Rather Waste Some Time With You [S/A]

Dec 12, 2010 16:12

Title: Rather Waste Some Time With You
Author: chaosremix Abygail :D
Pairing: Jack/Matt; Flyzikat is what I shall call it.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Jack breaks down, guess who's there to help.
Disclaimer: I do in fact own these boys. They're under my bed, right this very moment. And, all of this happened on the MSP tour, before I stole them away.  I do not own the boys, but hell. For all we know, this actually happened. Also, title belongs to The Used.
Author's Note: This is my first time writing anything slash related. This is also my first time writing for any comm. If you'd like to tell me how awkward everything is, I have a tumblr. :]

Jack was usually the one looking for Matt when everyone else was off partying in someone's bus. So, when Matt set off to find Jack in hopes of dragging him to the Hey Monday bus where everyone was, he felt a bit weird.

He went to their own bus as an obvious first choice, and was relieved that he wouldn't have to search for Jack, as the lanky boy was sitting on a couch with his acoustic guitar in his lap.

"Hey Jack." Matt said with a smile on his face, something that almost always occurred when he was with the younger boy. When Jack didn't even acknowledge his presence, and just continued drumming his fingers on the wooden body of the guitar, is when Matt got a little scared.

"Jack?" he questioned, walking over to the couch and dropping his head down to be face-to-face with the boy. Matt's heart just about stopped when he saw tears in the boy's eyes.

"Jack, what's wrong?" His voice was now barely above a whisper. Jack only shook his head, closing his eyes.

"Jack." He tried again, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "What's wrong?" He questioned.

Jack opened his eyes once more, his voice shaky as he answered Matt with a question. "Do you ever get fed up with being so immature that no one ever listens to what you really have to say?"

"Wait!" He started answering his own question. "That was stupid, of course you wouldn't. People have to listen to you. You're Matt Flyzik, the tour manager. And Alex, he's practically worshiped. And people value what Rian and Zack have to say." Matt was wide eyed, sitting next to Jack now.

"Jack people listen to you! I bas-" He was cut off by Jack, who just wasn't having any of it.

"Matt, where would I be if none of this ever happened? What would've happened if this band hadn't made it this far. I would be the only one who would've gotten seriously fucked over. I mean, if we didn't make it, everyone else would've gotten somewhere in life. They would have a real job, be with people who value their thoughts. Me? I'd be working at some McDonalds with a guy named Paul. A guy named Paul who would want to rape me!" Jack's now loud voice, was filling the empty bus and it would've been laughable if he wasn't being completely serious.

"First of all," Matt started "You're wrong. Don't ask why, or how or anything. Cause when I say this, just keep in mind that I love you, but you. Are. Wrong." He ignored the violent butterflies that were attacking his stomach cause of those three little words, and went on. "Second of all, you don't have to worry about a bad job or anything like that, cause look where you are right now. You're living what so many kids dream of. Your job can barley be called a job, it's that amazing."

"Yeah, and it could be lost in a matter of minutes." Jack interjected.

Matt shook his head violently. "Why? Cause of one bad show, or one not-so-good song? No. It can't happen, your fans love you too much."

They were sitting with their bodies facing each other now. Each boy's back leaned up against an armrest.

"And," he stated, remembering something that the boy said not to long ago. "You're not immature. It's your personality. Your amazing personality that people love."

Jack looked up from his lap, the guitar being put to the side a while ago. The tears were now gone from his eyes, but his mouth was still slightly pouting.

"Do you like my personality?" Jack leaned a little closer to the oh-so attractive tour manager. "Cause from what I can tell, it sort of annoys you." Matt couldn't help but notice that his bottom lip jutted out a little more as he said that, and the fact that Jack's hands were at the base of his hips didn't help anything.

"Well, I love your personality." Matt stated simply, and then went on as he saw the smile that graced the younger boy's face.

"And I love it when you smile, and laugh and well, when you're being you." He said, even though it sounded completely corny.

He still kept going, afraid of Jack's response to what he just said. "But, what would you want to do if not this. Not what you think you can do or think you can't. What do you want to do?"

Jack still hadn't answered, but he was now leaning so close in, that their noses were touching. Matt's breath caught in his throat as he thought of what would happen if he just leaned in a bit closer. But he didn't have to think about it, cause Jack's lips were on his and he felt amazing to say the least.

Matt kissed back, a bit hesitantly because no, Jack wasn't gay. And neither was he. But why was he feeling this way.

The smile that was shared as they pulled away from each other made his doubts go away. Their lips were brought together in another clumsy kiss, and both Jack and Matt found themselves thankful that the boys wouldn't be back until sometime the next morning.

In the midst of things Jack's problems were forgotten and the boys ended up in Matt's bunk.

They woke up the next morning a tangled mess and quite happy, as they figured out their feelings for each other the night before.

They could hear the other boys moaning about how much their heads hurt, none of them noticing Jack and Matt missing.

Jack pressed his forehead to Matt's and said, "I think I know what I'd want to do."

Matt's face held a bit of confusion until he remembered the question he asked the night before. "Mhm, and what's that?" He urged the boy to go on.

"I'd rather waste some time with you." Jack answered with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Matt's face held a look of pure joy as he said, "That sounds like a great plan to me."

They brought their lips together for a passionate kiss, and Matt couldn't help but think of the fanfics that would be written about this.

author: chaosremix, genre: angst, rating: pg-13

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