Is This the End of the World? (2/?)

May 08, 2012 20:37

Author: dauntlesss
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13 (for now, but there is some cuss words)
Disclaimer: unfortunately i don't own all time low but i do own the plot, title goes to you me at six.
Summary: Sometimes something beautiful comes from something devastating....
A/N: I know this is a slow start but I wanted to introduce the characters properly etc. Please keep reading and commenting!!

It all happened so fast. The news breaking, the disease spreading, the people screaming in the streets, people dying, people…..changing.

In just over 72 hours the entire USA had gone into meltdown. No one knew where this disease came from, but in that space of time ‘Crazy Eye’ had become its adopted name, and that’s what it did. Victims would start out with this look in their eye, and before you knew it they’d be trying to tear your fucking house down and then they’d just drop dead. Sometimes it would take only minutes for them to die, sometimes hours, but some were still roaming the streets, chasing anything on two legs. But that was the scary part. They weren’t zombies; they weren’t rabid or just insane. They were an army. They wanted you to be one of them. Even if they had to die in the process of changing you, because one bite and you’re doomed, forever.

Alex’s life had crumbled before his eyes. First all of the help in their house, then his mother and finally his beloved father. So he fled, fled to any and every house he knew. But he always found the same thing; nothing. And though he didn’t want to believe it, he knew it was true. Everyone he loved in the world was either dead or an insane non-human being. He had no one, nothing.

So, when he found himself in the middle of the town, outside what used to be his school, now the base for these beings, he made a decision. He would give himself up to them. He’d rather be dead or crazy than be conscious of the fact that he had nothing left to live for.  He took a deep breath and pushed open the gate.

Jack was having the time of his life. He knew he should feel bad that nearly everyone he had ever known, everyone in his entire country was either dead or a fuckin’ rabid zombie cannibal, but in all honesty, he was slightly enjoying this. Jack didn’t have anyone in the world that he cared about, so yeah, he felt bad that people had lost the ones they loved. But Jack couldn’t really understand how they felt, because Jack didn’t know what love felt like, and he didn’t want to know. Love was just a word. Love was a weakness. Love hurt. Jack didn’t have time to go around hurting himself. So he found himself a few weapons, and decided he would live his dream of being a loner. He’d travel this desolate country as a loner, he would survive better alone. Alone was good. The only person you had to think of was yourself, and you didn’t have to feel sad if you didn’t want to. And so when Jack came across the only human he’d seen in three days, he could’ve punched a wall.

Jack had realized quickly that the ‘Freaks’, as he liked to call them, were gathering in the school, so that was somewhere he knew to avoid. The only reason he was still in this fucking town was because he hadn’t found a suitable vehicle yet. Did no one in this town own a car that wasn’t a sports convertible or a ford focus?

So when he saw someone that was still human willingly entering the school of death, he couldn’t help but inquire as to why the fuck someone would do that.

“Um, Dude?! What the fuck are you doin’ man?!” he yelled across the road. The figure turned slowly, a look of shock on his face at hearing a human voice. As soon as he turned, Jack recognized him, and before he could help himself, he started to laugh.

“Alex fuckin’ Gaskarth? Duuuude, I thought you’d be first to go down you fucking pussy!” he said through his laughter. How the fuck does pretty boy of the century Alex Gaskarth survive a doomsday situation like this?

The shocked look on Alex’s face had quickly turned to one of distaste.

“Jack Barakat?” he sneered, and crossed the road toward Jack. “Stoner, loser and dropout of the year gets to survive this yet some of the greatest, most talented people I’ve ever met don’t get to? That’s unfair to say the least”

“Shut your mouth Gayskarth or I’ll kick you so fuckin’ hard your mom will feel it, bitch” the minute he said it though, Jack regretted it. A look of pain passed of Alex’s face before he looked to the ground and then sank to his knees and began to sob.

“Um, I’m sorry man. I’m guessing you lost everyone as well, yeah? Me too man, me too” Though it probably hadn’t affected Jack as much as it had Alex.

Alex turned round to sit on the curb.

“It’s ok man” he wiped a tear away “This is such a fucked up situation, I don’t even know what to feel”

“Me neither” agreed Jack “Hey, what were you gonna do when you were walking into the school?” He looked at Alex out of the corner of his eye, hoping he wouldn’t set him off crying again.

“Um, well, I was hoping maybe they’d all fucking kill me and then at least I wouldn’t have to live with this pain anymore” Alex answered honestly, and Jack fell silent, not sure of how to answer the boy. He and Alex had never been friends. They were polar opposites, yet here they were. Maybe the only two people left human in the whole of the USA. Jack knew he couldn’t just leave Alex here. He might be a loner, but he wasn’t a bad person, and he couldn’t do that, just leave someone to die. He took a deep breath.

“Look man, I know we’ve never been friends or whatever, but if you want, you could um, y’know, come with me or whatever. I was planning on getting out of here and just travelling around a bit, see if I could maybe find someone alive or something.” The end was a slight lie, he wasn’t looking for life, but he had to give Alex some hope.

Alex smiled up at Jack and nodded. He didn’t have any words left in him for now.

So they set off.

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