All Was Golden In The Sky [15/20]

Oct 16, 2010 16:58

“Dudeeeeee I got us all invited to that huge party tonight” Jon said, running over to us that next Friday.

“Oh awesome, I was planning to go anyways” Lilly laughed. She was sitting on Gabe’s lap, which was her new favourite place to sit at lunch.

“Well yeah, but now we’re officially invited so they can’t tell us to fuck off when we arrive” Jon grinned.

“Good point” Spencer nodded, letting Diane have a bite of his bagel. I only just realised how many couples were in our group. Me and Ryan. William and Emma. Gabe and Lilly. Spencer and Diane. It was just Jon, Gina and Pete without partners. Talking of Pete...

“Is someone gunna text Pete to tell him about the party tonight?” I asked.

“I’m on it” Lilly said, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

“Do you actually know where it is Jon?” Emma asked.

“Of course I do, it’s only down the road from Spencer’s” He said.

“It best be a good party, last one you told us about was shit Jon” William laughed, Emma grinned and hugged him.

“True” I said. We all ended up going down to the lake, spending all our money on weed and getting extremely high. Good times.

“Well I'm not guaranteeing anything, but ya know, if its shit we’ll just do the same as last time, which ended up being one of the best nights of our lives” Jon laughed.

“It was, but still, haven’t gone to a decent party in a while” Diane said.

“Even thought everyday you’re with me is like a party” Spencer said, rubbing his nose against hers. She rolled her eyes.

“Of course baby” She smiled, kissing him. I laughed and turned to Ryan.

“You don't have work tonight do you babe?” I asked him.

“What day is it today?” He asked.

“Friday” I answered, hoping he wasn’t working.

“Shit, I am, until 9, I’ll text you when I'm finished and you can come pick me up and we’ll go back to the party” Ryan suggested. I nodded.

“Sounds good” At that moment the bell went for afternoon lessons.

“Music!” Spencer squealed, running off to lessons.

“I'm going to kill him one day I swear” Diane laughed, running after him and jumping on his back.

In double music we just had to go into the practise rooms and basically do what we were doing in Spencer’s basement.

“Ry do you have your lyrics on you?” Jon asked.

“Of course” He pulled them out of his bag and handed them over.

“I started putting the guitar to it. So if I play, Brendon sings, then you and Spence kind of work your way into the song, and keep note of what you’re doing, so if it sounds good, we can do it again” Ryan suggested. Jon and Spencer nodded.

“Right Bren, I'm gunna sing it first, then you’re gunna sing it okay?” He asked. I nodded and smiled.

“Okay” He cleared his throat and started singing his song in his cute slightly monotone but sweet voice. I concentrated on the way he was singing which parts. Once he had finished I nodded and took the sheet of lyrics.

“Okay, let’s do this” I said, I took a drink of water and set up a microphone. Ryan looked at me and nodded, he counted 3 then started playing. He nodded when I needed to come in. It was a little shaky at first as it was first time playing it, but about a quarter of the way through Spencer started making up a drum beat for it, it took a little longer for Jon to pick up a bass line though. He started one, didn't like it, started another, didn't like that one, but third time lucky and he kept it up.

Nearing the end of the song, Jon and Spencer faded out so that just me and Ryan were playing/singing, which sounded pretty epic if I do say so myself. I carried on the last note and we finished. We heard clapping coming from the door. It opened and Mr Vinal walked in.

“That was really good guys, seriously” He said.

“It’s a little out of it at the moment, it’s our first time playing it” I said, turning the microphone off for the minute.

“Seriously? Well you all picked it up very well, is it your own song?” He asked.

“Ryan wrote it” Spencer smiled from behind the drum kit. Ryan smiled nervously.

“Wow, you certainly have some talent Ryan, I'm going to be keeping a close eye on you in future, again well done guys, I'm going to go check on the girls and see how they’re doing, keep up the good work” He said, grinned, then left the practise room.

“Whoa, weird” Ryan laughed. I grinned and looked at my band mates.

“Is that what you had in mind Ry?” I asked. He smiled and nodded.

“It was better, seriously guys this is really good work” Ryan said,

“Spencer you came up with a beat really quick, and it goes with the song perfectly. And Jon, third time lucky man, good bass line” I said, clapping him on the shoulder. He grinned.

“Thanks man”

“Right, from the top then?”


That night at Ryan’s work it was stupidly busy. He had been working non-stop all night, everyone seemed to want smoothies. His feet and legs ached from the amount of walking around he’d been doing. His throat hurt from talking so much and he had a headache due to the noise. So when it turned 9 o’clock and the last customer left, Ryan was relieved. He quickly cleaned up, chucked his apron onto the counter and grabbed his bag. He put it on his back, locked the safe and turned the lights out. He found his way to the door and left the shop.

“Hey Ry” A voice said in the darkness, making Ryan jump.

“Shit Pete, you scared the life out of me, what are you doing here?” Ryan asked angrily. Pete shrugged and started walking next to Ryan.

“Wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tonight” He said.

“Not really Pete, I'm about to text Bren to tell him I'm not going to that party, I'm exhausted” Ryan said, pulling his phone out.

“Well we can go back to mine if you want instead of the party?” Pete offered, Ryan rolled his eyes.

“I'd rather just go home” Ryan said, sending the text to Brendon.

“Come on Ry, we’re still friends, we can hang out” Pete complained. Ryan sighed as his phoned buzzed. He opened the new message.

Okay babe, I miss you :(  I’ll see you later xxx

Ryan smiled and put his phone away. They walked up the path to Spencer’s house. Pete was still tagging along.

“Oh fuck...Spencer’s mums gone to her sisters for the weekend, she left tonight, Brendon and Spence have the keys” Ryan said. He started muttering angrily to himself. Pete grinned triumphantly.

“Come to mine then, no strings attached, just until they get home” Pete said. Reluctantly, Ryan agreed and they set off to Pete’s house which was literally around the corner thank god, Ryan couldn't bare the amount of walking he had down today.

“Do you get lonely living on your own, because you’re parents are like Bren’s aren’t they, never there” Ryan asked. Pete shrugged.

“It’s not really lonely, just gets a bit boring sometimes, so I'm glad when people come over and hang out” Pete said. Ryan nodded.

They got to Pete’s house and walked in the door, Ryan shut it behind him and dropped his bag on the floor, taking his chucks off. Pete did the same.

“Want something to drink?” Pete asked going into the kitchen.

“Err yeah okay, anything you’ve got” Ryan called, running upstairs to Pete’s room because that’s where they always hung out. A couple of minutes later Pete ran upstairs with a 4 pack of Red bull.

“Here ya go” He said, chucking Ryan one.

“Cheers” He said, cracking it open and taking a gulp of it.

“So what do you wanna do?” Pete asked, sitting next to him. Ryan put his drink on the side and shrugged.

“I don't mind, anything you want” He said, instantly regretting it as Pete got a shine in his eyes. Next thing Ryan knew Pete had jumped on him and stuck his tongue down his throat. Ryan wasn't used to such roughness, Brendon was delicate and caring. The roughness, to be fair, was quite a turn on for Ryan. He took himself by surprise when he didn't pull away immediately. He kissed back, colliding tongues with Pete. He felt Pete grinning, thinking he’d won. Ryan pulled away.

“Pete, I can’t do this, I love Brendon” Ryan said quietly.

“Oh come on Ryan, he won’t find out will will be our secret” Pete whispered seductively. Ryan felt his face, and other areas, flush with excitement. He pulled Pete back down on top of him. They continued to make out passionately. This was something different for Ryan, not the passion, but the going behind someone’s back part. He loved Brendon, of course he did, but he liked an adventure also and this was his kind of adventure. Pete slowly put his hands either side of Ryan, making him lie back on the bed. Pete slowly lowered himself onto Ryan, putting a little weight onto him. Ryan let out a soft moan and put even more effort, if possible, into kissing Pete.

Ryan’s hands moved down to Pete’s belt and started to loosen it. Pete broke off and looked Ryan in the eye.

“Ry...are you sure?” Pete asked, being the reluctant one now. As much as he’d love it, he didn't want to pressure Ryan any further then kissing. Ryan nodded and pulled Pete’s mouth back to his. He leant up and rolled over so that Pete was now lying on the bed. Ryan’s hands slowly undid the belt, and pushed Pete’s skinnies down. Pete gulped with excitement. Ryan grinned and pulled Pete’s boxers down also. He nodded and smirked, lowering his head.

“SHIT” Pete gasped, arching his back and instantly breaking out into a sweat. He didn't know what to do with his hands so one went into his mouth to stop him from screaming and the other went to the back of Ryan’s head to help guide him, though Ryan had pretty much everything in control.

“Ry...Ryan...oh my GOD” Pete shouted. Ryan finished, got up and spat into the bin in the corner of the room. Pete lay there panting, he looked over at Ryan.

“Whoa Ry...” Pete said, out of breath.

“Enjoy?” Ryan asked, smirking. Pete raised an eyebrow, then pulled Ryan down on top of him, ripping his clothes off on the way.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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