This Is How We Do

Apr 04, 2011 00:04

 Title: This Is How We Do
Author: ilori07 
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/Alex Gaskarth
Rating: NC-17 Overall for language and sexy scenes. 
Summary: It's completely physical what they have. A mutual understanding. It's lust and sex and dirtyhotnasty and everything that summertime at Warped Tour is about, until one day it becomes a bit more.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything :(  
AN: So, I'm still writing Legacy, but it was going in a direction that I didn't like so I have to rewrite it... but in the mean time I am writing this. I think this is my mind's reaction to the how slow the progression of the romance is going to be in Legacy, that story is going to turn out sappy as hell haha So this one is gonna be a bit different, with lots of lust coming way before romance ;)
Also: I SAW ATL!!!! April 1st at Orlando and it was incredible. First time seeing the guys live after 5 years of being a fan... I'm a bad fan :( haha

                                                                                                    Summer Hair = Forever Young


It had been five years since the last time he had felt this. Five years since he had felt this particular rush of excitement, the summer sun beating down on him, cool sweat running down every flat surface of his body, and the sharp spike of pure fucking elation every time he made a kid walking past him smile with nothing more than a few exchanged words or a picture.

He had really fucking missed Warped Tour.

It was a thing of beauty really. How, because of his job, he got to do shit like this. Walk around and mingle with kids, or hang out with his band and old touring buddies, or maybe check out some of the bands he had never heard and make more friends and possible touring connections.

It was the first Warped that he was here as Gabriel Saporta, lead singer of Cobra Starship and not Gabriel Saporta, lead singer and bassist of Midtown. They had played early in the day, main stage, and the turnout had been incredible. Gabe still felt high off the energy the kids had thrown in his face.

But now he was walking around the Pomona Fairgrounds aimlessly and very much alone, taking in everything he had missed so much over the past five years, stopping when kids asked for his autograph or a picture, or running over to some bands he hadn‘t talked to for a while. Alex and Ryland were hanging out with some of the guys from Gym Class Heroes over on their bus, and Nate and Vicky T were chilling with Juliette and the guys of Automatic Loveletter until the latter started their set and Gabe was starting to feel that absolute freedom that came along with the Warped summer lifestyle. He could do pretty much anything he fucking wanted.

It was beginning to make him feel.. almost nostalgic, and Gabe hated feeling anything that vaguely resembled nostalgia. It was a cheap emotion, only felt by people who no longer found it appropriate to feel and act the way they once did, and put simply, it made him feel old.

So Gabe quickly shook the feeling off and locked it up in a deep dark place with no hope of escape and decided to just do what he did best, live in the moment and party it up as hard as he could, which, not to be cocky, being Gabe Saporta, was pretty damn hard.

It was about 7:20 in the evening, the sun low in the sky, when Gabe made his way to the The Academy Is.. merch tent, where William, Sisky and Butch were relaxing, talking to a few kids and drinking some sort of suspicious liquid in red plastic cups.

Gabe grinned and turned up the swagger in his steps as he walked up behind William’s chair, using his height to his advantage when he leaned over the back of his seat and stole the cup out of the younger man’s hand, waving to Sisky and Butch who were taking pictures with a group of kids.

William leaned his chair back and tilted his head in order to see just what was going down and sighed in a sort of fond exasperation when he saw Gabe taking a long swig from his cup.

“Ah! Hey there Bilvy.”

Gabe smiled, plopping down into the seat to the left of Bill and stretching his long legs up to rest on the table top.

William just shook his head with a small smile.

“Damn mooch.”

Gabe laughed and took another drink before handing the almost empty cup back, “You know it!”

William rolled his eyes and sent a sharp punch to Gabe’s shoulder.

“Ow! Hey hey! Don’t abuse me Bilvy, you’re bony hands fucking hurt!”

“It was meant to hurt you asshole. Where have you been anyway? Nate came by earlier looking for you, something about beating your ass in a Halo rematch.”

Gabe shrugged and laughed as Sisky gave him the finger as a sort of pseudo-greeting, “Walking around, taking numbers, getting bitches, you know, the usual.”

William laughed, “All in the life of Gabriel Saporta then.”

Gabe gave his friend one of his signature flirty smiles and batted his eyelashes, “Exactly.”

“Gabe! My man! What mayhem have you caused since the last time I saw you?!”

The brunette’s head turned to his left and he jumped up to hug the red head who was walking toward them.

“Travis! What up dude, I didn’t know you were gonna be here!”

Gabe sat back down and nodded toward another chair that Travis immediately took.

“Last minute addition man.”

“True. Bilvy, this is Travis Clark. Lead singer from We The Kings, Travis this I-”

“Trust me, I know who this is. Awesome to meet you dude, I’m a big fan!”

William reached out a fist to bump with Travis’s and smiled good-naturedly. “Thanks man, good to meet you too.”

Gabe waved at Sisky and Butch as they walked away to go find food and actually began to notice the ridiculous amount of people who were gathered around the Hurley stage.

“Anyone know who’s playing here next?” Gabe asked, the question directed to both William and Travis.

William just shrugged as he took the half way filled cup that Butch had abandoned on the table.

“All Time Low! That’s actually why I was over here, they’re good friends so I came by to catch their set.” Travis explained, arms going up to cradle the back of his head and bouncing his leg up and down as the energy from the waiting crowd in front of him started to fill the air.

“Oh awesome, I always enjoy watching them on stage. They give a kick ass performance.” William said smiling while studying the drink in the cup, trying to decide whether or not it was contaminated in any way.

Gabe looked from Travis to William, confusion painted in his dark brown eyes. “All Time Low?”

Travis sat up and looked at Gabe skeptically, “Yeah…”

Gabe just blinked and grinned sheepishly, “Who’s All Time Low?”

Travis just stared at him for a minute before William started laughing and Travis joined in.

“Gabe, All Time Low is a pop-punk band from Baltimore. Young guys, getting pretty big. They’re bigger than We The Kings is right now in fact.”

“Don’t mind him, he lives under the equivalent of a rock, if something’s not shoved in front of his face he won’t notice it.”

Gabe looked indignant for a moment before thinking it over, “Yeah, that’s pretty much me. How young?”

Travis adopted a thoughtful look and used his right hand to stroke a non-existent beard, “20, I think. I know Alex and Rian are 20, Zack might be by now, I forgot his birthday and Jack’s birthday is over the summer so he’s either 20 or will be very soon.”

“Fuck, that is young.”

William laughed, “Starting to feel your years old man?”

Gabe frowned and pushed William’s head lightly, “Shut it Bilvy, I’m 20 in spirit! Besides, what I mean is that it‘s young to have a gathering like this.”

Gabe swept a long arm out toward the crowd of kids that were stretched from the stage all the way back to tents.

“I’m surprised you haven’t met them yet Gabe, they’re definitely the sort of guys you would get along with.”

Gabe smiled widely at Travis, “They’d praise my devilish good looks, unbeatable wit and charming personality morning, noon and night?”

Travis laughed and shook his head, “They’re absolutely insane.”

Gabe chuckled, “That works too.”

William turned to Gabe, looking as if he wanted to say something but was cut off by the sudden blast of bass and the deafening roar of screaming from the crowd in front of them.

Travis nudged Gabe’s arm with his elbow and jerked his head toward the stage where some rap music was playing and grinned as he said, “Show’s about to start.”

For a minute, nothing happens. There’s just that rap song that Gabe doesn’t know playing loudly through the speakers, a banner stretched behind the drum set that has All Time Low written across it in bright letters and the kids in the crowd cheering.

Then one guy walks onto stage and the cheering increases dramatically. He’s wearing a pair of black skater shorts and a worn white tank with some logo on the front that Gabe can’t quite distinguish. He’s fairly short, at least compared to Gabe himself, maybe 5’11” at the most and has tan skin, a fairly muscular build and a buzzed hair cut. It’s his smile that stands out the most though, all bright white teeth stretching clear across his face as he sits at his drums.

“That’s Rian.” Travis tells him, the grin on his own face growing at the crowd’s excitement.

Another boy walk out a few seconds later carrying a bright pink bass and the crowd’s volume grows again. He’s probably an inch taller than the other boy and he’s much more muscular, clearly seen considering all he’s wearing are a pair of board shorts and Nike‘s, no shirt and his shoulders already look sun burnt. He has thick curly hair and a shy grin as he walks over to the drums to say something to Rian.

“Zack.” William points out after swallowing the remainder of his drink.

A tall, lanky guy with a guitar runs out next and the screams from the crowd approaches deafening. He’s by far the tallest so far, maybe 6’2” and the black skinny jeans combined with the black New Found Glory shirt make him look skinnier than he probably actually is. His dark brown/black hair is short in the back, getting longer toward the front with a bleached blonde streak running through it. He gets up on an amp and reaches his hand up and toward the crowd before making a jerking motion that really gets the crowd going.

“That idiot is Jack.” Travis says laughing before the screams reach a peak as the last boy skips onto the stage with a teal guitar in his hands, bumping shoulders with Zack playfully before dancing over to the microphone.

He captures Gabe’s attention immediately. He looks to be about Zack’s height, but the bassist appears to tower over him simply because this last boy is so petite. His dark wash skinny jeans mould perfectly to the slight curve of his hips, a white Love Is The Movement shirt dipping in slightly at the minute cinch of his waist and hanging perfectly off of slender shoulders and a look down tells Gabe that the boy is barefoot. He has a really pretty face, all high check bones, cute nose and pretty pink, full lips with big eyes that Gabe really wants to know the color of. His caramel colored hair has blonde streaks here and there and is longer than his band mates, just barely brushing his shoulder, straightened and swooping in a side bang in the front. He’s attractive, very attractive, not just because of his physical appearance but because Gabe can already tell that this kid has got that “it” factor. The “it” that turns heads and makes people pay attention to him when he walks into a room, or in the case, onto a stage.

Gabe hears William’s laugh coming from his side but he only turns to look at him when he’s hit with the bony boy’s fist again.

“See something you like Gabanti?”

Gabe’s lips turn up in a small grin, one hand rubbing at his abused shoulder absently, his eyes flickering to the younger man in front of the microphone again briefly before turning to his friend.

“Maybe, you jealous Bilvy?”

William just snorts with laughter, “You know it Gabanti. His name’s Alex by the way. You know, the kid up there that you were practically undressing in your mind?”

Gabe grins as Travis laughs with William, “No practically about it Bilvy, more like definitely, kid’s a total babe.”

Travis just shook his head, well aware that Gabe is what he called an “equal opportunity” kind of guy. “You think he’s hot now, just wait until you see them play.”

And all of a sudden the rap music fades and the four boys on stage start the music.

By the end of their set, Gabe is genuinely wondering how he has never heard of All Time Low. They’re young, and they definitely have room for growth and improvement, but they’re good.

Really good.

They’re passionate and they play every note like it’s their last, like it’s the only thing in the world that matters. Their energy is palpable, and it’s so fucking obvious that this is their world. They work the crowd like professionals, even when they’re not playing they’re entertaining, making inappropriate jokes, sexual innuendos and fooling around and it’s almost like they’re playing in a basement full of friends instead of on a stage to a bunch of strangers and the crowd eats it up, giving back the love full force.

Gabe notices small things through the entire performance. Like how Jack simply can NOT stay still, he dances and jumps throughout the entire thing because he simply has to. How Zack may not talk a lot compared to the guitarist and the lead singer but his grin never leaves his face. How all three boys in front go back to the drummer at least once per song and how they mess with their crew as if they were just as much a part of the band as they were. Gabe likes that about them, he considers his own crew a family and it’s awesome to see other bands sharing his appreciation.

But most of all he notices Alex, can barely keep his eyes off the lead singer and Travis was right. He was attracted to the front man before but now it’s at a whole different level of physical lust. The boy flirts shamelessly with the crowd, he smiles and winks and dances till they’re going crazy. He has a beautiful voice, it’s slightly higher when he’s singing compared to when he’s just talking and it’s smooth and slides over notes so easily it‘s almost envious.

Gabe is pretty much a straight shooter when it comes to these kinds of things. He knows what he wants when he sees it and more importantly, he has the confidence to take it.

And he most definitely wants Alex.

After the band finishes Dear Maria and Alex has thanked the crowd one last time with an enthusiastic “Thank you so fucking much you guys, we love you all so fucking hard! See you next time!” Gabe turns to William and Travis who are both shooting knowing glances to each other, smiles on their faces like they know something he doesn’t.

“So Travis, tell me, which way does Alex swing exactly?”

pairing: alex gaskarth/gabe saporta, rating: nc-17

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