Actors (Chapter Ten)

Jun 22, 2011 19:32

 Title: Actors (Chapter Ten)
Author: songs_and_words
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17... eventually
Summary: Welcome to the Interplanetary Student Exchange Buddy program.
Disclaimer: If I actually owned Alex and Jack... well, I wouldn't be writing this. Also story title belongs to All Time Low.
Author notes: This chapter is nearly 3,000 words and I probably should have split it in two and/or not rambled so much but I don't care. Lots of lovely revelations in this chapter yayyy. I'm expecting at least 10 comments per chapter now with the number of readers I have. Silent readers are nowhere near as cool as silent readers who become comment leavers.

BTW big shout out to the anonymous commenter who asked me to marry them omg I don't respond to anon comments cause you have to "unmask" them or whatever but I pretty much died laughing at your comment.

Also, here is my self promotion:
Writing tumblr (follow for sneak peaks and lots of ATL pictures)

My newly started Rilex fic: When the Day Met the Night

masterpost here


“Why would someone like him want to volunteer? Why? Why? Why?” Jack rambled off as he paced back and forth in his kitchen. “He doesn't have a giving bone in his body.”

Jack stopped pacing to face Zack and Rian, who were both seated at his kitchen counter. He looked completely distressed, raking a shaky hand through his hair, which flattened and then immediately fell back in every direction when he let his hand fall to rub at the back of his own neck.

“I don't know,” Zack answered. “Maybe he's interested in it because it's something different. We don't really do 'volunteering' back home.”

“You don't volunteer?” Rian asked, cocking his head sideways to look at the boy seated next to him. “Like, no one?”

“No. It's just not a concept we have a grasp of. You do work, you should get paid,” Zack shrugged at the end of his explanation.

“Huh,” Rian said, turning to look back at Jack. “You need to calm down dude. Everything will be fine.”

“How can you say everything will be fine? I have to spend all afternoon with the one person who seems to make everything in my life fall apart. And then after that, I still have to deal with him in class twice a week and in all those dumb Buddy Exchange programs,” Jack was just ranting now, on the edge of hysterics.

“Jack,” Rian stood up to walk around the counter and grab ahold of the taller boy's shoulders, “you need to breathe. You are getting yourself far too worked up. For what? A stupid kid who thinks he knows everything.”

Jack took a deep breath in and out and tried to figure out why Alex had this effect on him. He really didn't have an answer.

“You're giving him all the power in the situation,” Zack chimed in, “which is exactly what he likes. He thrives off of power. Maybe if you quip back, he'll back off.”

“I suppose I could try that,” Jack mumbled unenthusiastically. “I'm just not sure I can give him that much attitude. He's awful. Does he have any friends? At all?”

Zack paused, seemingly thinking before laughing.

“Just a few, I think,” he answered. “He's never particularly been given the chance to have many friends, mind you.”

“What do you mean he's never been given the chance?” Jack asked, turning to look at Zack.

“Well, he's a prince! I mean, he spent most of his childhood with private tutors and designated body guards at school. I remember when he played airball with me at age eleven, he got pulled from the team mid-season because it proved too risky to have royalty mingle with the general population in a situation where he couldn't be in total lock down,” Zack explained and both Rian and Jack stared at him wide-eyed.

“Wait, what do you mean 'proved to be too risky?” Jack asked at the same time Rian inquired about what exactly 'airball' was.

“Airball is a sport on Zurcon. Uh, it's kind of like your lacrosse mixed with, uh, table hockey?” Zack tried to explain and both boys looked at him like he was an alien. Which he was.

“Uh, there's a current that runs through the air and the balls move with each tap from a players stick. There are three balls so play can get to be a bit intense because you have to keep track of all three,” Zack explained. “It's really fun, I play for my university back home.”

“That sounds insane,” Rian commented.

“Wait, but what did you mean when you said that it proved risky for Alex to play?” Jack asked and Zack sighed.

“Well, I'm sure you've learned something about the Milcone family on Zurcon, yes? At least a little bit?” Zack asked, looking at the pair of boys across from him for comprehension. “I'll take that as a 'no.' Okay, basically they sought power for a while when I was growing up. They ceased action around when I was fifteen, but until then they were trying to kill Alex's grandpa and the entire royal family needed intense security, to the point where Alex had to stop playing airball because he couldn't be escorted around the field mid-game. He needed a security guard on either side of him at all times.”

Jack's eyes were bugging out of his head and Zack thought perhaps they might pop out if he didn't relax a little bit.

“That's ridiculous,” Jack said.

“It explains why he likes the freedom of being on earth and only having one guard that he can run away from without much consequence,” Zack said, voice growing softer. “Because when he was thirteen some members of the Milcone family actually almost managed to kidnap him.”

A pregnant silence fell over the three boys in the apartment as Jack and Rian digested all of this new information. Jack could barely fathom the thought of needing to be watched every minute of every day. He hadn't realized that being a prince left Alex so vulnerable to attack. It sounded like something he'd read in a history book or on some poorly written action show.

“So why did this Milcone family stop trying to gain power or whatever?” Jack asked.

“They were de-planeted,” Zack shrugged. “They grew rather weak and then the head of national security decided to kick them off the planet and they went and formed some small colony on a neighboring planet, I guess. Nobody's heard from them in years.”

Jack nodded, feeling just a little bad for Alex. This didn't excuse his attitude, but it did sort of explain it. You can't expect someone with poor socialization to perform well in social situations. But the thought of having to deal with Alex in half an hour made Jack feel mildly sick to his stomach again, and he tried to push those thoughts away and focus on Rian, who was forcing Zack to explain more of the rules of airball as he tried to find a YouTube video of an actual match.

Zack and Rian walked up to the children's center at the University of Maryland with Jack in tow behind them. There were already about fifteen kids playing outside on the playground equipment in front of the building, parents standing around the edges chatting or pushing their kids on the swings as they attempted to touch the sky with their feet. The trio entered the building and found Thomas in the lobby with a clipboard in hand.

“Oh good, you three are here!” He squeaked when he saw them come through the doors. “Now we're just waiting for Alex Gaskarth, then we can begin the orientation.”

Jack rolled his eyes, it figured that Alex would tell him to make sure to be on time and then show up late himself. The boy in question came strolling in about six or seven minutes later, with Doug behind him, something the prince was obviously not very happy with.

“Oh, Alex!” Thomas said excitedly. “You're here, okay, we can all go upstairs to room 27 and a program coordinator will tell us what we're doing today.”

Jack took off directly behind Thomas, trying to ignore Alex. His efforts proved to be in vain, however, when they arrived at the classroom and Thomas insisted they sit with their buddies so they'd have the same assignments for the night and be able to 'bond.' Jack dropped into a chair next to Alex, grimacing in discomfort. The chairs and tables in this room were clearly made for a preschool class.

“Alright guys, well, hello and welcome to our Friday Evening Kids Club. My name is Emily and I'll be in charge tonight,” a girl who can't have been much older than Jack stood in front of the group. “Alright, I'm just going to go through a few basic rules and start handing out room assignments. I'll be around all night to check in on the various rooms and of course, if there are any situations that are out of your realm of control or warrant emergency attention, you can call me via the intercom. Alright?”

She paused to hand out packets with general safety information and went over the basics of the club before she began telling each pair what they'd be doing.

“Alright, and you two are...?” She paused in front of Alex and Jack, skimming her list.

“Alex and Jack,” Jack replied, swallowing the lump in his throat.

“Ah, yes, you two will be in this room, doing tonight's craft. The kids will be making fall sponge paint art,” she explained. “Stick around when everyone else leaves and I'll be right back to show you where the supplies are.”

Jack grinned when he heard the assignment. He loved fall. It was easily his favorite season and that made him excited to work with the kids on this project. He risked a glance sideways at Alex, who wore a confused expression in place of his normal self-assured grin. Alex noticed Jack glancing at him and his confused look quickly changed to a glare.

“What're you looking so happy about?” he asked.

“I'm excited,” Jack admitted. “I love kids and I love fall.”

“Oh well goodie goodie,” Alex muttered. Jack took a deep breath before answering.

“What is your actual problem, Alex? Why don't you keep your little comments to yourself and let this actually be bearable for the pair of us?” Jack tossed an annoyed look Alex's way.

“Oh, but then I don't get to see how cute you look when you're all flustered and angry,” Alex responded, looking at Jack with a glint of mirth in his eyes. Jack continued to glare, not understanding Alex's desire to mock him. Because the earthling knew that was exactly Alex's intention when he made little comments that seemed like he was hitting on Jack.

The silence was broken by the sound of a stampede of tiny footsteps rushing down the hallway and Jack grinned, standing up to peak his head out at the ten kids heading towards the room they were sitting in.

“Hey guys!” Jack said, waving the preschoolers in. “Who wants to do some painting?”

Emily walked back into the room with the last kid and smiled between Alex and Jack.

“Alright, the supplies are over here,” she said, motioning towards a cabinet on the wall. “You guys have an hour for painting and then they'll move onto another room and you can get cleaned up. Have fun!”

Jack glared at Alex after the last kid left the room. The prince had done literally nothing to help Jack or the kids. He sat in the corner and watched, occasionally smirking at Jack but otherwise just sitting and twiddling his thumbs while Jack went on and on about fall and leaves and showed the kids how to use their sponges to leave paint prints on pieces of construction paper.

“Are you completely useless or just that much of a jerk?” Jack asked, tired of trying to be nice to the older boy.

“I'm perfectly useful,” Alex responded, not affected by Jack's anger.

“Urgh, you make me want to tear my hair out,” Jack mumbled. Then he did something that surprised Alex. He stood further upright and looked the alien right in the eye.

“I'm going to tell Thomas that you didn't do anything so you won't get credit for the event,” he threatened. “I'm going to tell him that you can't even bring yourself to care enough about anyone to help a couple four year olds press some sponges on a piece of paper. God, you're going to be the worst king ever, you know that?”

Alex actually started to pale a little at Jack's critique and somehow, Jack thought he might actually be hurting the alien's feelings. Who knew he even had feelings.

“Ever think that maybe I didn't help because I didn't know what to do?” Alex replied cooly and quietly.

“I-what?” Jack asked.

“Ever think that maybe I had no fucking idea what painting was or how to explain 'fall' to a kid because I'm from another goddamn planet and have never experienced any of it?” Alex asked, attitude back in his voice. Jack opened and closed his mouth a few times, obviously taken aback by the older boy's admission.

“Of course you didn't,” Alex mumbled, standing up and brushing past Jack and out of the room.

“Well, that went fabulously,” Jack mumbled, staring at the tables covered in paint that he knew he'd have to clean off alone.

Alex sighed, turning a corner in the unfamiliar building. He had no idea what to do now that he'd stormed away from Jack. He definitely let his emotions get the best of him back there. He didn't know how to convince the earthlings that he wasn't a heartless bastard. He supposed he needed to check the attitude but even then, he had no idea how he could have helped those kids with what they were doing. And he had far too much pride to ask someone who already thought so lowly of him for help. He never asked anyone for help. He was Prince Alex Gaskarth.

He sighed, shaking his head and deciding to take a self-guided tour of this building. He wandered around and saw the different facilities and activities that they had for the kids here. Alex wasn't sure how long he walked around for, but he began to see parents trickling through the main entrance, coming to pick up their kids.

“Hey, Alex was it?” He turned to see Emily standing behind him. “Hey, could you do me a favor? Cassie's mom is always about twenty minutes late picking her up so would you mind taking her to the playground and keeping her company while I supervise pick up?”

Alex bit his lip, wanting to refuse, but then he remembered what Jack had said about him and he peered down at the little girl squirming at Emily's feet and his heart melted.

“Sure,” he answered quietly, holding out his hand for the little girl to take. “Hey Cassie, I'm Alex. How old are you?”

“Seven,” the little girl replied shyly, reaching up to grab his hand.

“Seven? No way! I have a sister who's seven too. Her name is Clare and she has curly blonde hair just like yours,” Alex responded, feeling a pang of sadness as he thought of his baby sister. He missed her so much, and the little girl who currently had a grip on his hand looked so much like her.

Jack threw away the paper towels in his hand and moved over to the window, looking down at the playground below. He was certain it was about time to leave and of course he hadn't seen Alex since he stormed off earlier. That is, until he got a clear look down at the playground below him and spotted the boy in question pushing a little girl on the swings. He ran to give her an 'underdog' push and she shrieked in response, giggling as gravity brought her back down towards the earth. Alex smiled at her, and Jack thought that maybe it was the first genuine smile of happiness he'd seen on the older boy's face ever. He picked her up off the swing and spun her around. Then Emily walked up with an older woman and Alex put the little girl down. She hugged his knees and he rubbed her back before she turned around and took the proffered hand of her mother. Emily was smiling and saying something to Alex before he nodded and they both walked back towards the building.

“Hey, Jack!” Zack poked his head into the classroom. “All the kids are gone, we're supposed to head downstairs.”

“Alright,” Jack responded, turning to follow the alien towards the main entrance of the building. Alex was already there with the other program members and Emily quickly thanked them all for coming and told them they could leave. Jack tried to make eye contact with Alex but the prince refused to look in his direction.

“Hey, Alex, Alex!” Jack said, hurrying to catch the alien as he walked out of the building. Alex turned to look at him, expression clearly telling Jack that he only had about three seconds to say whatever it is he wanted to say. “I- look, I'm sorry for what I said, okay? I was just angry. You should have asked me to explain what was going on. I'm not a mind reader.” Jack paused, looking at the alien. “Can we please just like, start over or something?”

“Start over?” Alex perked up at the end of the other boy's mini-speech. “Like, completely?”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck, “totally and completely.”

“Okay,” Alex nodded. “That'd be fine.”

And then the alien turned and walked off, leaving Jack to stare after him and wonder if 'starting over' would amount to anything actually changing in Alex's demeanor towards the earthling.

A/N: If anyone would be interested in being my beta for the rest of this fic, leave a comment or write in my ask on the tumblr link up there. I like to have someone read over my chapters to make sure the relationships don't seem to be forming at an abnormal rate or whatnot. Also to catch my occasional overuse of words or grammar mishaps.

chaptered: actors, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: songs_and_words, rating: nc-17

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