Damned If I Do Ya 13/13

Aug 24, 2009 13:40

Title:  Damned If I Do Ya
Author: desperate2break
Rating:  U
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Oli Sykes
POV:  Zack Merrick
Summary: Zack is a born-rich kid with nothing but time on his hands. He knows only luxury and when he wants something, he wants it now. A whole new world is revealed to him when he meets humble Oliver Sykes...
Warnings: THE LAST CHAPTER!! Tissues at the ready!
Dedications: .All my readers, past and present; I <3 you all! 
Disclaimer: I own no one and nothing. But, should anyone want to gift me with anything...

So I suppose this is it, guys. I enjoyed this story to no end; writing and reading your comments. Your comments alone picked me up on my most darkest days. Thank you all, truly.
I'll be absent from All Time Slash but if you want more fic, I'll be frequenting my own journal without a doubt. Love you all!

            'I never wanted to say goodbye...It's so hard.'

'I don't want to say goodbye either but if it makes you happy then...'

'I'm gonna miss you so much.'

I stared into my baby sister's eyes and hugged her tight, as tight as I possibly could. 'Take care, okay?'

'I will.' She bowed her head and smiled tearily. 'You better go before Mom and Dad come down.'

I exchanged a glance with Oli, who was waiting in a corner, hands nervously clasped together. Then I faced Matthew and smiled.

'Sir,' he said, raising a handkerchief to his watering eyes.

'Matthew, I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me. Over the years you've become my confidant, my friend, my family...I hate to leave you behind. I'll miss you.'

My butler of eighteen years suddenly broke down and clutched me. Then he caught himself and stood up straight. 'I shall miss you also, Sir. You have become something of a son to me - if I may say so.'

I grasped his hand in both of my own. 'Matthew, it's been eighteen years. No more "Sir". Please.'

'Yes...Zack.'  This brought further tears to his eyes as he hurried us out of the house. He turned to Oli and took him by the shoulders. 'Oliver. This boy means very much to me. Please take care of him. Guard him with your life.'

'Matthew,' I groaned, half-smiling.

'I will,' Oli assured. 'I promise.'    He shot a grin at me and took my hand.

'What time is our train?' Oli asked me softly, swinging my hand as we walked along the beach.

'An hour ago,' I grinned. I indicated the golden sand for him to sit there and lay beside him. 'No rush.' 
He curled up at my side and cuddled me, putting his lips to my ear. He pressed kisses behind my earlobe and down my neck.
'So this is the beginning of the rest of our lives, huh?'

'I guess so,' I mumbled, closing my eyes. He rolled over so that he was facing me properly and I laced my fingers with his. 'Are you ready for it?'

'As long as I'm with you, I'm always ready.' 
I traced a fingertip along his jaw and tilted his head to kiss him.

'Mmm.' He broke away. 'Your phone.'

I fumbled with the zipper on Oli's backpack. My mother's number was blazing on the screen.
I groaned aloud. 'Hello?'

'Zackery! Don't think I don't know what you're up to - I know exactly where you are; you're with that boy --'

'Time to go.'

'What's wrong?' Oli asked, standing with me.

'She's on the move.' I pushed my lips against his. 'I guess this is it.'

'This is it.'

We glanced over at the sunset, seeming to lower with every moment.

'Hey,' Oli whispered, clutching my hand. 'Do me a favour?'

'Anything, Love.'

'Bring me the Horizon.'

pairing: zack merrick/oliver sykes, rating: pg-13, author: desperate2break, chaptered: damned if i do ya

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