Kisses Under Starry Nights

Oct 05, 2011 01:51

Title: Kisses Under Starry Nights
Author: valeohyeah
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: How insignificant can one feel, when you think about how immense the universe is?
Author's Note: So this is my first attempt of a one-shot, and the first part is something that was actually going through my mind and BOOM inspiration. 1 day later = Jalex under the stars. Hope you like it and tell me what you think <3

How HUGE the universe is, Alex thinks, lying down on his backyard's green grass. The soft summer breeze ruffles his fringe but for once he can't bring himself to care, not while he lays there completely at ease, not while "Fix You" by The Offspring mixes softly with said breeze's sound, not while all Alex can think about is the black sky filled with stars.

How insignificant can one feel, when you think about how immense the universe is? Filled with black holes, meteors, satellites, exploding supernovas, stars, planets and a shit load of other things that amaze him. How insignificant can you feel when you know that at the very same moment you stop existing the world just continues, not even stops to care about you and your existence? When you leave, the planets will continue spinning around the sun just like the same stars will still be twinkling on the same black sky.

A quiet sigh leaves Alex's lips. This is one of his moments, where he just lies down on his back and just thinks. Thinks about whatever is on his mind, he lets himself be absorbed by his thoughts, zoning out the rest of the world. His parents, high school, his friends... everything goes away. In this kind of moments it's just him, his thoughts and his music.

However, Alex is brought back to reality when he hears his name being called several times. It's not his name what zones him back in, though, the boy who's saying his name is. He grins, eyes still closed, heart beating a little faster and stomach filling with dragons humming contently (he thinks butterflies are kind of overrated and what he feels when he's next to this boy can't even compare to butterflies, besides, butterflies are pretty gay and dragons are fucking awesome).

"Hey" Jack said softly, plopping down next to Alex. "Your father told me you were having one of your moments" he chuckled, taking a hold of his boyfriend's hand and linking their fingers together. Alex just smiled and nodded, looking up to the sky again. Jack laid down right next to him, shoulder to shoulder, never letting go of his hand, and stared into the sky as well.

"What were you thinking?" He whispered, his thumb rubbing circles into Alex's hand.

"The stars, the universe, everything's just so big and we're so irrelevant" Jack frowned just the tiniest bit.

"Why would you think we're irrelevant?" He asked, bringing Alex's hand to his lips and kissing every single one of his knuckles.

"The world won't even notice our absence when we no longer live" Alex said, and if Jack weren't already used to his boyfriend's random philosophical moments, he would be concerned. Only he knows this boy better than he knows himself, ergo he's not worried.

"Do you think we all are insignificant?" He asked.

"In a way, yeah-" He was cut off by Jack.

"I don't think we're irrelevant" He knew Alex was gonna argue back, but Jack cut him off again. "No, listen to me. I think we're all here for a reason. If you weren't here right now, I don't know where would I be, you mean so fucking much to me, Alex, and if you weren't here, right now, with me, I'd probably be having sex with a girl" Alex giggled and scrunched his nose because, really, Jack, a girl? Alex didn't have to ask, though, Jack answered his unasked question, just because he knew him that well. "Yes, I'd probably be having sex with a girl, scared of letting the real Jack out, I'd be hiding my sexuality, I wouldn't be in love, I wouldn't be able to tap this fine ass of yours every time our teenage hormones tell us to," Alex snorted, but let Jack continue anyway. "I wouldn't be able to hold you when you sleep, and kiss those dimples you know I love, or make fun of your bunny teeth, or even hear you bitching when my morning wood is poking at your thigh" Alex giggled again, because yeah, even though most of those things should annoy Alex, he loved them anyway.

He knew from the very beginning that Jack and his annoying yet adorable self came in a package deal, and he loved his obnoxiousness, just as much as he loved everything about him, because those were the things that made Jack, well, Jack. His Jack.

So he found himself sighing and smiling, never taking his eyes off of the beautiful night sky. He had no choice but to agree with Jack.

"I guess you're right" Alex said, finally taking his eyes off of the sky and turning his head to the side, smiling warmly at Jack. He rolled to his side and wrapped an arm around Jack's waist.

"Hey" Jack whispered, grinning. "I wondered where my boyfriend had gone to." Alex smiled and nuzzled his nose against Jack's jaw.

Jack turned his face to the side and brushed his lips against Alex's, smiling when Alex applied a little more pressure into the kiss, running his tongue playfully along Jack's bottom lip.
Jack took it even further by biting at Alex's own bottom lip, making the older boy giggle and dig his fingers into Jack's waist.

"I love you" Alex said as soon as they pulled away, and Jack hummed, chest swelling with happiness. There has never really been the need to say those words, they're both aware of each other's feelings, but it's always nice to hear them.

"I love you too, baby boy" He said, kissing Alex's nose, making him giggle again. "I don't know where would I be without you"

I guess one insignificant human being can change your world after all, Alex thinks, while he shares lazy kisses with Jack. And for once, he is happy that the boy proved him wrong.

author: valeohyeah

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