I got a crush on you. 4/?

Feb 14, 2013 18:40

Title: I got a crush on you 4/?
Author: jalex_bandwhore
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary:Alex is shy, quiet and reserved but he has a secret.
A secret crush on all-state swim champion Jack Barakat.
But little does he know that this Valentine's Day will change everything.
Disclaimer: Totally happened
Author Notes: bottom

Jack and I walked over to Matt’s house, just as Jack was about to open the door, when the door opens and Matt is standing there. ‘About time you two! Coach is going to kill us Jack!’

‘Matt, calm your balls we still have a half an hour till we have to get there. Jeeze!’

I just stand there trying not to laugh at the two of them, when Matt looks at me and I just start laughing.

‘What are you laughing at Gaskarth?’

‘Noth…nothing,’ I try to say through my laughing. Jack looks at Matt and Matt looks at Jack and they just start laughing too. We all stop laughing and Matt clears his throat and says, ‘Let’s go.’

Jack and I follow behind him to his car, I get in the backseat and Jack gets in the back with me and I look at him just about to ask what he’s doing when Matt gets in the car and starts it up, turning to see me and Jack in the backseat raising his eyebrow at Jack.

‘Onward noble driver,’ Jack said and I just looked at him.

‘I am not your taxi driver, Barakat.’

‘Mmhmm Flyzik, now drive before you make us later and Coach kills us.’

‘Ugh I hate you Barakat.’

‘Love you too Fly.’

Matt drove us to the school and Jack got out of the car before Matt did and tossed a few dollars at him, I started laughing.

‘What the hell, Barakat? You owe me more than $2!’ Matt yelled and got out of the car and chased after while I was following behind them laughing at them. Matt got to the door before Jack and went in and started talking to one of the other swimmers, Josh, I think that was his name.

Jack held the door open for me and I said, ‘Thank you, peasant.’

Jack looked at me shocked that I would say that to him and Matt started laughing at Jack, ‘haha that’s what you get Barakat.’

‘Barakat, Flyzik get changed now!’ we all turned and saw Coach standing by the locker rooms.

‘Gotta go, bye Alex,’ Matt said and turned and went into the locker rooms.

Jack looked up at me and said, ‘Now it’s your turn,’ and walked away. Now it’s my turn!? What?! I stood there confused for a moment and then I turned and walked towards the pool. There are only a few people in there sitting on the bleachers and a few swimmers getting a few last minute tips from Coach.

I see Matt come out him in Jammers and dear lord, someone save me! Why did I wear skinny jeans again?! Calm down its Matt your neighbor since you were five. I am good now. Jack walked out and let’s just say Oh sweet Jesus. God hates me. He hates me. I am going to die tonight. Yup, that pretty much sums up it right now. How am I supposed to hang out with them after this? Oh shit, Jack is looking up at me, pretend like nothing is wrong.

My phone buzzes in my pocket; I pull it out of my jeans and look at the screen.

Unknown Number: You look cute tonight.

I look up and look around to see if anyone is looking at me. I see no one. Should I text back? If I do, what should I say? My phone buzzes again with another text from the unknown number; I love when you bite your bottom lip I look up from my phone and look around letting my bottom lip go and try not to bite it again, still no one is looking at me. I go to save the unknown number when I get another text; I can’t wait to reveal who I am to you tomorrow . I hurry up and save the number as Crush ♥ before I get another text.

My phone buzzes about twenty minutes later Listen to All I Ever Wanted by TwentyforSeven before the meet starts, it reminds me of you ;)

‘Barakat get off your phone and pay attention,’ I hear Coach yell at Jack.

I pull out my headphones and look up the song my crush tells me to listen to. I pay attention to the lyrics and one part stands out to me; Never felt this way about someone I've never met before it's unusual for me to meet someone and fall in love because you're perfect all I ever wanted was you it’s from the note on my locker. But he changed the ‘never’ to ‘ever’. I look up to see Matt looking up at me and smiling, I smile back. And listen to All I Ever Wanted again.

About twenty minutes later, the meet is about to start. Jack and Matt end up in the last race; I get a few more texts from my crush. I can’t wait to redeem those Kisses for real ones, I think your stutter is cute, and you have a gift in your room when you get home.

I look up when Jack and Matt get up and start to stretch, and Jack of course had to bend over facing away from me so I could see his ass. He stands back up and looks back at the bleachers where I’m sitting and smirk. Wait was he doing that on purpose? No, he wouldn’t do that on purpose. Focus Alex.

Matt walks up to the block and gets ready to get into the pool for his relay with two other guys I don’t know their names and Jack behind them. The starting pistol goes off and Matt is in the water and he’s doing really well. The other boy gets on the block and then Matt touches the wall and he jumps in and pretty much does the same thing as Matt, then the other boy gets on the block and does the same thing as Matt and the other guy did. Jack gets on the block and he looks towards the crowd, smiles and then gets ready and dives in. HOLY SHIT Jack is fast. Jack swims back and touches the wall and we win. And Jack sets a new school record with fastest time.

Everyone in the bleachers starts to head down, going to their cars or to talk to the swimmers. I slowly head down and Jack sees me and attacks me. I hug him back, very shocked because Jack is hugging me, Jack is only in his Jammers, and his parents are standing by Matt and his parents. He pulls back and looks at me and I’m blushing. ‘Sorry Alex. I’m just excited.’

‘It’s…it’s o…okay Jack.’ I say as he looks at me, I start biting my lip.

‘Congrats son,’ Jack’s dad says, and looks between us.

‘Who is this, Jack?’ I turn to see Jack’s mom pointing towards me.

‘This is Alex, he’s Matt’s neighbor,’ Jack says and smiles at me.

‘Nice to meet you Alex,’ Jack’s mom says and smiles.

‘H..hi Misses Bara…Barakat,’ I nervously say to her.

‘Isn’t he just the cutest thing?’ Jack’s mom says to Matt’s parents who have walked back over to them. I start to blush more and bite my bottom lip, looking down at the floor.

‘Mom, dad, thanks for coming tonight, but Matt and I have to go get changed and then we’re taking Alex out to eat something to eat,’ Jack says to his parents and hugs them both.

‘It was nice meeting you Alex again,’ Jack’s mom smiles and grabs her husband’s arm and they walk out the doors.

‘We’ll be right back give us like 20 minutes and we’ll be ready to go, okay Alex,’ Matt says as he starts to walk towards the locker room grabbing Jack’s arm and pulling him away from me.

‘O…okay Matt,’ I say and walk out towards the cafeteria and sit down on one of the chairs. When my phone buzzes, I pull out my phone from my pocket. It’s from my parents, letting me know that they have to stay late at work, so I text them back that it’s okay; I’m out with Matt and Jack and not to worry. They tell me to have fun and be safe.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack and Matt are walking out of the locker room, showered and dressed. I look up and start to get up when Josh Franceschi walks out the door behind them, ‘Hey guys. Are you going to Max’s party tonight?’

‘Uh no. We’re going out to grab something to eat,’ Matt says as they start walking towards me.

‘You’re ditching the party to get hang out with Gayskank?’ Josh says.

I have never personally seen Jack or Matt mad but now that I have, here’s a little bit of advice; never piss them off. They just stop, turn around and look at Josh, ‘And what’s wrong hanging out with Alex?’ Matt asks Josh.

‘He weird and gay,’ Josh replies back.

‘Josh… I’m bisexual and Matt is gay. Does that make us weird too?’ Jack replies back.

‘No, he’s…he’s…’ Josh says.

‘He’s what Josh?’ Jack asks.


‘That’s what I thought. Now we’re going to go be weird together,’ Matt says and Jack walks over to me, grabbing my hand and helping me up.

We walk towards the doors, and Josh yells my name. We all turn and look at him and he walks over.

‘Hey Alex, I’m sorry for calling you weird. If Flyzik and Barakat think you’re alright and cool to hang out with then you’re good in my book.’

‘Thanks,’ I say and we turn and walk out to Matt’s car. Jack gets into the backseat with me again and Matt jokes with him. We decide that since Jack broke the school record he gets to pick where we eat. He chose Steak N Shake.

We get a table and order our food and drinks, and talk while we wait. Our food comes about fifteen minutes later and Jack says he has to use the restroom, so here leaves Matt and I at the table.

‘I’m glad you decided to come tonight. Are you having fun at least?’ Matt asks.

I look up and take a drink of my water before answering, ‘Yeah, I’m having a good time. Thanks for inviting me out to get food afterwards.’

‘Oh that wasn’t my idea to get food afterwards, which was Jack’s. I planned on just going home afterwards like we normally do. I had told him that you were thinking about going when I saw him in the hall after I borrowed your book.’

‘Oh,’ I look down at my fries and start to blush a little.

‘Hey Alex?’ I look up at Matt. ‘Do you happen to like Jack…you know more than a friend?’

And before I get to say anything Jack comes back and sits down, looking between Matt and me. I blush and start eating some fries, trying not to make eye contact with Matt.

We finish eating and continue talking, me not as much, but still enough to be there. I can’t believe Matt asked me that, I was about to tell him the truth. I do like Jack; I’ve liked him since freshman year, when they became best friends. My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket and I see it’s from my crush; Smile. It looks good on you. I instantly smile at my phone and Matt notices my mood change.

‘Whatcha smiling at Alex?’


‘Uh huh sure, who you texting?’

‘No…no one.’

‘Mmmhmmm, Jack what do you think?’ He turns and looks at Jack and he smirks.

‘I think it must have to do with all the gifts he’s gotten from someone.’

‘Good thinking Jack. So does it have to deal with your mystery person and all the gifts?’

I just look at Matt, then Jack and say, ‘Yeah,’ and start blushing and biting my lip.

‘Tell me what you know!’ Matt says excitedly.

‘I um don’t know anything really. He…he send me a Crush on Mon…Monday, 3 bags of Kisses, um some boxers and boxer briefs with Kisses on them, and you saw my locker today. And…and he was there tonight at the meet. And he’s been texting me sweet things.’

‘What kinds of sweet things?’ Matt asks.

‘Um...he just texted me, he likes…likes when I smile,’ I look up from the table.

‘He sounds perfect, don’t you think Jack?’

‘He sounds alright,’ and he smirks.

Just then the waitress comes up and takes all their plates, and places their check on the table. Jack and Matt both grab for it and start arguing whose paying and what not while I just sit back and laugh.

Five minutes later, Matt and Jack finally stop arguing over whose paying. Jack ends up paying for his self and me, and Matt pays for his self. We head out to Matt’s car and he drives us back to his house. I get out of the car and tell Matt and Jack thanks for inviting me out and I’ll see them tomorrow.

I go inside my house and say hi to my parents and we talk for a little bit. I tell them I’m tired so I head up to my room. I open the door and I toss my jacket on the computer chair in the corner and walk over to my bed, but I notice something that wasn’t there when I left. A note and not just any note, a note from my crush.

You looked really cute tonight. Never forget to smile. It makes my day knowing that you’re happy. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Your crush

I smile and then my phone buzzes and it’s Matt. Alex, you never answered my question tonight. Do you like Jack more than a friend? I start to reply when he texts me again. I promise I won’t tell him I take a deep breath and reply back; Yes. Matt doesn’t reply back, but my phone does buzz again, from my crush Good night love. Xoxo

A/N: I will be posting the big reveal as soon as I get it written, today hopefully, going to go write it now. ♥

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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