All Was Golden In The Sky [16/20]

Oct 16, 2010 17:00

3 hours later, Pete and Ryan lay in a bed, covered in sweat and God knows what. Ryan sighed, regretting it already. They shouldn’t have done that, more importantly he shouldn’t have done that. Yeah it was fun, it was new, but he had cheated on Brendon, the person he loved more than anything in the world.

“Is it alright if I grab a shower quickly?” Ryan asked Pete, he mumbled something that sounded like a yes, so Ryan got off the bed, grabbed his clothes and phone and went into the bathroom. As soon as he got in, he locked the door, dumped his stuff and turned the shower on. He felt hot tears slide down his face, so he stepped into the shower and wiped them away. This was bad, very bad. Bren will know, he will find out somehow.

Ryan finished quickly, got out and wrapped a towel around his middle. He grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Brendon.

I’m at Pete’s, I had no keys, I wanna go home, can you meet me at the house nowish? Xxx

He pressed send, then quickly got dried and changed. He put the towel back, and quietly opened the door, sneaked down stairs, grabbed his bag and put his shoes on and was out the door in record time. He felt a little bad for leaving Pete in bed, un-aware. But he was most likely asleep now anyway. And Ryan had a Brendon to get too. He ended up running to Spencer’s house in spite of himself. It only took him 3 minutes and Brendon was there already, sitting on the door step. He stood up when he was Ryan running towards him.


Ryan jumped into my arms and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I laughed and clung onto him.

“Hello to you too” I grinned, kissing Ryan’s head.

“Are you alright?” I asked when Ryan didn't respond. Ryan nodded his head and let go of me.

“I just missed you today” Ryan said, taking my hand and leading me to the house, I unlocked the door and we stepped in.

“Is Spence still there?” Ryan asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, he said it was the best party he’d been to in ages” I laughed. Ryan’s face dropped.

“Shit, I made you leave the party, I'm really sorry” He said, hugging me again, I wrapped my arms around him gently.

“Shh, calm down babe, I wasn't having fun anyway, I was thinking of you all night, I was worried about you, are you okay?” I asked, rubbing his back. He squeezed tighter.

“Yeah I was just exhausted from work and I was missing you, and Eurgh, it’s been a bad day” Ryan pouted. I held his hands in mine.

“Let’s just go to bed, you’re obviously shattered” I smiled, he nodded and started up the stairs. I followed after him. We stripped down and got into our bed, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

“Now just relax baby, its Saturday tomorrow and we don't have to do anything if you don't want” I suggested. Ryan nodded and sighed softly. I smiled and kissed his head.

“Night baby” I said, but I think he was already half asleep.


The next morning I woke up before Ryan, bless him, he was so tired. I left him in bed, kissed his forehead, then started to get changed. I pulled on some skinnies and a Misfits shirt. Ryan’s phone beeped from the bedside table, Ryan stirred but didn't wake up. I smiled at him and went and got his phone. First I looked at the clock, half 10. Hmm, who would this be, hopefully he didn't have work today or something.

One New Message: Pete

You left me last night :(  x

I read it and frowned, then remembered Ryan went to Pete’s last night...why would he leave without telling Pete?

“What are you doing Bren?” Ryan asked sleepily, I looked over then sat on the edge of the bed.

“Pete text you” I said, Ryan sat up and took the phone, he read the text and smiled.

“He was sleeping on the sofa, I didn't wanna wake him up so I just left” He explained, putting his phone back on the side. I smiled and nodded, a reasonable explanation.

“Go back to sleep baby” I smiled, stroking the hair from his face. He smiled and took my hand.

“I won’t be able to now, but do you want to make me a cup of coffee?” He asked, I smiled and nodded.

“Of course I will” I got up and made my way to the bedroom door.

“Oh and Bren?”


“I love you” Ryan said.

“I love you too Ry” I replied, grinning to myself all the way to the kitchen.


As soon as Brendon left the room Ryan grabbed his phone and started texting Pete.

Last night didn't happen, don't bring it up, and don't text me things like that!

He pressed send, sighed, then lay back down in bed. He pulled the covers up to his chin and stared up at the ceiling. Why him? Why did Pete have to like him?

One New Message: Pete

You can’t pretend like that didn't happen Ry, you enjoyed it ;)

Ryan almost burst into tears as he read the text, of course, Pete wouldn't be able to just drop it. He opened up a new message and started typing back,

I can pretend, just leave me and Brendon alone and forget that ever happened, it meant nothing.

Pete text back in record time.

Ahh...Brendon. Well we’ll see how much it didn't mean to you when I pull Brendon into this.

If Brendon hadn’t actually just walked into the room holding two mugs of coffee then Ryan would have put his head under a pillow and screamed his lungs out. He quickly deleted his inbox and smiled at Brendon.

“Thanks babe” He said, taking one of the mugs and blowing on it before taking a sip.


“Mmm good coffee” Ryan grinned. I laughed.

“Of course it is, I made it, I made Spencer one as well, he has the worst hangover ever. But Diane took it in the end, oh yeah Diane came back with him last night” I explained. Ryan nodded and smiled.

“So what are we doing today?” Ryan asked. I shrugged.

“I was thinking maybe just going to the mall, doing a bit of shopping or something, get something to eat” I suggested, sipping my coffee. Ryan nodded and put his mug on the side.

“Sounds good, I'm gunna get dressed” He said. I nodded and slipped back into bed where it was nice and warm. It smelt like Ryan on this side (funnily enough as he sleeps here) I breathed in deeply and smiled. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Jon whilst waiting for Ryan to get changed.

Yo, you guys wanna go to the mall today?

Jon replied saying he was too hung over to do anything today. I laughed and replied with an alright.

“Is anyone else coming today?” Ryan asked, pulling a t-shirt over his head, then sitting next to me.

“Jon isn’t, to be honest I think they’re all too hung over” I laughed, Ryan grinned.

“How about we stay here and watch films in bed then?” He suggested, I smiled and nodded.

“Sounds like a plan to me” I said, I slid over to my side so that when Ryan came back into bed he could be on his.

“What film, ill run downstairs and get it” Ryan said. I shrugged.

“You choose” I said, drinking my coffee while Ryan went to pick a movie. He came back upstairs holding the case for Romeo and Juliet, the Leonardo DiCaprio version. I laughed.

“Fag” I grinned. He laughed and put it in, grabbing the remote and getting back into bed. He pressed play and we settled down to watch it.

By the end of the film, I was of course was in tears whilst Ryan was as straight-faced as anything.

“How can you not cry at this? The whole ‘he-thinks-she’s-dead-so-kills-himself-but-she’s-actually-not-dead-finds-him-dead-kills-her-self’ thing?” I sniffled. Ryan smiled and wiped my tears away.

“I don't know, usually I do but it hasn’t affected me today, but then again. I’d do the same, if I found you dead, God forbid, I wouldn't be able to live” Ryan said thoughtfully. I looked down at him and raised my eyebrows.

“You would be able to live and you’d do it well, if you ever did find me dead I wouldn't want you to even think about topping yourself!” I protested, Ryan grinned and shook his head.

“You wouldn't know, you’d be dead. But either way, hopefully you’re not gunna die soon anyway” Ryan said.

“Mmmm” I agreed as the film finished.

“Next film” Ryan said.


It was nearing 6 o’clock, Brendon had decided to go meet up with everyone as they had all just about recovered now. Ryan stayed at home, saying he felt stupidly sick. Brendon wasn't happy on leaving him alone but Ryan persuaded him to go have fun. Once Spencer, Diane and Brendon had all gone out to meet the others, Ryan quickly texted Pete to come round now. Not to do anything, just to talk about things. He was there in no time, Ryan was sitting in the living room when the doorbell went.

He got up and answered the door, Pete stepped in with a confused look on his face.

“I thought we were gunna pretend nothing happened” Pete said. Ryan nodded and shut the door.

“We are, I was just hoping you had that clear. No telling anyone what happened, especially not Brendon, he doesn’t need to know, because it didn't mean anything. It was just spur of the moment” Ryan said sternly. Pete smirked and looked at Ryan. Ryan started to feel a bit insecure.

“What? What are you cooking up in that mind of yours?” Ryan asked, folding his arms. But Pete grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the staircase. Ryan pulled away.

“Nu-uh, didn't you understand anything of what I just said Pete?” Ryan asked. Pete giggled.

“I thought you didn't want Brendon to know?” Pete smirked. Blackmail. The dirtiest trick Pete could pull. Ryan gulped and allowed Pete to pull him upstairs.

This is for Brendon's benefit, Ryan kept saying to himself. Hoping he’d be able to convince himself. Pete pulled him into Ryan and Brendon's bedroom, Ryan shut the door with his foot. And they carried on from the night before.

Except this was different, Ryan went down reluctantly this time, Pete put more of a show on, over exaggerating his pleasure...and Brendon walked in.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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