Actors (Chapter Two)

Dec 10, 2010 00:33

Title: Actors (Chapter Two)
Author: songs_and_words
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17... eventually
Summary: Welcome to the Interplanetary Student Exchange Buddy program.
Disclaimer:  If I actually owned Alex and Jack... well, I wouldn't be writing this. Also story title belongs to All Time Low.
Author notes: I posted the first chapter of this at ATS and then all the moderation drama happened and so now I'm posting it here. Also, hi my name is Paige and this my first slash fic so please let me know what you think and thanks to everyone who commented on chapter one on ATS.

masterpost here
Chapter 2
“The Planet Zurcon: A History”
Rian and Jack both looked at the screen and then glanced between themselves. 
“We seriously have to watch this?” Rian asked, although the answer was clear. 
“Apparently we don't know enough about it from the ten years of history classes we've had to take,” Jack responded, rolling his eyes. Jack knew everything he needed to know about Zurcon. It had been discovered by the humans on earth in 1990, and by that the movie meant that humans finally realized it existed, and it was the only other known planet that had human-like life in the universe. Not that humans knew much about anything.
Zurcon residents and humans had limited mingling. Apparently it was difficult for humans to be allowed on the other planet and although earthlings were rather welcoming on their end, Zurconian people had to have permission from their own government to visit earth with an intent to return home, and that was hard to come by. 
“So, I hope you all learned some things about Zurcon! And this gives us even more reason for us to make our Zurconian friends feel at home! So maybe they can go back and encourage further mingling!” Thomas was nearly shouting the ends of his sentences and Jack came to realize that the more the boy spoke, the more he really just wanted to put a piece of duct tape over his mouth permanently. 
Jack shuffled impatiently back and forth from foot to foot. It was four twenty five, meaning the alien kids were supposed to have arrived almost a half an hour ago and Jack had planned on being back to his apartment by now. He had other things he could be doing, better things he could be doing, like playing the new Pokemon game he just bought for his gaming system or sleeping. 
“When do you think they'll be here?” he questioned Rian, who was standing next to him. 
“I don't know man,” Rian shrugged his shoulders, obviously more patient than Jack. Just then, a limo pulled up and five figures filed out, one after the other. Jack's first thought was that all these alien kids sure were attractive. They looked as though they'd just stepped out of the pages of the latest Vogue magazine, despite their casual dress and the fact that they'd just spent the past day traveling from one planet to another. Jack's second thought was sheer disappointment in their mode of transportation. If he'd had to stand there waiting for a half an hour, at least they could have put on a show.
“Where's the spaceship and shit?” he vocalized, and Rian simply shrugged again. 
“Maybe they didn't want to make a scene dude,” he replied, and then they watched Thomas's gangly figure dart forward and excitedly shake the hand of each alien. The group from the other planet generally seemed amused by his excitement, but one of the guys at the end of the line looked at Thomas like he was vermin. Not that Thomas even seemed to notice.
“Welcome to our planet,” Thomas said, almost in awe. Jack rolled his eyes at the treatment these kids were receiving. So what if they were from another planet? That didn't make them cool. 
“Jack, Jack,” Jack was torn out of his thoughts when he realized Thomas was repeating his name over and over again. 
“What?” he asked, confused. 
“I'm introducing everyone to their buddies!” Thomas nearly squawked and Jack nodded sourly, sincerely wishing the program had a different name. The word buddy made him feel like he was back in elementary school, “This is your buddy, Alex. Alex, this is your buddy Jack.”
Jack glanced to the right of Thomas and swallowed the lump that appeared in his throat. The alien they'd paired him with was nothing short of gorgeous. He was maybe an inch shorter than Jack himself, and he had carmel colored hair that, though tousled in every direction, still fell perfectly and his eyes were an amazing carmel color that Jack thought he might be able to get lost in, if Alex looked directly at him. He wore a simple black v-neck shirt and skinny jeans paired with a denim jacket and a fedora. He stood in behind Thomas, not even paying attention to the two humans in front of him. Instead he looked on into the distance, seeming to be bored. 
“Uh, hey dude,” Jack stepped into Alex's line of sight and extended his hand out of courtesy. Alex looked at him carefully and simply nodded his head once. Jack dropped his hand awkwardly. 
“I'm Jack,” he offered and Alex rolled his eyes. 
“I know. I have ears,” Alex replied, tone as bored as his expression. There was an awkward silence, then Alex crossed his arms and looked away. “Okay, so are we done here?”
Jack simply looked at Alex again, completely dumbfounded. 
“Uh, yeah. Welcome to Maryland,” Jack replied, the latter part of his statement lost as Alex turned and strutted off back in the direction of the limo. Maybe being in this stupid buddy program was going to be a little more challenging than Jack anticipated. 

chaptered: actors, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: songs_and_words, rating: nc-17

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