The Untitled Barapussy Holiday Sex Extravaganza [S/A]

Dec 10, 2010 16:36

Title: The Untitled Barapussy Holiday Sex Extravaganza [S/A]
Author: Loz velozziraptor 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Okay... this is what happens when I brainstorm and Gabe encourages me. Presenting... Barapussy. 
POV: Third, focus switches throughout.
Summary: “Fun fact about chocolate, Jack... It's an aphrodisiac.”
Disclaimer: Oh, god. Could this be any less real? Don't own either guy. 
Title Cred. to: Gabe cantsaythursday 
Author's Notes: This is... it's just porn, okay.

I have a tumblr.

Jack Barakat clutched the sloppily wrapped box of chocolates in one hand as he made his way down the corridor. It was after school hours, so the place was deserted. He'd put off having to do this all day and figured that if he had to do it at all, he should probably wait until nobody else was around to see.

Sure, he could probably just toss the box in the trash and pretend he'd delivered them but he wasn't convinced that his mother wouldn't have some freakish sixth sense and berate him when he arrived home.

The last day of school before Christmas break was always kind of embarrassing for Jack. It hadn't been as bad when he was a kid, but it sucked in high school. Now that he was a junior, being forced by his mother to give his teacher a shitty gift on the last day was just humiliating.

It wouldn't be quite as bad if his teacher wasn't Hoppus. If it were anyone else he'd probably just be able to suck it up and get over it, but not Hoppus.

He was the quintessential cool teacher. He listened to good music, every now and again he rocked the band shirt like it was nobody's business and his jeans always clung a little tighter to his ass than they should.

And Jack had the biggest fucking crush on him.

With a resigned sigh that was full of dread, he knocked on the door to Hoppus' classroom, which was slightly ajar.

A wreath adorned it, gaudy red and gold ribbons entwined around it and Jack screwed his nose up. The entire school looked like Christmas had thrown up on it; a mess of red, green and gold, tinsel and holly.

“Come in.”

Jack pushed on the door gently, revealing Hoppus sitting at his desk looking bored as hell as he flipped through a folder full of notes and paperwork.

He looked up to meet Jack's eyes, glancing at him over his reading glasses, which were just that little bit thicker-rimmed than the other teachers.

“Jack,” he said, surprise obvious in his voice “I thought all the students had gone by now.”

Jack shifted awkwardly and nodded. “Uh, yeah. Most of them have, I guess. I just wanted to give you this.” He thrust the box in Hoppus' general direction, already blushing slightly at the thought of being THAT student. The one who tries too hard and buys gifts for the teachers.

Hoppus took the gift from him and gave Jack a slightly questioning look.

“My mum's really into Christmas,” Jack began to explain “She just really enjoys buying gifts and insists that we give them to everyone.”

Hoppus frowned, taking off his glasses and leaning back in his seat. “Well, that doesn't make me feel very special, Jack.”

“I wrapped it?” Jack offered, a small smile playing on his lips.

“I can see that,” Hoppus replied, sounding amused as he turned the package over in his hands.

“It's nothing special. It's just chocolate.”

Hoppus sighed and shook his head. “Jack, one of the best things about a Christmas gift is the surprise of it and you've just taken that away from me.”

The blush that had been threatening since Jack walked into the room snuck up, a scarlet tint taking over his face. “Sorry,” he said quietly.

Hoppus laughed. It was deep, throaty and good-natured. “Don't be. Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the rows of empty desks in front of him.

“Uh...” Jack glanced awkwardly towards the door “It's after school hours, I should probably leave.”

Hoppus tore the wrapping paper of the package unceremoniously and tossed it to the side. “Jack, this is a rather large box of rather delicious chocolate. I cannot afford to gain any more weight and you need fattening up. Please sit down.”

There was something about the tone of authority in Hoppus' voice that rendered Jack incapable of responding. So, wordlessly, he just hopped up and sat on one of the desks in the front row.

Hoppus stood, offering the box to Jack as he did. He strolled over the classroom door, pushing it closed and turning the lock, causing a small 'click' to sound.

“Any plans for the break?” he asked, turning back towards Jack and walking over, perching himself on his desk and leaving he and Jack just inches apart.

“No,” Jack said, swallowing hard and nervously gripping his thighs. Never before had delivering a shitty Christmas gift taken such an... interesting turn.

“I think,” Hoppus began, unwrapping a chocolate and popping in to his mouth. He chewed, looking thoughtful before swallowing and continuing “That my Christmas will be rather quiet.”

Jack nodded, unsure of whether speaking was something that he should considering doing.

“Fun fact about chocolate, Jack,” Hoppus said, holding another of the aforementioned treats out to the boy “It's an aphrodisiac.”

Jack's hand froze as he lifted the chocolate to his mouth. “I-it is?”

Hoppus nodded, shifting so he was only just on the edge of his desk, his legs almost brushing against Jack's.

“It's true. Do you think it's an effective one?” he asked, nodding towards the half-empty box on his desk.

Jack nodded slowly, fighting the urge to pinch himself. “I think it's very effective, sir.”

“Well, that's reassuring,” Hoppus said with a smirk, standing up and stepping towards Jack, their legs now pressed against each other.

Jack's breath caught in his chest as he automatically spread his legs, allowing Hoppus to step between his thighs. They were so close now that Jack could smell the spicy, vanilla scent of the older man's aftershave or body wash. Whatever it was, it smelled fucking good.

He felt Hoppus reach behind him, resting one hand on the desk and the other sat just at the bottom of Jack's shirt, so close to his skin that he had goosebumps in anticipation.

His own hands automatically went to the teacher's hips, slipping under his black knitted sweater and resting at the top of his jeans, where he could feel the elastic waistband of his underwear.

He had to fight for the restraint to not slip a hand straight inside, to feel him completely. As though he could read his mind, Hoppus chuckled into Jack's ear, before kissing him softly on his neck.

“All in good time, Jack.”

He stepped away from him then, and Jack just about lost his fucking mind at the loss of contact. When Hoppus leant back against his own desk and began to unbutton his pants, however, he began to regain some hope. He slid off the desk and, keeping eye contact with the older man the entire time, dropped to his knees in front of him.

“Now, that is a sight,” Hoppus smirked “Could be better though. Shirt off.”

Jack complied, lifting his shirt over his head and throwing it to the side. He rested his hands on Hoppus' hips and pulled both his jeans and underwear down to his ankles.

Seeing his teacher naked, half hard and impressively large in front of him was more exciting than Jack had ever imagined and with a smirk up at the older man he began to stroke him; long, slow and teasing.

“Mouth. Now,” Hoppus commanded, a little breathlessly as he adjusted to the feeling of the younger boy's hands on his cock.

Again, Jack complied, taking in as much of him as he could and still stroking what he couldn't fit.

He ran his tongue along the bottom of Hoppus' shaft as he bobbed up and down, taking him all the way to the back of his throat and swallowing around him.

Hoppus tangled one of his hands in Jack's hair, using the other to support himself, effectively controlling the boy's movements.

He groaned loudly as he felt Jack's free hand begin to caress his balls.

“You know,” he began, half moaning and half speaking “If you put as much effort into your school work as you did sucking off your teachers, you'd be a straight A student.”

Jack chuckled lightly, the vibrations against his cock causing Hoppus to momentarily lose control, thrusting into the young boy's mouth.

Jack moaned like a whore then and Hoppus looked down to see him with one hand in his pants, jerking himself off.

He tightened his grip on Jack's hair and pulled at it, forcing him to his feet. He pulled him in close, the denim of his jeans causing intense friction against Hoppus' naked cock. He pushed Jack's jeans down, only a little bit disappointed about the lack of friction and began to palm him through his boxers. He was already painfully hard and the minute he felt Hoppus' hand against him he began to moan.

It was with a sly and smug smile that Hoppus slipped his hand inside the underwear, picking up where Jack had left off.

He nuzzled his head into Jack's neck, nipping at the sensitive skin and leaving wet, messy kisses in his wake as well as a couple of marks that would be tough to explain.

“I wanna fuck you,” he breathed into the young boy's ear and he felt him buck up into his hand, almost whimpering.

“Is that a yes?” Hoppus pushed, twisting his wrist ever so slightly and causing Jack to groan; loud and deep.

“Yeah,” Jack murmured, his head back in absolute bliss.

“Gonna bend you over my desk and fuck you until you can't walk.”

Jack moaned again and nodded. “Fuck, I want you in me so bad.”

Hoppus grinned, releasing Jack's cock, the loss of sensation met by a whimper.

He pushed his sweater over his head and threw it to meet his jeans and shoes, which has long since been discarded.

He forced the younger boy's boxers down as well, needing him to be as naked as himself, and Jack happily assisted him by kicking his own clothes to the side, leaving them both completely naked and painfully turned on.

They switched places, Jack against the desk now, and Hoppus kissed him forcefully, his hands gripping at his hips, sure to leave bruises.

Jack was breathless even before they began to kiss. He could feel his cock against his teacher's and had to fight not to grind against him, because he knew he'd never last if he did.

Fuck, he'd already been struggling not to explode.

They parted and Jack tried to catch his breath before Hoppus shoved two of his fingers into Jack's mouth without warning.

“No lube,” he explained, going back to work on Jack's neck. Understanding now, Jack began to give Hoppus' fingers the same treatment he'd given his cock, making sure they were soaked with saliva before releasing them from his mouth with a small 'pop'.

“In me, now,” he said, turning around so that he was facing the desk.

Hoppus laughed. “I'd usually tell you to mind your manners, but this is an idea I'm rather fond of.”

He tangled his hand in Jack's hair once again and pushed him down so that he was bent over the desk; exactly where Hoppus had wanted him.

He traced his wet fingers around the younger boy's entrance, causing him to become breathless with anticipation. He slipped one inside, met with a slight gasp, and allowed Jack to get used to the sensation before adding a second.

When Jack began to grind backwards onto his fingers he decided it was high time they were replaced with his cock, and removed them, causing Jack to whimper in disappointment.

“Jack, Jack, Jack,” Hoppus began, with a shake of his head “That was just the warm-up.”

He pushed into the young boy, who let out a moan that was somewhere between discomfort and pleasure and waited until it was pure pleasure before beginning to move.

He thrust deep into Jack, causing a guttural moan to escape and for him to shudder beneath him. The prostate is a wondrous thing.

“Ohhh, fucking do that again.”

Hoppus laughed but complied. Jack felt so tight around him, that he felt himself growing close.

“T-touch me. Please,” Jack managed to choke out through a moan.

He reached around Jack's waist and began to jerk him off in time with his thrusts, which were becoming shakier and more urgent.

With a final groan that he could've sworn would echo throughout the entire school, Hoppus came with a shudder into Jack's ass and continued to jerk the younger boy off lazily until he followed suit all over his teacher's hand.

It was a breathless, lazy clean up that followed. A satisfied and somewhat smug silence filled the room as they both dressed again. It wasn't until they were both completely dressed that Hoppus spoke again.

“Thank your mum for the chocolates for me.”

author: velozziraptor, rating: nc-17

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