Creme Brulee and Candlelit Kisses (1/4)

Apr 04, 2011 18:34

Title: Creme Brulee and Candlelit Kisses
Author: Myself, ittbittyriddle.
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/ Matt Flyzik
POV:  Alex
Rating:   PG
Summary:  " I work at a dumb fancy restaurant," Matt smiled, nodding at the me. "You should come get some food tonight. I'll join you, if you want." So that was Matt Flyzik's way of asking me out. Hmph.
A/N; Obby, I'm gonna finish TWBTLTFLT soon~ Like 1 more chapter and an epilouge, so heres a new one for you!
It's really cheesy and cute. Kay?

I'd been having a pretty crappy day all around. I'd come hoome from school with a bad grade on almost all of my tests I'd taken the day before, and everything was just going completely and utterly wrong. I didn't want to have another crappy day, and therefore, I was going to go and get ice cream. Ice cream makes everything better, yeah?

Being Alex Gaskarth has its perks. I mean, I'm no loser. And I can get off easy when someone tells me I'm in big trouble. The only think I've never been good at is falling in love, darnit. It's just something that I've put off for too long. I mean, I hook up with people every now and then, sure. But there's this guy. This one guy that I'm completely and utterly head over heels for. He's in the theater club, and he's in all of the musicals as the lead. He's gay, and I know it. Everyone knows it. But because he's such a big shot with the theater people put that little factor past themselves and just look at him as their idol.

You know, I could be in the lead, too. I'm a pretty darn good singer. I'm in a band, even though it's not taking off yet. Jack, my best friend, plays guitar, Zack plays bass, and Rian's our drummer. Maybe you've heard of us? No? All Time Low? Yeah, we're pretty shit. But I mean, come on. We're Juniors in high school, do you expect us to be like pros?

Anyway, this guy Matt. Matt Flyzik. My good golly God, is he attractive. He's got this short black hair, a nice build, dark eyes, and this lip ring that I wouldn't mind--

So when I got home, my mom told me that she'd give me money for ice cream. So when she gave me money for dinner, too, I went out to the store to get myself some new band shirts and stuff. And skinny jeans, because what guy in a punk band doesn't wear his signature skinnies? Not this guy.

The clothes I bought totaled around 60 bucks, so I had like, fifteen bucks left for something to eat, and I ended up at the ice cream parlor near town. I walked, because really, I didn't have enough money for a car. I work at a gas station after school except Fridays, so my paycheck wasn't great. And when I had money I blew it on clothes like a teenage girl. I was a teenage guy. Well, at least my anatomy said I was.

When I arrived at Bert's Ice Cream, this crappy joint that some old guy owned, my heart stopped. "Oh my god," I murmured under my breath. Matt Flyzik was sitting alone at one of the tables with a cup of ice cream, texting someone. I got my own, chocolate mocha something, and bit my lip in thought. This could completely be the opportunity that I've been waiting for.

"Matt?" I asked curiously to the boy. We've met once or twice, we're in the same math class and had to be partners. He seemed like a nice guy, so...

To my surprise, Matt looked up in a smile. "Hey, you're Alex right?"

I nodded and he motioned for the chair. Thank God above that I knew no one else in the shop or it would have been really awkward acting like he was the only one I knew. I knew a lot of people. I was popular. But not like Matt Flyzik was.

"Yeah, that's me. So how're you?" I asked, taking a seat across from him. I saw him set his phone down and smile, his lip ring glistening as he did so. It was so damn cute the way that boy smiled...

"I'm good. Bad day, getting something to cheer me up."

"Surprise, I'm in for the same thing," I laughed almost nervously, and he shrugged in an understanding sort of way.

"Finals are tough, bro. They really hit hard when you forget to study. I have work late at night a lot too, so thank God that it's Friday or I might have gone insane." I saw him check his phone once more and then shut it off, and it was almost a godsend. He turned it off for me. But I mean, he was just being nice. I had a feeling he wouldn't ignore me.

"Exactly. I did so bad," I murmured, shrugging.

"You're a smart kid though, right? You're good with calculus. You seem pretty smart."

"Not really. I BS my way through school."

"Ah. I used to be able to. See, work, finals, and the spring musical are too much for me."

"Sorry to hear," I said sincerely. Matt only smiled and shook his head, and I raised an eyebrow. "So where do you work?"

" I work at a dumb fancy restaurant," Matt smiled, nodding at the me. "You should come get some food tonight. I'll join you, if you want." So that was Matt Flyzik's way of asking me out. Hmph

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled, brightly.

"Cool. See you at seven."

He set down a paper with his number and the restaurant, winking and leaving the shop.

My life was pretty complete at that point. Nothing could make it bad.

Until I looked at my phone and realized I'd had a text from my 'boyfriend'.

Hey, r we getting dinner tonight? McDonalds on me? ;)

I cringed and texted back.

No, sorry. I've got too much studying.

He really wasn't my boyfriend. Friend with benefits was more like it. I told you that I couldn't keep up with relationships, right?

We messed around a lot. That was it.

But Zack was sort of clingy and now, i was second guessing myself.

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