All Was Golden In The Sky [19/20]

Oct 16, 2010 17:04

It had been five months since the whole ordeal and things were great. Gabe and Lilly were still happy, Spencer and Diane sadly were on a break, not because they weren’t in love anymore, but because Diane wanted to concentrate double hard on her exams, she wanted the right grades to get to the college she wanted. She loved Spencer a lot, but she couldn't balance the two and she desperately wanted to be accepted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Emma and William had gone away for the week to England to visit some of Emma’s friends and had returned with something new. A sparkling promise ring on Emma’s finger. This was obviously a MAJOR deal for us, and we celebrated with a highly sophisticated party...nah fuck that, we had a huge piss up.

Jon and Gina finally got together, after months of endless flirting and all of us telling them to get together, they did and they’re amazing.

No one saw Pete after that day at the hospital, he just disappeared. No one was bothered.

And me and Ryan? Oh we’re awesome, our love has just grown and there is a lot more trust there now. And we reached our one year mark. That was an enjoyable night I assure you. He didn't need to have chemo any more, as the tumour wasn't doing anything, so that’s very good news.

I was on my way to meet him after work now actually, we had band practise tonight. OH. Oh, oh oh! The best part of the last 5 months. Well our band won that thing in music, naturally, we were awesome. Although the girls were pretty good as well. But the ‘little surprise’ Mr Vinal had planned wasn't actually that small. It was a chance of a record deal. He sorted everything out, and he wasn't promising we were going to get signed, but he said there’s a very good chance.

So 3 weeks later none other than Frank Iero turned up on our door step. I mean seriously, Frank Iero, it’s not every day the guitarist of my chemical romance comes to your house. He was planning, hopefully, to sign us too his record label ‘Skeleton Crew’. We played for him, he loved it, we were happy, he signed us. We were scheduled to be the supporting act for my chem’s tour of the states soon and too say we were excited is an understatement. We have to have tutoring on the tour bus, but who gives a fuck?! We’re going on tour!

“Hey babe” Ryan said, he chucked his cigarette on the floor and stood on it, blowing smoke from his mouth. He kissed me then took my hand. Oh yeah, Ryan had taken up smoking full time, I wasn't that thrilled, but it didn't change him at all, he was still the same Ryan and to be honest it was quite sexy to watch.

“How was work today?” I asked him, swinging our hands.

“Eurgh like most other days, crowded.” He laughed; I grinned and kissed his knuckles.

“Oh well, I have a surprise for you at home, Mrs. Smith helped me set it up” I said, Ryan looked at me with curiosity.

“What is it?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

“It’s a surprise douche bag” I said.

“Last time I had a surprise after work it was a picnic, but I know you and you wouldn't do something twice” Ryan said thoughtfully. I just smiled and let him think to himself.

When we were home, Ryan quickly ran upstairs to change out of his work clothes and to dump his bag. I waited for him at the bottom of the stairs. When he walked back down I took his hand and walked into the kitchen.

“Aww Bren” Ryan smiled, kissing me quickly. On the table, was a big dinner Mrs. Smith and I had cooked. I even went the whole way and added candles. I rushed over to light them, then turned the light off. Ryan’s eyes literally glistened with happiness.

“You really shouldn’t have” Ryan smiled as I led him over to his seat. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

“I wanted to surprise my wonderful boyfriend after a hard day at work, is that so bad?” I grinned, sitting at the other end of the table. Ryan blushed a little and took a sip of water.

“Well I feel bad! I never do nice things for you!” Ryan pouted. I smiled and picked up my fork.

“I have you and that's all I need, now eat you skinny bitch”


“That was amazing, thank you so much” Ryan said, leaning back in his chair. I stood up and took his plate as well as mine over to the sink. I filled the sink up with hot soapy water and started washing up.

“Anytime my love” I replied. Ryan came over and started washing up.

“Bren...” He started. I looked over, smiling.

“Yes?” I asked, Ryan paused, looking at me.


“So Mr. Ross, you were originally going to have chemotherapy in two weeks time?”

“Yes that is correct” Ryan replied, sitting on the hospital bed anxiously. He was twisting his hands together, a habit in this sort of atmosphere.

“Well...I’m sorry to have to say this...but chemo won’t help you” The doctor said. Ryan’s heart skipped a beat.

“Wh...what?” Ryan stuttered. The doctor put a re-assuring hand on Ryan’s shoulder.

“You have the maximum of 6 months left, I advice you spend it with your loved ones, doing as much as you can. You won’t show many signs of illness, you keep your hair obviously and your looks won’t change much. We are guessing that you will feel extremely light headed, as soon as this happens get to hospital, we will try to help as much as can...but we can’t promise anything”

“Can’t you do anything at all? Because the thing is Doc, my boyfriend, yeah that guy who I ran after...well this news will kill him, literally” Ryan said, desperately. The doctor raised an eyebrow.

“Aren’t you worried about dying at all?” He asked. Ryan shrugged.

“It’s not something that scares me really; I just couldn't imagine Brendon not being here. He’s so talented, and if something as selfish as me dying were to take him away, Eurgh, it’s a horrible thought really” Ryan shuddered.

“ really do love him don't you?” the doctor said. Ryan smiled a huge smile and nodded.

“He’s saved me in so many ways; I suppose I could say if it weren’t for him, I wouldn't be who I am today. And I defiantly wouldn't be here to hear this information”


“Spencer, I need to tell you something, I'm trusting you as my best friend not to tell anyone okay?” Ryan started. Everyone was at the mall as it was a cold day and they had nothing else to do. Ryan and Spencer had gone to Starbucks to get drinks for everyone.

“Yeah sure, what’s up?” He asked, biting a straw he has picked up for the fun of it.

“You know I was at the hospital the other day”


“Well they told me some news. Please don't freak, but I'm not having chemo anymore” Ryan said. Spencer’s eyes sparkled.

“Don't you need it anymore? Surely that's good right?” He said excitedly.

“Chemo won’t work...I have six months to live...” Ryan said. Sadness washed over him as he finally took it all in, he had to leave his friends...his Brendon. He had to leave them all behind.

“Oh my god” Ryan and Spencer said in unison. They looked at each other, tears in their eyes.

“I can’t believe it” Spencer mumbled, shaking his head. Tears went down Ryan’s face.

“Well it’s only just hit me, so ya know” Ryan said, wiping the tears away.

“I’m so sorry Ryan...I...oh my god I don't want you to die” Spencer gulped.

“EIGHT LATTES!” Someone shouted. They grabbed a tray and started piling the drinks onto it. As they walked back to the others slowly, as to give them more time to talk, they smiled at each other.

“It does suck doesn’t it” Ryan laughed slightly.

“You’re telling me. So you’re not going to tell Brendon, he’s going to notice something when you don't lose your hair?” Spencer asked.

“ least not yet. I’ll just tell him I don't need it anymore because the tumour isn’t doing anything bad. I don't want to scare him” Ryan said.

“RYAN!” Brendon shouted from the water fountain. Ryan sighed and looked at Spencer.

“Look at him...he’s so happy and I love him so much, I couldn't take that away from him. I’ll tell him when he’s ready to hear...when I'm ready for him to hear”

End flashback.

“Ryaaaaan?” I laughed, Ryan had completely blanked. I flicked water at him, but suddenly he fell to the ground.

“Ryan?!” I shouted, dropping the plate I was washing and kneeled on the floor next to him. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head. Shit shit shit.

“Ryan, talk to me, what’s wrong?” I urged, resting his head on my lap.

“Ho..hos-“ He muttered. I stroked his hair out of his face.

“What? I can’t understand you Ry” I said desperately.

“Hospital” He mumbled before going out cold.

“FUCK” I cried, I picked him up as Spencer came running downstairs.

“Hey what’s all the shout...what’s wrong with Ryan” He said, stopping suddenly and looking terrified.

“Spencer, drive him to the hospital, please” I said, rushing past him as fast as I could whilst carrying Ryan. Spencer grabbed his car keys, slipped on his Vans and followed me to the car. I sat in the back with Ryan, trying to make him wake up. Spencer drove as fast as legally possible, and maybe a little over, to the hospital.

“Spencer I’m so scared” I said, Spencer sniffed; I could tell he was crying.

“So am I Bren” He gulped, wiping his eyes and concentrating on driving. When we got there, I picked Ryan up again and rushed him into the hospital, Spencer hot on my heels. I practically screamed at the receptionist that Ryan needed help straight away. Doctors came and took his from my hands, rushed into a room and shut the door in my face. I let out a cry and broke down to my knees.

“Brendon, come here” Spencer said, taking my hand and leading me to the seats. I followed and sat down, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“Wh-what’s happening to him?” I choked out. Spencer sighed deeply and turned to me, he put his hands on my shoulders.

“Ryan never told you did of course he didn't, he loves you far too much” Spencer muttered. I gulped and stared at him.

“What are you on about? What didn't Ryan tell me?” I asked. Spencer let go of me and clasped his hands together.

“Before I tell you anything, I want to say Ryan didn't tell you this because he didn't want you to be scared or unhappy, or worse, try to kill yourself again. Okay...when Ryan said he didn't need chemo wasn't because the tumour wasn't doing anything. It was because they couldn't do anything about the tumour. He was given 6 months to live...I guess six months are over” Spencer said. I blinked, taking the new information in.

“ Ryan can’t die... I need him” I whispered. This wasn't right, a world without Ryan? No. Just no.

“I know, it’s horrible to think about, I'm so sorry Bren, I really wished that 6 months wouldn't come so quickly” Spencer whispered. I shook my head.

“I didn't say goodbye...I can’t even, no, oh my god no” I muttered. Spencer eyed me.

“Bren?” He said.

“NO” I shouted, running into Ryan’s room. He was lying in the hospital bed, looking peaceful as ever.

“Ryan, babe, you’ll pull through I know you will” I smiled, rushing over to him. Thankfully no one stopped me; they just looked at me with silly looks on their faces. I glared at them and stroked Ryan’s face. This would be kinda cute if it wasn't for the doctors around me and that annoying noise, I don’t know, it kinda sounded like one of those flat line thi-wait.

I looked up to Ryan’s screen.

“No. No Ryan please don't do this to me, please stay” I burst out, tears fully going down my face. I climbed onto the bed and lay next to him, holding his still warm, dead body next to me.

“Sir I really don't think...” Someone started; I glared at them then shut my eyes, praying to anyone that this wasn't real. That Ryan wasn't dead and wasn't ill at all.

No one answered my prayers.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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