Actors (Chapter Eight)

Jun 13, 2011 20:18

Title: Actors (Chapter Eight)
Author: songs_and_words
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17... eventually
Summary: Welcome to the Interplanetary Student Exchange Buddy program.
Disclaimer: If I actually owned Alex and Jack... well, I wouldn't be writing this. Also story title belongs to All Time Low.
Author notes: This chapter is a little filler, but I'll update again soon. I really appreciate any comments, I kind of wait for them until I post the next chapter, so if you want more sooner, comment if you read. I really like any feedback you can give. :)

p.s. If anyone wants to follow me on tumblr, I'm here. I can't talk about slash on my blog cause a bunch of my irl friends found me and follow me but I post/reblog a lot of ATL.

masterpost here

 Alex couldn't make the room stop spinning. He broke away from Jack and pulled the other boy towards the edge of the dance floor.

“I need to sit down,” Alex muttered, bringing one hand up to his forehead. When he pulled it back down, it was covered in sweat and even though his cheeks were flushed, he felt cold. He found a spare chair and moved to sit down in it.

“I think I'm gonna be sick,” Alex said, drawing in a deep breath then exhaling just as deeply in an attempt to soothe his body. The effort proved to be futile as he just felt sicker.

“Hey, there you are,” Rian said, coming up behind Jack where he was standing next to Alex, “We've been looking for you, thought maybe you had ducked out early. But clearly you've been having a good old time.”

Rian's eyes told Jack that he would be laughing at how drunk the boy was if he didn't think Jack would retaliate. That is until Rian seemed to register Alex slumped over in the chair, head in his hands.

“Oh, uh, is he okay?” Rian asked. “Where did he even come from? Where's that bodyguard dude?”
Alex moaned at the mention of Doug, or maybe it was just from the sickness. It was hard for Jack to tell.

“He's not here, Alex is alone,” Jack said, slumping back against Rian.

“Geez man, how much did you have to drink?” Rian asked, startled at how drunk Jack actually was. He'd only seen him like this one or two other times ever.

“Mmm, well I had the shots, they were fruity and tasted like candy, and then I had the, uhm, the rum and the coke. Alex made me drink all of it,” Jack rambled, eyes closing. Rian looked at Jack in shock, not having realized that the two were actually hanging out together.

“Wait, so are you two like, buddy-buddy now?” Rian asked and Jack shook his head.
“Fuck no, he's still a prick,” Jack shook his head 'no' rapidly against Rian's shoulder, then giggled. “He's a really good kisser though.”

Rian sighed, not even wanting to ask how all of this had happened.

“Okay, well Zack and I are ready to head out so...” He paused, looking at Alex who seemed dead to the world at this point, rocking back and forth in the chair with his hands on his forehead. His mouth was open in a little “o” and Rian thought he might have been moaning softly, unheard over the loud music playing in the club. “Maybe we should try to take him home?”

“Want bed,” Jack mumbled, getting to an almost entirely incoherent state. Rian sighed, making the decision to try to get both of the boys out of the club now with him and Zack.

“Yo, Zack,” Rian motioned to the boy who was exiting the washroom. Zack came over to Rian's side, observing Jack nearly passed out in his arms and Alex nearly doubled over in the chair.

“Well, I'd ask if everything is alright, but the answer seems to be an overwhelming no,” Zack said, frowning as Rian shook his head then motioned towards Alex.

“We need to get them out of here, and home. Or at least Jack. I'm not sure what to do with Alex, though. He seems pretty sick,” Rian explained.

“Let's get him outside then try to figure out where he lives?” Zack suggested, and Rian nodded, turning Jack around and putting an arm around his waist to support him.

“C'mon Jacko, let's go outside,” Rian said, moving them towards the exit. Jack somehow moved his legs enough to walk and Rian got them outside and let Jack slump against the wall. “We'll be right back Jack.”

Rian sighed, reentering the building to find Zack trying to coax Alex into standing up. Between the two of them they got him outside of the club and managed to get Alex to lean against the wall next to Jack.

“Okay,” Rian skimmed a hand over the top of his own head, thinking. “Alex, we should probably call your bodyguard guy to come take you home.”

Alex's head snapped up, pain seemingly forgotten for an instant as he glared at Rian.

“Fuck no,” he spat, before doubling back over.

“Well fine then. Fuck you too.” Rian smiled bitterly, shaking his head. “We were only trying to help. Have a nice night.”

Rian turned to grab Jack under the arm to support him to move off the wall. All he wanted to do now was get home. Zack got on the other side of Jack and the three boys began to walk down the street in the direction of Jack's apartment. Rian turned his head to glance backwards when he heard heavy shuffling following them and was only half surprised to find Alex there, trying to hide the obviously pained expression on his face.

“You gonna follow us home then?” Zack asked and Alex somehow managed to let a half-smile shine through his pain.

“'m sure Jack won't mind me spending the night,” Alex murmured and both Rian and Zack looked at Jack for a reaction. His head fell back a little and he had a half smile on his face.

“Sure, whatever,” he said and Alex did his little half-smirk again. The rest of the walk home was silent save for the scuffing of shoes on pavement and Jack incoherently mumbling, then screaming when he walked directly into a trash can. When they reached Jack's apartment, Rian extracted Jack's key from his pocket, which set Jack off falling backwards in a giggle fit and directly into Alex who was standing behind him. The older boy winced at the contact.

“Get off of me,” he said and roughly shoved Jack forwards into the wall, causing him to smack his nose against the wall hard enough to draw blood. Jack barely even reacted except to repeat the words “owowowowowow” over and over again but Rian turned and glared at the older boy.

“Aren't you even gonna say that you're sorry?” He demanded and Alex simply shrugged.

“He slammed into me. He shouldn't even touch me unless I say so,” Alex retorted and Rian froze from trying to get the key into the lock and stared, mouth hanging open for a moment. “That's a really great look for you,” Alex mumbled, then he seemed to be reminded that his stomach seemed to be on a crusade to separate from the rest of his body and he doubled back over with a small gasp.

“You really are a prick,” Rian said, finally getting the door unlocked and helping Jack inside to get some ice for his nose. “You're lucky that Jack is drunk enough to agree to let you stay here, sick or not.”

Zack just shook his head at the three as they disappeared into the apartment. He was used to Alex's attitude. Everyone on their planet just accepted that he was an asshole. Nobody would ever be able to change the ways of a spoilt prince.


Jack woke up the next morning with a small gasp to a sharp pain in his lower left leg. His eyes snapped open to reveal the source: none other than the last person on earth- or Zurcon, for that matter, that he'd want to see.
“Did you just kick me?” Jack whined, registering a dull pain in his head and another in his nose to match the greater pain in his leg.

“You have five seconds to get out of the same bed as me,” Alex answered with venom.

“I, what?” Jack stared at the other boy incredulously, “Seriously, what are you even doing in my bed? MY bed, you should be the one getting out. What the fuck happened last night,” Jack had broken off into rambling now and Alex glared at him.

“I'm in pain and I need you to go get me some medicine, so get out of the fucking bed,” Alex said through grit teeth, and if Jack had found Alex to be mean before, this was ten times worse.

“Yes, your fucking highness,” Jack mumbled, standing up and dragging his comforter towards the living room, with no intention to do anything but collapse back into a deep slumber on his couch. That is, until he heard a wince and a groan from his bedroom. It really did sound like the older boy was experiencing a lot of pain. Moreso than a usual hangover, something that Jack himself currently had the joy of dealing with. He sighed and put on as angry of a face as he could muster, moving back to the doorway.

“What's wrong with you anyways? It sounds like you're about to give birth,” Jack commented.

“I-I just,” Alex paused, squeezing his eyes shut, “I t-think I drank too much.”

“Well, yeah, but the normal hangover is nowhere near that bad,” Jack commented, now slightly concerned (though there's no way he'd show it.)

“Earth alcohol is a much higher distillation than, than Zurconian alcohol, dumb,” Alex paused and squeezed his eyes all the way shut, face turning red and revealing his pain, “Dumbass.”

Jack dropped the comforter and walked back over to the bed, laying a hand on Alex's back and rubbing soft circles there. The other boy just whimpered, too overcome by pain to try to bite back some false claim that he was fine and the earthling had better take his hands off him. It actually felt a little nice, distracted him a little from the pain. They sat there like that for a few minutes in relative silence.

“I'm gonna call an ambulance,” Jack finally said, not much louder than a whisper, crossing the room again and picking up his phone. He looked back at Alex before he dialed, but the older boy did nothing to stop him so he called and explained the situation. Then he went and got Alex a glass of water, forcing him to sip it until the EMT arrived a few minutes later. They lead Alex out to their truck and the older boy never said another word, never looked back at Jack. The taller boy sighed as he shut his door and leaned back against it, running a hand through his hair. He tried hard to remember anything past when Alex approached him at The Rockstar last night and all but force-fed him alcohol, but the edges of his memory became fuzzy and all he saw was black.

“He's still a jerk,” he muttered to no one, grabbing his comforter and diving back into his bed to sleep for another four hours.

A/N: I realized at the end of this that I sort of make Alex seem abusive, what with the nose and then the leg. I want to assure you that no Jack's were harmed in the writing of this chapter and those injuries were just slight. Alex just needs to learn a little more sensitivity... 

chaptered: actors, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: songs_and_words, rating: nc-17

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