Love for Fire [One]

Jul 22, 2011 22:31

Title: Love for Fire.
Chapter Title: Thinking of You, Wide Awake for Days.
Author: alexgokart 
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: What do you do when the love of your life is missing, and there is nothing you can do to save them?
Warning: This story will include gore and descriptive torture.
Notes: I'm really hoping this story isn't going to be too fucked up for you guys.


Jack sat, curled up on the couch, body wrapped tightly in Alex’s doona - the same blanket the older boy had left abandoned by the laundry door before he disappeared.
Alex hadn’t been anywhere in the house, nor was he anywhere on the property. Jack had torn apart the house in search of any indication of where he could have gone, but he found nothing. Alex’s car was still in the drive, the television was still playing and the fire was still roaring.

Alex had simply disappeared.

It wasn’t unlike Alex to do strange, irrational things, but this was unexplainable. And the blood Jack had found in the hall only had Jacks nerves splintering in fear.

A lump was clinging to Jack’s throat, begging to break through as tears of worry. He had spent the entire night ringing Alex’s mobile over and over, and the fact he never answered only had Jack’s hands shaking harder as he pressed redial. Alex always had his phone on him; he had even made sure his pyjama pants had pockets just for that reason.

In between unanswered calls, Jack had frantically torn apart his contact list, calling anywhere and everywhere his boyfriend could have gone.

None of their friends or family had seen the twenty-four year old.

It was now nearing sunrise, the cool, winter sun illuminating the sky in a dull blue. Jack couldn’t bring himself to move, having no clue of what to do. Jack felt pathetic. His love was God knows where, and he had no way of finding him and bringing him home.

Alex was missing; Jack hadn’t an inkling of an idea of where he could be, if he was safe, if he was alone, if he was alive.

It was 5:09 when Jack’s phone began to buzz, and he practically tore it out of his pocket, only to find the caller I.D reading Rian.

“Rian?” he answered; voice tired and weary.
“Hey.” his friend replied with a breathy sigh “Has Alex come home? Have you hard anything.”
“Nothing.” Jack croaked out, swallowing thickly. “He…he’s just gone, Rian. His car is there, all the lights were on and nothing was missing. He just fucking disappeared.”

Jack heard Rian exhale heavily, imagining him running a worried hand over his head.
“What, what if someone took him?” Jack fretted, hands grasping at the doona. “Someone could have broken in, all the doors and windows were unlocked and, and there was some blood in the hallway. Rian, someone could have kidnapped him.”

“Have you tried calling the cops?” Rian sounded just as worried as Jack, becoming just as fretful.
“They said they couldn’t start a missing persons’ case because he had been missing for under forty-eight hours. That he might have left on his own accord. But he wouldn’t, we were spending the night together. I just went out for twenty fucking minutes and he was…” Jacks words caught in his throat, tears welling in his eyes.

“I’ll come over soon, okay?” Rian assured him “We can look around town, see if maybe he just…” He trailed off, not having any believable reasons for why Alex would just up and leave, but Jack would agree to anything. Anything would be better than sitting here doing nothing.

“I’ll see you soon.” Jack sighed, hanging up and hitting his head against the back of the leather couch.

He had no idea where Alex was, but all he knew was he had gone missing while he was out, and he couldn’t help but feel responsible. Like it was his fault.

If he had just stayed home, he would have been here, and Alex would be safe.

Jack glanced over towards the kitchen, spotting the two stone cold mugs of hot chocolate, still standing on the bench. A sob rose in his throat, before he was burying his face in the blanket and letting a tear escape.

Alex awoke with a rush of consciousness, groaning at the sudden awareness of the throbbing pain in his head. His neck ached, head lolled forward in an uncomfortable angle and, confused and disorientated, he lifted his head. He winced, eyes clenching shut and immediately regretting moving as a white hot pain shot across his forehead.

He leant back in the wooden chair he was seated in, easing the pain with deep inhales of air through his nose before he was opening his eyes again. His eyelids blinked a couple times, trying to rid his eyes of the blurred haze from recent sleep.

The moment they had focused the pain in his head was forgotten, eyes bulging wide and head snapping frantically from side to side.

His surroundings were completely unfamiliar - the walls of a large metal shed closed around him, early morning sunlight trickling through cracks between the high walls and the ceiling and bleeding across the room. The room was empty, spare a few mechanical tools pushed into a corner, and brown, dried leaves that littered the concrete floor.

Alex tried to move, attempting to bring a hand to his face and rub at his eyes, raking his mind of where he might have been and what had happened the night before, but finding himself unable to move his limbs.

His eyes shot down to his body and his heartbeat began to pick up as he spotted the thick rope binding his arms and legs to the chair beneath him. Panic erupted in his veins, and it was only then he noticed the tight pressure on his mouth, teeth clenching down on the dirty, torn material that gagged him.

Alex emitted a whimper from the back of his throat, wrists yanking uselessly at the binds cutting into his skin, palms sweating and fingers flexing in attempts of freeing himself. He let out another noise, an attempted cry, but it was muffled to a dull hum by the gag in his mouth.

Alex’s breathing was increasing rapidly, pain shooting through his head every time he tugged at his arms and he was now distinctly aware of the dried blood caked onto the side of his face. A lump of fear was rising like bile in his throat, stinging its way from his clenching lungs and up his oesophagus, before it was spilling from his mouth in another silenced cry.

He lunged his entire body forward, his lack of weight barely rocking the heavy chair at all, its legs creaking in slight protest, but refusing to move. His eyes began to blur with tears of fright and confusion, legs pulling against the rope around his ankles in vein.

It was then there was a squeaking of a door opening, its hinges in a desperate need of oiling, and Alex’s sights shot over to the new entrance for sunlight. The brightness bled into the room, Alex’s eyes squinting as his pupils shrunk at the sudden glare. His brown eyes quickly focused on a figure lingering in the doorway, their body silhouetted by the bright light behind them.

Alex’s memory clicked into gear, the entire of the previous night’s events flooding into his mind.

His breathing became heavy, fingernails digging into the dark wood of the oak chair and eyes set, not breaking contact with the figure slowly making their way over to him.

Alex might not have been intimidating - in fact, his body held practically no potential threat - but there wasn’t a chance he was going to let himself look weak. He tensed his body, subsiding the shaking that had set into his bones and keeping his stare as hard as possible, masquerading his fear.

The person stepped closer and closer, until he was standing directly beside Alex. Their face may have been masked by a balaclava, but they were definitely male. His posture didn’t look much taller or muscular than average, but the spite in his piercing blue eyes was enough to make up for it.

Alex gulped unwillingly as the man came to a stop beside him, keeping his firm gaze, and for a moment it looked as if he were just going to stand there and stare. Until his hand was shooting out, fingers grasping tightly onto Alex’s hair and tearing his head back. Alex’s neck snapped backwards painfully, the back of his head pressed against his back as his throat burned, and he let out an involuntary yelp against his gag.

Despite the change of angle, their eye contact didn’t falter. Though Alex couldn’t see the rest of his face, he could almost feel the gruesome sneer underneath the black material.

The hand kept Alex’s head tilted back for a long while, just staring down at him, and Alex could feel himself start to shake again, much to his dismay. Then, the man was letting go, throwing Alex’s head back the other way and letting it hang forwards.

“Pathetic.” Though it may have been intended as a grumble, it reached Alex’s ears in a hiss.

The man was wandering away again, and for a moment Alex thought he was going to leave, but his footsteps echoed over to the toolbox pushed into the far corner. He bent over, the sound of metal crashing against metal bouncing off the walls before he was straightening up and making his way back over, a tool dangling from his hand.

Alex gulped again, eyes widening as sunlight gleamed on the shiny metal of the wrench. His eyes darted in terror from the tool to the man’s eyes.

“You’re pathetic.” He repeated, in the same tone of voice as he continued back over the stretch of floor to Alex. “I mean, you? She did that for you?”

If Alex hadn’t been so terrified at this point, he would have been confused by the man’s words. His body shuddered as he felt the cool metal slide against his bare arm as he passed him, going behind him, out of Alex’s sight.

Alex took a shaky breath in, eyes slipping shut as he felt fingers at the back of his head and he waited for his neck to be pulled back again, or for a blow from the wrench to follow, but to his surprise they were pulling free the gag in his mouth.

The now loose material fell from his mouth and around his neck and Alex ran a heavy tongue over dry lips. He had been given back his ability to speak, but found himself speechless.

“You’re just a fucking useless cunt.” The man growled, slowly walking back around into Alex’s line of sight. “And she did it because of you!”

The swing of his arm was as unexpected as the raising of his voice, and before Alex could blink, metal was smashing hard against his face. The wrench hit his mouth hard, intense pain splitting throughout his entire head. He felt his lip burst open, the side of his mouth splitting as muscle tore and gums ripping.

His shoulders were hunching, fingernails scraping off flakes of wood and he was spluttering a cry of pain, head falling forward.

Blood was gushing from his mouth, pouring in rivers over his chin and down his bare chest, filling his mouth in seconds. He choked out a gasp, blood splattering over his lap as he heaved for breath, the pain making him lose control of his actions for a moment.

Alex tried to breathe, body still trembling uncontrollably and blood dripping from his open mouth in steady, constant drops. His eyes slipped closed and he felt something hard pass over his split lip, which he would later determine to be his bottom tooth.

He could hear soft laughter from above him but couldn’t bring himself to raise his head, tears burning in his tightly clenched eyes, but he refused to cry, he wouldn’t.

“Piece of shit.”

With that, the man was throwing the wrench to the floor in a loud clatter before striding out of the room, slamming and locking the door behind him.

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