Black Roses and Rainbows (9/?)

Aug 24, 2009 15:26

Title: Black Roses and Rainbows (9/?)
Author:  waters_bitch
Pairing: Alex/Jack, mentions of Rian/Shaant and Jack/OFC
Rating: NC-17
POV:  Jack’s/first
Summary: Jack is a 'volunteer' at the local library. Alex's a recluse with a dark past who comes in weekly for comics. Alex stirs Jack's curiosity, and as any nineteen year old with no life would, he begins to stalk the mysterious older man.
Disclaimer: I can’t even get in contact with their lawyer anymore. Last time I asked him to sign the papers, he laughed at me. D:
Author Notes: First ever chaptered fic, ye be warned. I’m hoping it’ll be immense, seeing as I have all summer to work on it.  This chapter’s dedicated to everyone who puts up with my sporadic updates. And for everyone who suggested pairings for my BRAR sidefic. Do you know how hard it is to write porn with your mom sitting right behind you reading New Moon?
Warnings: Lots of vulgarity, and a lot of naughtiness. Like, sexual naughtiness.

“Why is it so hard to even look me in the eye, huh?”

I was staring straight at him, trying to catch his gaze. The couch felt hard and unyielding underneath my ass, and I was getting extremely uncomfortable being here with this silent treatment and Alex ignoring me. I’d just begun to think that maybe this whole thing was a mistake when he finally- finally looked up at me with those watery brown eyes. My heart clenched briefly, but I wasn’t going to go easy on him. He’d clearly wanted to avoid me today, there was no other explanation.

I stared Alex down as he wrung his white-knuckled hands together. The sound of his artists’ calluses scraping against each other mixed with the scent of hand sanitizer and something like honeydew- it caught me up in it’s allure, and I moved closer on the couch. Shaant had stomped down the stairs not ten minutes before, and after hearing the soft click of the lock behind him, I felt it was safe to assume he wouldn’t be back up anytime soon.

Alex turned his face away, a subtle flush spreading down his neck, disappearing into his loose-necked sweater. I reached out with my large hand, and cupped his shoulder, scooting closer still.

If this asshole wanted to get rid of me after last night, he was gonna have to try a helluva lot harder than this.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt like I’d vomit it up into his lap if I wasn’t careful. The image of my heart pulsing in a red gooey mess on his thigh made my dick twitch in my skinny jeans, and I made a mental note to ask mom to take me to see the psychiatrist soon. I swallowed it back down, fighting for control of myself. Though my fingers shook, they still clenched firm onto their mark.

Alex inhaled sharply at the feel of my hand on the bare skin of his neck. I heard him murmur as I slid it up- he even went so far as to crane his neck, to stretch his face away from me and give me more of that soft, clean skin to molest. I fingered  his adam’s apple, and paused at his sigh. Watched his eyes slide shut, the brown lashes fan against the hot flare of his cheek. Watched him shift as if uncomfortable.

My gaze shifted down to his lap, and as I watched, the lump grew with each subtle twitch of my fingers against his flesh. I had no idea that just touching his neck would do that, and when he whined I pressed more firmly, watching as his hips bucked, his hands tightening into fists on his thighs.

This whole thing was starting to affect me, too. I felt my cock scrape against the cotton of my briefs, and grabbed his neck. His eyes turned to me when I started pulling him closer.

When he realized what I wanted, he folded himself into me, his arm coming up around my neck shyly, the other grabbing my thigh tentatively. My own hands held his neck and cheek, and I reveled in our hot breath mingling between us before smoothing our lips together. He pulled away briefly, looking unsure. When he started to say something, I scowled and slapped a hand over his mouth.

“Just shut it, Alex Gaskarth. Go with it for once in your life.”

And with that, I smashed my lips against his.

We melted into each other, fitting ourselves seamlessly into one writhing, sexual mass. I slid our hips together as we slid halfway off the couch, tongues pressing tight together, sliding and tasting. When he threw his head back, I watched his eyelashes flutter, the string of spit snapping off. His tongue peeked out to lick up the remnants of our sloppy kiss as he pushed against me, his arousal hot and strong and hard against my own.

I shuddered and shifted us, so that I was half on top of him, my arm pressed against the back of the couch to steady myself as I started to rut against him. His hands had found my hips, and constantly pulled me down, down, down into him. I was breathing so hard I could hear it, and Alex was letting out the most glorious breathy moans, nothing too girly but just feminine enough to turn me on that much more. I opened my mouth wide and let my vision swim, and everything pulsed around me at the same pace as my blood and my dick.


Aw, shit Alex, don’t call my name like that- didn’t he know how hard I was trying to hold back from fucking his ass right here on his living room couch?

I felt a warm heat spread out across my thighs, and felt Alex stiffen, his eyes wide, staring up at me in wonder. He let out a final gasp and relaxed, palming his dick through his damp jeans one final time.

My own cock was still aching, and I reached down with shuddering hands to pop the button on my jeans and whip it out. I didn’t care that Alex was watching, didn’t care that he’d see my Barney briefs. I just- this had to be done, otherwise I’d try to do something we’d both regret later.

I palmed it, shifting my hand against the slick skin, wet with my precome already. It helped, and I slid my hand across it in a blur, on my knees, hovering over Alex while he watched. I let my head fall forward as I groaned, letting my thumb slide across the throbbing head briefly before continuing.

I nearly came when I met Alex’s wide eyes, but thankfully he shifted them down to where my hand was flying over my arousal. It was starting to hurt a little bit, but I could feel the end getting pretty close. I held my breath and closed my eyes, working myself hard and fast.

Suddenly, I felt a wet heat around just the tip of my dick, and my eyes flew open and I shouted. I looked down, shocked to see that Alex had slid his upper body down off the couch so he could tongue my slit, his half-lidded gaze watching me. I could tell he was unsure, his hands hesitant on my jean-clad thighs.

“Shit,” I moaned shakily as I reached down to push my pants down further, giving him room to work with. He smiled against my cock before taking a little over half of it in his mouth and sucking, his cheeks burning red with what I could only assume was embarrassment.

That was enough, the visual combined with the disbelief and sensations caused me to blow, right into his mouth. I think he was a little shocked, and I was too, but I pushed his head off a bit, until just the tip was resting against his tongue and let the rest of my load slide down his throat. He didn’t pull away until I was finished, and I was still shaking and moaning blearily when he sat up and pulled me close.

His skinny arms hugged me tight, and I couldn’t help it- I started laughing against his shoulder. I could feel him smiling against my hair, and I clutched his shirt, still hovering on my knees over him.

“So glad you two had that heart-to heart.”

Shaant’s voice startled us both, and I rushed to do my pants back up, to preserve at least a little bit of what dignity I had left. He was grinning at us from the hallway, arms crossed and smug as hell.

Alex scoffed from under me, helping me button my jeans. “Shut up and go away, pest.”

“No. I think I want to watch TV.”

Shaant bounced over to me and Alex, settling next to us with a smirk. He dug the remote out from the cushion behind him and flicked the TV on, settling himself in.

I rolled my eyes and gave Alex a peck on the cheek before sliding down off his lap to snuggle up next to him. He slid an arm around me, and overall seemed much more comfortable with being so close to me. I watched his face closely as he watched the screen, his gaze thoughtful.

Fingering a hole in his jeans, I cleared my throat. He looked down at me curiously, and I grinned.

“So… wanna go out this Tuesday?”

AN:  The sidestory's almost DONE!!! Whooo! Sorry this took so long, had to gear myself up to write this. I blushed the whole way through, lol. I know I said there'd be a 'talk', but, oh well. :D Short because it just felt right to end it there, sorry.

author: waters_bitch, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, chaptered: black roses and rainbows, rating: nc-17

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