untitled (s/a)

Aug 14, 2009 00:28

Title: untitled (s/a)
Author: wonderclam
Rating: nc17
Pairing: Jack/Alex
Summary: Jack+Alex+oil
Disclaimer: as real as the unicorns that frolic through the grounds of my castle.
Dedications: um… austinattack‘s userpic, ‘cause that was my inspiration. (i don’t know if alex is shoving jack’s face into a stove, but that’s what i saw at first glance.)
Author Notes: so, yeah, this is my absolute, one hundred percent, very first attempt at writing anything slashy… i hope it’s not completely awful. if so, i apologize. and i’m a big time lurker, so since i’ve never left comments for anything i’ve read here (even though i do love a lot of the stories here ^_^) i don’t really expect anything for this. i just wanted to feel like i was really part of the community :)
betaed by my friend chaz101743
and now I’m off to watch ATL on Conan :)

“Jack is withering away to nothing,” Jack whined pathetically and clutched at his rumbling stomach.

The four band members had been cooped up in Alex and Rian’s apartment for the better part of a week working on new material.  They had been working so diligently that they had forgotten to go to the grocery store until they realized there was absolutely no food left.  Or they were all just too lazy to go.  Whichever.

“Then go and find something to eat,” Rian suggested to him.

“But there’s no food in the kitchen,” Jack complained.

“Then go to the store or something,” Rian said.  He laid his head against the back of the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes.

“Hey, no sleeping.  We’ve still got work to do,” Zack spoke up when he noticed Rian relaxing.

“I’m not sleeping; I’m just resting my eyes for like two seconds.  We’ve been working for like 7,000 hours already today,” Rian said.

“Yeah, and food breaks come every 7,000 hours,” Jack interjected, looking pleadingly over at Zack.

“Did someone say food?” Alex asked as he came back into the room from the bathroom.

“Yeah, Rian’s gonna get us food,” Jack announced.

“Awesome!” Alex exclaimed excitedly as he took a seat on the couch next to Jack.

“Hey, I never agreed to that!” Rian yelled, opening his eyes to glare at a grinning Jack.

“Are you sure?  ‘Cause I think you did,” Jack said teasingly.

“Go get your own food, bitch,” Rian retorted, throwing a wadded up piece of paper at him.

“Haha, Jack’s a bitch,” Alex taunted his friend, pointing and laughing at him.

“I am not!” Jack protested.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

“Hey, Jack, hand me that pen,” Alex said suddenly.

Without giving it a second thought, Jack picked up the pen Alex had pointed to and gave it to him.

“See; totally my bitch,” Alex said triumphantly.

“Fuck you,” Jack said and flipped him off.  He got up from the couch and disappeared down the hall Alex had just emerged from.

“Alright, I’ll go to the store,” Zack volunteered, realizing that no more work would get done until they were fed.  He put his guitar down and stood up.  “What do we want?” he asked.

“Sloppy Joes!” Jack cheered from somewhere down the hall.

“Ok, let’s go,” Zack said, motioning for Rian to follow him and starting towards the door.

“Wait, what?  We don’t even get a say?” Rian said indignantly.  “And what do you mean ‘let’s go’?  I never said I was going.”

“Dude, shut up and find your shoes.  I’m not going by myself.  If I have to work, someone else does, too.  You can’t all sit around here and do nothing while I’m gone,” Zack said, pulling on his shirt.

“No, take Alex,” Rian said defiantly and leaned back in the chair again, crossing his arms.  He stared at Zack challengingly.  Zack looked over at Alex, who in turn looked at Rian.

Not wanting to go, Alex quickly tried to think of a way out of it.  “Are you sure you want to be stuck here with Jack?  He might try to rape you or something,” he came up with.

Rian looked over at him, obviously thinking it over.

“Aren’t you afraid he’d try to rape you if you stay here?” he asked.

That was the obvious question that Alex should have expected to receive, but he just shrugged it off and said nonchalantly, “Psh, no.  I can totally take him.”

“And you’re saying I couldn’t?  What a friend you are,” Rian complained, staring at Alex disbelievingly and feeling betrayed.  His attitude changed quickly, though, and he said, “Fine, I’ll leave you alone with him.  I hope he does rape you.”

He stood up from his chair to locate his missing shoes.  After pulling them on, he followed Zack out the door, ranting the whole time about broken trust and ruined friendships.

Alex chuckled at him as he pulled the door closed and went into the kitchen to find something to drink.  He hadn’t even found a clean glass when he heard Jack come up behind him.  He smiled and turned around.

“Good idea to get them out,” he complimented Jack.

“Yeah I have those a lot,” Jack said smugly.

Without wasting any more of the little time they had alone, Alex tangled his hands in Jack's hair and pulled him in for a bruising kiss.  Jack responded immediately by opening his mouth and letting Alex's tongue in.  He slid his hands under Alex's shirt and ran them up along the smooth skin of his back.  Alex hummed in pleasure, continuing to explore Jack's mouth as he pushed him up against the counter next to the stove.  Jack slid his hands around to Alex's chest, tracing the lightly defined muscles there.  He pulled Alex's shirt up then, breaking their kiss just long enough to get it over his head.  Once it was off, Alex reconnected their lips, shoving his tongue back into Jack's mouth without hesitation.  He wrapped his arms loosely around Jack's shoulders as he let the other boy's hands continue to roam around his torso.

Jack's hands eventually worked their way back around to Alex's back.  He pulled him closer, rubbing their hardening groins together.  Alex groaned loudly and dug his fingernails into Jack's back.

"Take your shirt off," he ordered suddenly.  Jack did as he was told, earning an appreciative smirk as he tossed the article of clothing somewhere that was away.

"Good boy," Alex said.  He rested his fingers on Jack's chest and kissed him again.  As he trailed his lips along Jack's jaw and down to the crook of his neck, his fingers slid down Jack's flat stomach until they reached the tops of his pants.  Jack tilted his head to the side some, giving Alex better access to the sensitive spot on the side of his throat as he felt fingers playing with the buckle of his belt.  When it was undone, Alex quickly unfastened his pants and stuck his hand inside Jack's boxers, grabbing his length and stroking it slowly.  Jack shivered in delight and bucked into Alex's fist, holding onto his shoulders to keep himself standing.  Alex bit down sharply on Jack's shoulder where he knew the dark haired boy loved it, just hard enough to leave a faint mark.

"Oh God," Jack moaned.  "Stop playing around and fuck me already," he demanded.

Alex's lips curled into a devious smirk against Jack's skin.  He removed his hand from Jack's pants and placed one on each of his hips instead.

Ignoring Jack's whine of protest, he forcefully spun him around.  Jack caught the oven door handle to steady himself and watched Alex's hand reach up and open the cupboard door next to his head.

"What are you doing?" he asked when Alex pulled a bottle of something out of the cabinet.

"Quiet," was all Alex said.  He set the bottle down on the counter and yanked Jack's pants down to his knees.  Jack gasped as the material slid over his sensitive cock, freeing it at last.  Alex picked up the bottle again, giggling in his head at the 'Extra Virgin Olive Oil' printed on the label.  He unscrewed the cap and poured some onto the small of Jack's back.  Jack gasped again at the cool sensation against his overly warm skin.  Alex caught the drops of thick liquid with his finger and smeared it down between Jack's cheeks.  He found the tight ring of muscle there and massaged around it a few times before slipping his oily finger inside.

Jack's breathing hitched and then sped up.  He panted as Alex opened him up, rocking back to take in more of Alex's fingers.  He groaned at the loss of contact when Alex removed them to unbutton his own jeans.  Alex grabbed the bottle of oil again and poured some into his palm.  He rubbed the slippery substance onto his erection and lined himself up with the body in front of him.

Jack grunted when Alex pushed into him quickly and without warning.  His muscles tightened around the intrusion, trying to force it back out.  Alex waited a few minutes for him to get accustomed to it before pulling out a little ways and slamming back into him.  His first thrust had apparently been in the right spot judging by the way Jack cried out and fell forward slightly.  Encouraged by his instant success, he kept up the same pace, aiming for the same spot every time until Jack reached for his leaking erection.  Alex, however, had other plans and grabbed Jack's hand before he could touch himself.

"What the hell?" Jack panted when Alex grabbed his other hand and pinned them both behind his back, forcing him to fall forward against the cool porcelain of the stovetop.  Not bothering to answer him, Alex leaned over his back slightly, his right hand landing between Jack's head and the back burner while his left kept Jack's hands firmly behind his back.  The steady pace he had been keeping up faltered somewhat as his legs started to shake.

Having forgotten about touching himself, Jack's full attention was focused on the tingly feeling forming in his stomach as Alex pounded against his prostate repeatedly, speed increasing with each thrust.

"Ah, Alex," Jack moaned, not quite knowing if Alex was pleasuring or torturing him.  Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore, Alex thrust in at the perfect angle and Jack exploded against the front of the stove.  With the added pressure of Jack’s muscles tightening around him, it only took a few more erratic thrusts for Alex's orgasm to hit him.

He came with a long, low groan and then collapsed on top of Jack's back, resting his sweaty forehead against one of Jack's equally sweaty shoulders.  Once his breathing had pretty much returned to normal he smirked and turned his head to whisper into Jack's ear, "See; totally my bitch."


Again, if it’s terrible, I’m sorry. If you wanna let me know what I could do better, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for reading ^_^

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, standalone, rating: nc-17, author: wonderclam

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