Is This What It Feels Like?

Jun 22, 2011 12:44

Title: Is This What It Feels Like?
Author: screming_angel 
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Jalex (Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth)
Summary: Jack is obsessed with Home Alone to the point of blowing off his band for the movie. Alex doesn't like that too much.
Disclaimer: Alex, Jack, and Matthew all own themselves. I only own this story.
Warnings: Jalex sex. That's really it.
Author's Notes: I posted this a while ago in my own journal and just reread it last night. I decided that I really love this story so I'm posting it here!

Alex saunters into his temporary room for the night, pausing to flick askew purple strands from his face as he takes in the scene in front of him. Jack, his roommate, is laying on his stomach on the bed, facing the television with his legs in the air and his elbows rested on the mattress, leading up to his cupped hands to give his head a place to rest. His eyes are glued to the screen in front of him, watching pictures of the McAllisters boarding a plane without their youngest flash before their eyes. Alex is fed up with it.

"Jack!" He struts into the room, throwing his jacket onto the spare bed like an annoyed wife. "Why the fuck are you watching that movie again?"

"Shh!" Is Jack's only response.

Alex grits his teeth and glares at his friend. "It's our fucking day off! We wanna spend the day being stupid with you, not dragging you away from the television."

Jack completely ignores this, yelling "Kevin!" along with the mentioned boy's mother on the screen.

Alex is pissed at this. Again, practicing his wife-like qualities, he walks in front of the TV with a hand rested on his cocked hip and his other hand coming up to hit the power button of the device.

"ALEX! NO!" Jack reacts along with an outstretched hand on its way to slap Alex's arm. Alex catches Jack's weak attempt easily enough, throwing it back down.

Bending down to Jack's level, Alex emphasizes his next words with enunciation. "You are fucking obsessed."

Jack scoffs this time and rolls his big brown eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me! You know it's true!"

"Alex, it's my favorite movie. I watch it all the time. No big deal!" Jack argues back.

Alex's thick eyebrows raise in disagreement. "Jack, this is different. This is the third damn time you've watched this movie today! You're spending your fucking off day memorizing this movie forwards and backwards! We wanna go go-kart racing! It's not as much fun without the idiot who can't drive for shit." His reasoning is accompanied with a pout. He knows Jack can't refuse a cute pout.

"Alexander William, you turn that damn TV back on before I rip your fucking balls off." Jack knows perfectly that Alex loves being talked to like that. His friend loves giving up his air of confidence in favor of being completely submissive when the fans aren't watching. One of Jack's favorite hobbies is to tease him with similar words and phrases; including the older boy's full name and something either dirty or threatening.

This is when Alex changes his mind about his former plans.

Displaying annoyance, he leaves in favor of hiding out in the bathroom, Jack believing that it's in order to sulk. However, Alex leans back against the closed door and pulls out his cell, dialing one of the few numbers he knows by heart (mainly in order to fire the owner at the other end). After two rings, Matt Flyzik answers.

"Hey! Did you get Jack?"

"Nah bro. He's being a stubborn dick. He says he won't move until he gets blown." Alex lies smoothly. He imagines the disapproving shake of the head that Matt would do because of something like this.

"He'll get bored soon, right? Or are you gonna find him some tranny off the street?"

Alex stifles a giggle at the suggestion in order to describe the situation. "Dude, you really think someone'll wanna go down on a wookie?"

It's Matt that giggles this time. "So what are you gonna do? Get him drunk and let him forget about it?"

"You read my mind bro. Hey, make sure to crash a few karts for the two of us?" Alex requests, unconsciously twirling a lock of hair around his finger.

"We've uhh, we've got you covered. See you in the morning bro." Matt rushes his words and ends the call, leaving Alex with a knowing grin on his face. They'll be kicked out of the racing facility soon enough.

After replacing his joking expression with the serious one he was using with Jack earlier, Alex throws the door open to march back in front of the television where Jack's resumed his favorite movie, unmoving from before.

Once again, Alex switches the screen off, this time prepared for the upcoming fight between himself and his best friend. He looks down to see Jack's eyes wide with surprise and mouth hanging open. Alex's left eyebrow raises above the other; his smirk slowly becoming evident as he silently challenges the younger boy.

"Alexander," Jack begins to threaten, word coming out slowly like molasses, but having a slight bite to it like jalapeño chips. He stops though when he recognizes the slight bulge forming in front of him, just above his eye level. Starting to catch on to Alex's game, Jack changes the subject of his question.

"What's this?" He makes it clear what he's talking about by reaching in front of him and pressing his large palm against the slowly growing bulge in the other boy's tight jeans.

Alex ignores the question, deciding instead to have a bit of an intimate moment before they have their usual hot sex. His fingers of his right hand move underneath Jack's chin, tilting his head until their brown eyes meet each other. Simultaneously, his left hand snakes to cover the one covering his crotch, maneuvering it into cupping the bulge a bit more and working against it. Once Jack catches on, he continues the movement of his hand against Alex, staring into the other's eyes as he does so.

Alex's eyes return the stare, dropping down to Jack's still parted lips every few seconds. He catches the plump pink tongue of the Lebanese boy slowly tracing the surrounding lips, leaving a trail of wet behind itself. Alex's half-lidded eyes trace the movement while he lets his mind wander temporarily, his hips pressing closer to Jack on their own accord.

Mistaking Alex's wandering mind for hesitancy, Jack rearranges himself to sit cross-legged, still palming his soon-to-be lover, but now discretely showing off the matching bulge in his pants. For comfort, he wraps an arm around Alex's waist and pulls to lead him a step closer, just close enough for Jack to rest his forehead against his abdomen, eyes glued to the movement of his own hand. He jumps a bit when Alex breaks the silence.

"Hmmm." He starts off with a sound of appreciation, continuing with, "Was talking to Matt on the phone. Told him you refuse to leave the hotel. You're too horny." Jack chuckles breathily.

"True. I'm not leaving this room until I get off." Jack tilts his head up to meet Alex's eyes, his lips barely brushing a patch of exposed skin as he talks. "Will you suck me?"

Only Jack Barakat could ask that question and somehow remain looking cute and innocent.

Alex grins down at Jack. "I told him you would want to be sucked. I might have followed that with something about no human being ever wanting to comply due to you resembling a wookie from the waist down."

"You dirty slut!" Jack retaliates and squeezes Alex a bit for emphasis, both boys laughing anyway.

"Can we save that scenario for later?" Alex brushes Jack's hand away from his crotch, feeling that he's starting to leak through his boxers, but wanting to last for Jack. "I sorta wanna just love you tonight." He blushes at his own words. Jack loves them though.

Hugging Alex around the thighs - the closest he can get to a proper hug - Jack nods in agreement. "I still wanna be sucked though."

"And I still wanna suck you. Lie down baby." Alex responds, ruffling Jack's hair affectionately as the blush fades from his cheeks.

Jack complies, falling backwards onto the pillows then uncrossing his legs, spreading them for Alex to lie between.

Slowly, Alex crawls up to Jack, laying his body on top of the other's once they're face to face.

"Hi Jack" he greets with a cute grin.

"Hi Alex" Jack plays along, rolling his eyes fondly at the childishness.

"I wanna kiss you." Alex whispers like it's an embarrassing secret he's only willing to tell his best friends.

"I wanna kiss you back." Jack plays along again, but allows himself to press a short and sweet kiss to the lips of the boy who was too shy to start something himself.

A series of identical kisses follow, just short presses of soft lips until they slur together to become swipes of wet flesh against each other. Their breathing quickens as they become more fervent, hips beginning to roll together, all movements still slow and passionate. Keeping his intentions in mind, Alex begins to undress Jack, starting with unbuttoning his plaid blue shirt. Once the garment is off and thrown carelessly to the ground, he moves down to work on Jack's skinny jeans. The younger boy's eyes fall closed as he focuses on every touch that Alex leaves on his skin; barely-there swipes as he pulls the fabric, intentional presses to bare hips to show adoration, hands sliding on nude skin to map out what they're working with.

"Lex," Jack breathes out as Alex kisses his hips softly, lips following the boxers he's currently pulling off Jack's legs. Once Alex returns to his spot between Jack's legs, the boy underneath threads his long calloused fingers through the soft short hair of his lover. Mentioned lover presses a single kiss to the inside of Jack's thigh before trailing a line of kisses up his shaft, lips slipping around the head once he reaches the tip.

Urged on by a few praises, Alex hollows his cheeks to slide down Jack's erection as far as he can, his hand reaching to cover anything he's missed. He jerks his hand slowly while he sucks on Jack's member, sliding back up to lick the tip.

Jack allows himself to pant breathily as Alex repeats his motions, but he groans when Alex's lips move to wrap around one of his balls, his hand encasing his penis instead.

"St-stop Lex." Obediently, Alex pulls away immediately. He does, however, send a questioning look to Jack. He thought that's what Jack had wanted, and he knew he was doing a damn good job.

"Baby, I wanna make love to you." Alex's expression turns to one of excitement. Without words, he crawls up to meet Jack's face once again, pressing smiling wet kisses to every bit of skin he can reach. Jack takes the liberty of flipping the pair over, kissing Alex squarely on the mouth afterwards.

As they kiss, Jack works Alex's clothes off, only breaking apart when he needs to pull the shirt over Alex's head. With so much practice, Jack undresses Alex in just over a minute's time, pressing his own body flush against his lover's once they're both nude. They remain that way for a while, hands exploring skin as the kissing continues, tongues brushing as hands do, skin meeting as lips do.

A part of Alex wishes they could remain that way forever, but the more dominant part of him nudges Jack, reminding him of their intent once the kiss is broken. Only then does Jack reach into the bedside nightstand drawer to retrieve lubricant and a single condom.

As Jack begins to coat his fingers in lube, Alex can't stop himself from asking, "They keep that stuff in hotel roo-" his question is cut off when he feels Jack's fingers enter him, starting to stretch.

"No! That would be embarrassing! Imagine a little girl exploring the room with her family and finding it. Gross!" He pulls his fingers out. "This is mine. I was getting off to Kevin earlier." Jack replies coolly as he spreads the slick substance over his condom adorned penis.

"Don't kill the mood!" Alex scolds, spreading his legs and lifting them around Jack's waist.

"Sorry baby!" Jack giggles, pressing one more kiss to the other's cheek as he lines himself up with Alex's entrance.

Alex allows his eyes to fall gently shut as he feels Jack begin to fluently push into him. It hurts, that's for sure, but Alex deals with the pain by squeezing Jack's shoulders, a method they've used from the beginning.

As Jack waits for his lover to adjust to the feel, he wipes askew strands of hair from each of their faces, leaning down to kiss Alex softly. Quickly realizing that tactic won't calm Alex when he doesn't kiss back, Jack works on a different idea.

One hand cups Alex's cheek, thumb creating small circles as he leans down to whisper in the opposite ear. "Alex? Alexander, baby?" He feels Alex's penis twitch against his stomach. "I need you to relax for me. When you do, we're going to make beautiful love that we'll remember forever. We'll always refer back to the day we made love for the first time, remembering how much we've always loved and cared about each other, how we never gave a fuck about what anyone else said about our relationship, and how I told you how much I'm in love with you that day. Fuck, Alex. I'm so fucking in love with you." Alex's eyes flutter open. He reaches up to kiss Jack hard on the mouth, a signal that he's ready for whatever Jack has to bring him, both right now, and in the future, because it's that moment that he decides he'll spend the rest of his life with his love, his Jack.

author: screming_angel, rating: nc-17

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