Title: It Was Always You 2/15
Author: Reina
new_againxo Pairing: Past: Jack/Alex; Current: Jack/Zack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: If you asked Jack Barakat how he ended up like this, he’d tell you it was all Alex’s fault. He’d tell you Alex gave up.
Really though, Jack Barakat doesn’t have much room to talk.
The truth is, Jack gave up too.
Warnings: Mentioning of MPREG
Disclaimer: I don't know/own/associate myself with All Time Low or any other person mentioned in this.
A/n: Okay so this is my new chaptered fic. I know right now it's not Jalex but I still think that all you people who refuse to read anything that's not Jalex should read it because you know...There are 15 chapters for the pairing to change. Just saying.
(I'll be your levy.)