Title Believe Me When I Say Remember (Masterpost)
Authors: Myself and the lovely Darian (better known as the authors of The Remains Of My Wasted Youth)
Rating NC-17 (go hard or go home)
Pairing Jalex
Warning This story is going to consume your every thought and at times cause you to become extremely sexually aroused. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Summary: lose your eyes. Think about your life. And everything in it. Remember your mother's face, and your father's eyes. Your grandma's perfume. Remember it all. Now open them. Do you remember it? Yes, of course you do. Because you've never closed your eyes and woke up not knowing who you are. You've never been lost, or confused. But, I have. Right now I don't know anything. Hi. According to my driver's license I'm Alex Gaskarth. And that's all I know at this point. I don't know who my friends are. I don't know who my family is. I don't know where I went to High School or College. I don't even know why I can't remember. My memory, its non existent. All I know is that ever since I woke up, Jack Barakat has been there. With his over sized nose and spiky skunk hair. I don't know what I'd do without him. The last real memory I have? A bright light and a loud screech. The end.
A/N HIIIIIII!!!! For those of you who did not read TROMWY, my name is Lindsey and I cowrite on this account with this AMAZING girl named Darian who has become a very close friend to me over the past year when we began writing together. I will be writing the odd chapters of this fic from Jacks POV and Darian will be writing the even numbered chapters as Alex (just like we did in Remains). I am literally smiling bigger than you can imagine as I post this because I've missed writing with Darian and all of our old fans so much! Leave us a comment about what you think so far and please come introduce yourself if you've never met us! I cant wait to start this new journey with you all and I promise you won't be disappointed !! xoxo <3 Lindsey :) My tumblr: comecrashintomebaby.tumblr.com Darian's tumblr: igotlostsomewhereinneverland.tumblr.com/ come add us and send us sexual messages ;)
Chapter 1