Times Were Better (2/?)

Feb 07, 2012 23:03

Title: Times were Better.
Pairing: Jalex (soon)  
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: cussing. sex. inappropriate things lol
Summary: Alex was only 19 when his world flipped upside down. He now had a beautiful baby boy, but his boyfriend left soon after the child was born. Alex was forced to work at a porn and prostitution company. At 19 Alex only knows one way to make enough money for his child. Until he meets the rich business man willing to buy him for his own needs. 
A/N: I just want to say...I'm sorry. I will not be continuing my other stories...i don't know what to do with them and they all sucked. soooo This is my new one..I hope you all like it.

Alex felt all the cameras on him as Oli stripped him down to nothing. Alex helped Oli get the shirt over his head. Oli was already rid of his clothes and working on the same for Alex. Alex took a deep breath as Oli inserted the first finger. He didn't even wait for the 19 year old to get used to it before shoving the second one in and then the third. Alex whimpered in pain but turned it into a moan. Knowing what their audience would want to see and what would help him get paid more.

He pushed the pain aside and acted like it was pleasure. When there was no pleasure in his situation at all. Oli was sizzoring his fingers and Alex was moan/yelping at the uncomfortable pain.

"Moan my name" Oli whispered.

Alex did what he was informed to do and let out a deep throaty moan to please Oli. Oli had moved to kissing Alex's neck. Alex felt the smile creep up on his peirced lips. Oli wrapped his hands around Alex's side and scratched down to his hips. A ear splintering scream escaped Alex's lips as Oli drew blood from the teenagers pale skin. Alex closed his eyes and waited for it all to be over.

It wasn't until about three hours later Oli had grown tired and the cameras had shut off. Oli got up from the floor and gave Alex a small kick to the side before walking away. "We should do that again Gaskarth. I'll talk to Franceschi." He said and walked out the door.

The lights in the room eluminated the entire room. Alex shut his eyes in sudden light. He looked down at his body and saw a small pool of blood underneath his hips.

"Shit" He mumbled to himself.

He tried to pull himself up and sit up, but couldn't find the strength.

The door opened again and Josh walked through. He walked up to the small teenager curled up on the floor. "You learn your leason?" He yelled at the kid. Alex nodded quickly "Y-yes sir." He choked out. Josh grabbed Alex's hair and pulled him to his feet. "They want you on set 5. go." He screamed. "b-but I can barley walk. How can I be able to film an intimate scene with blood and scars all over me?" Alex sassed back. That earned him a harsh slap to the face.


Alex limped away from his boss and made his way down to Set 5. When he got there he was releaved to see that it was Zack and Rian on the set. Zack and Rian were a couple who wound up in this company about 10 years ago. They were both around 30 years old and they treated Alex like their son.

They both turned to look at the young boy as he entered the room. "Oh my god! Alex, what happened to you?" Rian asked the limping boy. "Back room?" Zack asked. Alex just nodded.

"come on. We'll get you cleaned up for  this bit." Zack said as he put an arm around Alex and led him to the bathroom.

"What is this one about?" Alex asked.

"Threesome. I fuck you. You fuck Zack and he jerks off. Like a line...just quick and simple. You don't even have to climax, just a quick filming for some comercial or something." Rian explained.

"At least it will be quick" Alex said while the two men were cleaning him up. They wiped the blood off of his sides and inner thigh and then washed his face. "There, good as new." Zack smiled. Alex laughed and they all walked back onto the set.

They all got into their positions and the cameras began to roll. Alex was sore and in pain the whole 20 minutes, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was with Oli. They were done within about 20 minutes and Alex was called to Josh's office.

"Good luck" Rian and Zack said at the same time. They both laughed and walked away. Alex made his way to the office. He opened the door and there Josh was with a smug look on his face and a large stack of papers in front of him.

"Sit" He said.

Alex sat in an awkward position due to the days activities. "I need you working the corner tonight." Josh said straight forward.

"W-what? I did that two nights ago. I just got done in the back room and a comercial filming. I can barley walk...I can't work the corner are you crazy?" Alex responded. Josh stood up and started yelling at the teen.

"You will never speak to me like that again. You will go work the corner and not get paid for your work today. Earn money on the corner...now go it is almost 8." Josh screamed.

Alex stood up and stormed out of the room. "No fucking money for practically gettingf raped by a monster? That is so not fair." Alex mumbled to himself as he walked to the lockers to get his things and go off to the corner.

The corner is where all the drunk, creepy old men stand and wait for prostitutes to come out. Alex hates working there. He hates having an old perverted man's hands all over him and telling him what to do or where to put his mouth. He hates feeling dirty. He hates the pain he goes through. It isn't fair, he shouldn't have to deal with this. He should have a happy family with Kellin and live a great life with Maika and just be happy.

He shouldn't have to deal with all the pain he goes through on a day to day basis.

But he has to in order to keep his child and himself alive.

He walked over to a pay phone and put in 50 cents. He dialed Sophia's number and waited while it rang.

"hello?" The nice old lady said.

"He Sophia It's Alex. I need you to keep Maika over night. I have to work the corner tonight and might not be home til tomorrow. Please, I will pay you as soon as I get some money." Alex begs into the phone.

"Don't worry about it sweety I will take great care of your child. You stay safe and please come home  in one piece." She said.

"Thank you so much. Bye" Alex says and hangs up the phone.

He makes it to the corner of the street and places his bag to the side and is immediately approached by a group of five old drunk men.

"Oh shit" He says to himself. 

WOOOO chapter 2222 HOLLLAAAA

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