I Can't Believe This (1/2)

May 27, 2012 01:24

Title: I Can't Believe This
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cussing
Summary: Jack and Alex had been married for five years. They were happy. Past tense.
A/N: Part 2 up tomorrow...My head has been a mess, if this sucks I am sorry. If there are errors...I'm sorry.

Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth have been together as boyfriends for fifteen years. They have been friends since kindergarten. They were best friends first and now lovers. They grew up together and shared every experience with each other. They were and still are inseparable.

They have now been married for five years. Five very happy long years. They ended the band business when Jack proposed to Alex. It was a big romantic day for both of them. After they got married, they moved into a bigger house with each other and adopted a child. His name is Kenneth Maika. He is three years old now and they are a big happy family.

Jack is now a fire man and Alex works at Kenneth's pre-school as one of the teachers.

Today is Jack and Alex's five year wedding anniversary, and Alex has everything planned out and perfect.

"No Rian, Kenneth is not at home. Why on earth would I allow my three year old son to be in the house while Jack and I-" Alex was cut off by Rian yelling into the phone.

"Shut up Alex I don't want to know that."

Alex laughed into the phone as he was lighting the candles that were set in the middle of the kitchen table. "You asked. No, Ken is with my mom spending the weekend there. Jack and I have the house to our selves."

"I would offer to keep the little guy, but I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Cassadee's house. Hey, you have fun with Jack tonight. Tell him I say hi, and we need to get together soon." Rian said into the phone.

Alex looked at himself in the mirror, he had on a nice suit with Jacks favorite tie. "Okay, I will. I have an amazing dinner planned and an amazing night of fun planned. I just hope he gets home soon. I mean it is our five year anniversary. He better not be home late."

"Have fun Alex, bye" Rian said before hanging up the phone.

Alex set his cell down on the kitchen counter and made sure everything was ready for his special evening. He prepared Jacks' all time favorite meal. Macaroni and cheese shapes with dinosaur chicken nuggets and brownies with chocolate icing and sprinkles.

"He is going to love this." Alex smiles to himself and dims the lights in the kitchen and goes to wait in the living room. he sits down on the couch and looks at his phone.

It reads 10:30 PM.

Alex sighs and just as his phone changes to 10:31, the door opens and Jack comes walking in. Alex smiles to himself and gets up to greet his husband.

Jack looks exhausted and worn out. he sets his bag down by the front door and smiles when he sees Alex walking up to him. Alex wraps his arms around Jacks neck and Jack wraps his arms around Alex's waist. "Hey. How was work?" Alex asks.

"Long, annoying, dreadful, difficult, horrible." Jack says with a frown. Alex places a kiss to Jacks cheek. "Want me to make it better?" Alex asks kissing Jacks neck.

Jack pushes him off and moves to the couch. "Not tonight Lex." Alex is left at the front door with a confused look on his face. He shakes it off, surely Jack didn't forget. Right?

Alex walks in to join Jack on the couch. As soon as Alex sat down, he asked Jack. "Y-you want some dinner?" Jack shakes his head. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed babe, you coming?" Jack asks as he rises from the couch. Alex just sat there.


"I'm going to watch s-some TV I'll be up s-soon." He stuttered.

Jack leans down to press a kiss to Alex's hair. "Is Ken asleep?"

"He is with my mom." Alex says without even looking up.

"oh Okay, goodnight babe." Jack says and walks up the stairs and to their bedroom. Alex stays where he is. Sitting on the couch kind of heart broken. "H-he forgot." Alex sniffs and wipes away the single tear that falls from his eye.

He gets up from the couch and moves into the kitchen, to clean up the dinner that he made for his husband. He blows out the candles and moves them into the cabinet where they belong. He takes the plates that he prepared and places them in the sink. He turns on the water then leans down to grab the present he had for Jack. It was under the table. He looks at it and throws it to the ground. He let his emotions get to him and he fell to the ground. He pulled his knees into his chest and began to sob.

"I can't believe he fucking forgot." Alex says quietly to himself. He remains on the floor crying until his head starts to hurt. He gathers up himself and gets some tissues to blow his nose, he ends up just taking the whole box. He moves into the living room and picks up a blanket. He sits back down on the couch and un-does his tie and button down shirt. He pulls the items off his body and throws it to the ground. He takes his shoes off and pulls the blanket up over his body and lays down to fall asleep. He wipes his eyes and blows his nose a few more times before he falls asleep.

His husband of five years, boyfriend of fifteen, and friend of about twenty four years forgot their anniversary. His heart is broken.


Jack wakes up to his alarm. He moves his arm a little to the right where Alex usually sleeps. He isn't there. "Lex?" He calls quietly. He turns over only to find Alex is nowhere to be found in the bed. He doesn't think much of it at the time, so he gets up and starts to begin his usual daily actions. He takes a shower and shaves and puts on his clothes for work. As he is walking down the stairs, he sees Alex asleep on the couch.

He walks over to look at his sleeping husband and is about to wake him up. He smiles and is just about to brush his hair out of his face, when he sees the tissues and red splotches on Alex's face. He only gets the red dots when he's been crying. Why was he crying. He considers waking the man up, but he looks way too peaceful, so he walks into the kitchen still confused about Alex and the tissues.

When he gets into the kitchen, he notices the wrapped box smashed on the ground and the plates of food still in the sink. He leans down to pick up the box and pulls the card off. It is labeled "Jack" in Alex's hand writing. He opens the card and it reads.

Dear Jacky

I love you so much, and I am so glad I have been able to spend these past five years as your husband. You are the best man and friend i've ever known and you're the best father. I love you deeply and I hope you like your gift. Happy five year anniversary Jack.

Love, Alex.

"Shit." Jack says and drops the card. He brings his hand up to his forehead and realizes why Alex was crying. Why he was acting so weird last night. Why he slept on the couch.

He forgot their anniversary.

"Shit shit shit!" He curses to himself. He grabs a bananna and walks out the door. As he shuts the door he hears Alex stirring. He leaves with out saying anything. He knows it isn't the right thing to do, but he doesn't know what to say at the moment. He forgot about everything. He feels like such an ass.

He pulls up to the fire station and gets out. He is automatically greeted by Zack and Matt. "Hey man. What's up?'" They say in sync. Jack pushes past them and goes up to the break room to get some coffee. Zack and Matt look at each other. "Did you do something?" Zack asks Matt. "No, Did you?" Matt asks Zack. "No." They both follow Jack into the break room.

"Hey man, you okay?" Zack asks as he takes a seat next to Jack.

Jack looks up at the two men sitting in front of him. "N-no, I forgot....I forgot mine and Alex's five year anniversary." Zack looked shocked and Matt tried to comfort Jack. Jack started to cry.

"H-he cooked my favorite dinner, and even sent Kenneth to his moms. He bought me an amazing gift i'm sure and he was wearing a suit. His nice suit, he never wears that suit. I can't believe I forgot something so important like that." Jack dropped his head into his hands and started to sob.

"I'm sorry Jack."

"It's my fault, I was so busy working, I didn't even realize it was coming up and he had it all planned out and perfect. I'm such an ass. He even tried to kiss me and cuddle, and I pushed him off. I knew something was off with him, but I just didn't ask. He slept on the couch in the living room. He couldn't even come up to sleep in the same bed as me. He had the red blotches on his face, You know the ones he gets after he's been crying. He had tissues in his hand still and he hadn't even changed. I can't believe i forgot." Jack said.

Zack hugs the smaller man and tries to comfort him.

"You're going to have to try and make it all right." Matt said.

"I'm pretty sure I broke his heart." Jack says while looking up.

"Go to him, try and make things right." Matt said.

"I have to work. I need to come up with something though. He'll never forgive me for this."


Alex woke up to the sound of the front door shutting. "He even left without saying anything." He says as he sits up. He wipes the sleepy out of his eyes and starts to clean up all the tissues and shit around the couch.

"I can't believe him." He starts to cry again and this time is worse.

He pulls out his phone and calls the only person he knows he can talk to and trust.

"Hey Alex, how'd your date with Jack go?'' Rian's over excited voice beams through the phone.


Rian can tell the sadness in his best friends voice instantly.

"Shit dude you okay?"

"H-He forgot." That was all Alex got out before Rian responded with. "I'm coming over, Cass can wait a bit." He hung up and withing fifteen minutes, Rian was bursting into the living room. Alex was a sobbing mess on the couch, just like he was last night. Rian sits down next to his friend and pulls him into a hug.

Alex turns to sob into Rian's chest. "I can't believe he forgot." He cries.

"Hey hey it's going to be okay Alex. I'm sure he didn't forget, he was just busy or something."

Alex pulls away and looks at Rian. "I tried to kiss him and he pushed me away." He goes back to crying.


Rian comforts Alex for the remainder of the day. He called Cassadee to tell her he'f be over the next day and Alex needed him right now. They watched movies and tv. Rian stayed with Alex until the front door opened. Jack came walking in with a depressed look on his face. Alex remained still and Rian stood up. Rian walked over to Jack and pushed him against the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Alex bolted to the door to pull Rian off of Jack. "Ri stop." Rian pushed Alex away then let go of Jack. "I can't believe you. Alex is such a great husband to you and you treated him like shit. He cooked, cleaned and had a special evening planned you ass hole." Rian yells at Jack. Jack just stood there.

Rian shoves Jack away from Alex. He looks at Alex. "You going to be okay?" Alex nods and Rian just leaves.

Jack looks at Alex with sorry eyes.


"Don't." Alex walks away and back into the living room. Jack follows.

This is going to be a long night.

Part 2 tomorrow. I'm tired.

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