I unlock my phone and read the text and finding out there are three different messages. Good morning cutie, Can I kiss you?, and the latest one, Get your cute butt up! I laugh and then realize what time it is, seven-fifteen. ‘SHIT!!!’ I jump off the bed and almost end up tripping in the cover and falling but I recover. Rushing into the bathroom and ripping off my clothes I hop into the shower and about fall. Today just isn’t my day!

About five minutes later, I am out and half dressed in only boxers and a red v-neck, I stand in front of my closet blow-drying my hair while trying to figure out what jeans to wear, when my phone starts ringing. I shut off the blow dryer, grabbing some jeans and answering my phone. ‘Hell…hello?

‘Hey Alex. Are you still at home?’

‘Yeah. I woke up late.’

‘Yeah I noticed you didn’t leave your house and I wanted to make sure you were alright.’

‘Yeah, but I’m going to be so late to school.’

‘I can give you a ride if you want. I’m leaving in like fifteen minutes.’

‘Yeah can you please?’

‘Yeah sure no problem, see ya in fifteen.’

‘Thanks Matt.’

‘No problem.’ Matt hangs up and I pull on my jeans and finish blow drying my hair. Walking into the bathroom and starting to style and straighten my hair. Ten minutes later, I am done and walking downstairs heading in the kitchen. There’s a note on the fridge; Hey honey, you know it’s Valentine’s Day and we hate to do this to you two days in a row, but your father is taking me out. But we left you some money to get a pizza or whatever you want for dinner and some chocolate. They’re by your keys in the bowl. Try to have a good day.

We love you.
Mom and Dad

I grab water from the fridge and walk into the living room, grabbing my keys, the money and the chocolate and head out the door towards Matt’s.

I knock on Matt’s door and Mister Flyzik answers and let me into the house. ‘Matt, Alex is here.’ Matt comes down the stairs, ‘Ready?’

‘Yup let’s go.’

Matt and I walk out to his car, I walk over to the passenger side of the car and see there’s a heart taped to the window. I look up at Matt, ‘What’s wrong Alex?’

‘There’s a Valentine on your car for me.’

‘What?’ Matt says and walks over to the side of the car. ‘Open it.’ I grab it and peel it off the window and open it.
matt maybe your chariot today, my love, but I will every day after today. give matt these directions and come find me.

I um what?! I look at Matt and I show him the heart, and he read it over. He takes the heart and walks over to the driver’s side and gets in. I slowly get in not really knowing what to think. I shut the door and Matt starts up the car. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket; don’t worry your cute little head about school. I told them that all three of us had a family emergency and we’re skipping. My phone buzzes again; don’t worry about your parents either, they know what’s going on today and they approve.

‘Is he texting you?’ Matt asks as we stop at a stop light.

‘Yeah, he says not to worry about school it’s taken care of and that my parents are okay with this whole plan.’

Matt laughs and says, ‘Of course he would get approval from your parents.’

I sit back and let Matt drive to where the note says. Ten minutes later we’re parked in a parking lot by a park. My phone buzzes; if i want the wind in my hair and i Just wanna feel weightless, where would I go? I look up at Matt and show him the text and we start thinking about the riddle.

‘Oh! I know,’ I say. ‘The swings,’ I get out of the car and run toward the swing set. I find a heart on the seat of a swing. I read it; when you find me text back your answer and receive your next clue, cutie. I pull out my phone and text back; the swing set

My phone buzzes with my next clue I got A long tail and i like to climb thing, what am i? + i Can’t get into one legally till i’m 21.

I start walking around when Matt comes up to me. ‘Need help with the clue?’

I smile and say ‘I have the last part but not the first,’ I show him the clue on my phone.

‘Long tailed animals that like to climb on things? Hmmmm…’

‘The second part is a bar.’

‘Okay let’s think Lex. What in the park has the word ‘bar’ in it?’

‘Oh my god. Monkey. The monkey bars.’ I say as I take off running towards the monkey bars, hearing Matt laugh. I get to the monkey bars and look around for the next clue. I see a pink heart at the top of the pole on monkey bars and I notice Matt had walked up. ‘Can you hold these while I go up and get it?’ handing Matt the first heart and my phone, he takes them and says, ‘Be careful Alex.’ The monkey bars were not for the little kids, they were about ten feet between the bars and the ground.

I start climbing up the stairs and held on to the opposite pole and grabbed the heart and got down. Matt holding my cell and the first heart still as I open the second one. good job my little monkey! only four more till you find me, now text me cutie. Matt handed me my phone and the first heart, and I texted him Monkey bars

My phoned buzzed with a new clue; i know you love Kisses, but where would i go to get you more + i have a Bow and arrow but what do i aim at? I showed Matt the text and he smirked. I reread the clue, ‘The second part is a target, but how does the first part connect? Wait you go to a store to get them and Target is a store. I am so blonde today.’ I laugh and Matt laughed too, ‘You got it before I even started to think about it so you’re doing better than me,’ Matt joked.

We walked back to his car and got in and drove in the direction of Target. Pulling into the parking lot and walking in I realized I had no clue where to even look, I looked at Matt and he was standing next to a huge display of Kisses. My eyes grow big when I see all the bags of Kisses. HOLY SHIT Matt just laughs and looks at me, ‘Get to digging boy.’

‘Oh shut up and help me?’

‘Just look in the back,’ and then he winked at me. I walked towards the display and looked where Matt told me to look, and I found a blue heart.

can I redeem all these for real ones? ;)

I texted the number again Huge display of Kisses at Target I waited a minute and my phone buzzed back; i love cookies for breakfast, don’t you, so go find some And we can eat them togetheR I look at Matt and smirk, taking off towards the breakfast cereal. Thank god they’re in alphabetical order. I find the Cookie Crisp and start looking at the boxes for a heart or something but find none of them with anything on it.

‘Matt,’ I whine, ‘there’s nothing on these.’

He just laughs and points next to him. There’s a display of them, so I put all the boxes back and walk to the display and find a box with a yellow heart on it. so does this mean we can have breakfast in bed one morning? ;) I start blushing and Matt looks at the note and laughs, ‘He so cocky.’ I pull out my hone and text him Cookie Crisp and if you’re lucky ;)

Matt’s phone buzzes and he looks at it then at me and says, ‘Your crush says that we need to go to move to another location and he gave me directions, because you need time to think over this clue.’ Just then my phone buzzes; if i were A Koi, I would live in this, but since I’m not part fish, i have to settle for this.

Matt and I walk back to his car, and we head off to the next location.

‘Matt, do you know who my crush is?’ I ask as we stop at a stop light.

‘Yup, I’ve known all week who it is.’

‘Do you think I will like this person?’

‘Yeah I think you will Alex.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Well, the person that is your crush is really nice, smart, he’s got a nice ass’, and Matt laughs a little, ‘he’ll help anyone who’s in need and expects nothing in return, he’s a great friend, and I’m not supposed to tell you this, but when we’ve hung out he never stops talking about you.’

‘He sounds perfect, but why me Matt?’

‘You’re really asking me that Alex?’ Matt parks the car and looks at me.


‘Well, Alex, not to hit on you or anything, but anyone would be lucky to have you. You’re cute, you have style, and I’ve heard you singing and so has he and he loves your voice, you’re a great friend Alex. I don’t know if you consider us friends but I think we are. You blush at the cutest things. I personally think you and him are a great pair and if someone did this whole scavenger hunt and gifts for me, I would fall in love with that person, because it shows how much you mean to them. I’m kind of jealous that no one did this for me. But enough you need to go find your man. Do you have the clue figured out yet?’

‘Yeah it’s the pool.’

‘Well go get your man,’ Matt says and gently pushes me towards the door.

I open the door and Matt stays sitting in the car, ‘You’re not coming with?’

‘Nope, this is where my mission ends. Good luck Alex.’

‘Thanks Matt. Bye.’

I walk toward the pool and I open the doors, and the lights come on. I see a heart on one of the bleachers and walk over to it. just keep swimming ;) I pull out my phone and text; The pool and receive one back right away; i’ve given you clues all day to who i Am; just look back at all of our Text and you will know who i am <3

I look back at all of our messages and notice that one of the letters is capital when they shouldn’t be. Like the J in just, A for a, C for can't, K in kisses, B in bow, A in and, R in together, A in a, K in koi, A in am, and T in text.

My eyes widen when I realize it’s Jack. I just stand there. How could I been so oblivious about this? He’s talked to me way more than normal, he’s shared Kisses with me, he’s helped me with everyone staring at me when I got the Crush and when everyone was at my locker. And he’s been flirting with me all week.

I hear a noise behind me but I don’t turn, I just pull out my cell phone and text Jack, my crush; Why me? I hear a phone buzz behind me and I turn and see Jack standing in a big heart made out of the hose to clean the pool with, he looks up at me from his phone, and says, ‘Why not?’

He walks his way over to me and sits both of our phones on the bleachers and grabs my hands, looks into my eyes and smiles.

‘Alex, why wouldn’t I want to be with you? You’re cute, amazingly smart, genuine, an amazing singer, your love for the best candy ever made,’ he smirks, ‘you’re a great friend, you’re gay so that’s a plus.’

I look down at our hands and start biting my bottom lip, when he pulls one his hands away from mine and puts it on my chin and raises my head up so I’m looking at him again.

‘You always look cute, I love when you blush, and if you don’t stop biting your bottom lip, I’m going to do something about it.’ I let my lip go. ‘You have the most amazing caramel eyes that I get lost in all the time, you’re nice to everyone, and you look good in just about anything.’ I blush at that. ‘I should know I’ve seen you in your boxer briefs and nothing else.’ I start blushing more. ‘But what I’m trying to say Lex is that anyone would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend, Valentine, or friend. And I want you to be all three. So Alexander Gaskarth, will you be mine?’ He reaches behind his back and moves his hand back and is holding a rose, handing it to me.

I look between him and the rose, and then back at the rose then him. I bite my lip. I take the rose from him.

‘Yea…yes Jack. I’ll be yours.’

He looks at me and smiles. ‘Can I have a kiss?’

‘I don’t hav…have any.’

‘Alex I wasn’t talking about those kind,’ Jack smirks.

‘Oh.’ I look down at my shoes.

‘What’s wrong babe?’

‘I’ve...um…never been kissed before. I don…don’t think I will be any good,’ I say still looking at my shoes.

Jack takes his hand and places it on my chin and moves it up and has me looking him in the eyes. ‘I’ll be the judge of that, that’s if you will let me.’

I shake my head yes and he leans in and kisses me softly. He moves his hand to the back of my neck and I do the same thing to him. I run my hands through the hair at the back of his head, moaning softly. He leans back and looks at me and says, ‘Wow.’ I look at him and bite my bottom lip. ‘Wow.’

He leans back in for another kiss and I return it, he runs his tongue along my bottom lip and a slowly open my lips and he slides his tongue into my mouth, tasting me and me tasting him. And he does taste like Kisses and I love it. He leans back away from me and my cheeks are red and his are too.

‘Do you want…want to com…come back to my house and watch a movie?’ I ask.

He smiles and says, ‘I would love too.’

We walk out to his car and head off to my house. We stop at a stop sign and he takes the hand closest to me off the steering wheel and tangles it with mine, I look up at him and he smiles.

We arrive at my house and it’s around three and I see Matt getting out of his car as Jack pulls into my driveway. He smiles and gives us the thumbs up and I laugh, Jack walks around the car and lacing our fingers together again and walks up to the house.

‘Um what…what movie did you want to watch?’

Jack smiles, ‘I don’t care as long as I’m with you I could care less.’

We walk into the living room and he sits on the couch while I pick out a random movie, putting it in the DVD player and hitting play. I walk over to the couch and sit down next to him. He puts his arm around me and I snuggling into his side.

‘I can’t believe you’re mine,’ Jack says and kisses my forehead that laying on his shoulder.

I blush and say, ‘This is the best Valentine’s Day ever.’

A/N: epilogue tomorrow if anyone wants it. Happy Valentine's Day. ♥

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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