Fireworks. [Chapter Thirty-Two]

Dec 12, 2010 19:56

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic  
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: I'm not sure whether I like this chapter or not, but it'll have to do. <3


Alex’s fingers ran through his matted hair, nails digging into the roots as he shook his head from side to side. “N-no... I’m just imagining this.” He whimpered, “I’m just drunk, and I-I’m seeing things. M-my Jack wouldn’t d-do this...”

Jack steadied himself onto his feet, Oli’s hand reached out to grip around his bicep tightly. “Let me go, Oli. I need to make sure he’s o-okay.” Jack slurred, trying to wriggle from the older man’s grasp, yet found that his fingers only tightened.
“Just leave him.” Oli spat, “Look at him, he’s pathetic.” And he just had to laugh, because it was funny to see a boy who bigged himself up, seem so fragile and weak. “It’s only cocaine, I don’t see why he’s crying about it.”
That word made Jack cringe, cocaine, it sounded so disgusting.

“I-I can’t believe you...” Alex managed to choke, “You have no idea how st-stupid you are.”

Jack’s hand managed to pry Oli’s fingers from his arm, and he stumbled towards his boyfriend, ignoring Oli’s cursing beneath his breath.
“Alex, please, I-I’m sorry.” He began, “I just- You seemed so happy with your friends, a-and I felt left out.”
Large, thick brows pulled together to a frown, “You felt left out? Fuck, Jack. I-I just wanted a night with you. A-and you left me to go with Oli.” He brought his hand to his face, thumbs wiping at the tears beginning to crawl from brown eyes. “D-don’t you dare try and make me feel guilty.”

Jack folded his arms against his chest, chin tilted downwards, “I’m sorry...”
“A-and you think that’s gonna make it better?” Alex asked in disbelief, “One little word i-isn’t gonna change the fact that you just... you just snorted coke.”
Jack didn’t know what to say. Sorry was the only word he could think of, but Alex didn’t seem to want to hear it. What else could he do?”

“I’ve had enough of this already. Jack, come on, let’s go.” Oli called from behind the two boys, “Alex wont even remember this in the morning.”

“I’m not leaving him.” Jack turned to face Oli, whose glare as rather impressive. “I need to just th-throw up or something, get everything out of my system. I-I need to make this better.”
“Are you a fucking idiot? Puking isn’t gonna stop the effects. I’m surprised they’ve not kicked in already.” Oli scoffed, a hand placed on his hip.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling, b-but I know it’s not good.” Jack mumbled before looking at Alex. “Pl-please take me home...”

Alex blinked several times, keeping the tears at bay for the moment, “Why should I?” He asked, voice cracking. “I should just l-leave you here to fucking bathe in your side-effects.”
The American boy’s eyes widened, “N-no... Alex, you wouldn’t. Please, I just want to go home.”
Alex’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip, considering the consequences. “Wouldn’t I...?”
“No, b-because I know I’ve fucked up big time, b-but you’ll forgive me, because that’s what a good boyfriend does.” Jack cried in desperation, “You’ll tell me that I’m a f-fucking idiot, that mixing drugs and drink is putting my life at risk, that I could die at any moment, but y-you’ll be the one who’s rubbing circles on m-my back and holding my hair when I v-vomit.” His words became quieter as he watched Alex’s expression change, “A-Alex, c-come on... It was just a line. I-I know it was stupid, b-but I wont do it again... please, don’t leave me like this.”

Oli was growing impatient, his foot tapped against the concrete loudly. “I’ve not got all fucking night.” He groaned, “Jack, seriously. Don’t waste your breath.” The boy took a few steps closer to Jack, his hand grasping the younger boy’s shoulder.

Alex was quick to shove his palms into Oli’s chest, “Don’t you fucking touch him.” He hissed.
The tattooed male smiled smugly as he squared up to his fellow Englishman, “Or what?” Oli spat, looking down to the shorter boy. “I’m sure Jack’s told you about my reputation... I could destroy you in fucking seconds. I wouldn’t try it.” He warned, but the threat didn’t seem to have any effect on Alex.
“I couldn’t give a shit. I don’t want a fight, I just want you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend.” He fought back, “If you truly cared about Jack, then you’d know th-that feeding him drugs is just going to make his mental health worse. I’m sure you know that Jack tried to fucking kill himself, that Jack self harms himself, and cocaine will only spur him on.”
Oli shrugged his shoulders as he took a step backwards, “Maybe that’s what you think, but it was just one fucking line. He’s not going to want to pop his fucking clogs from that.”
“But one line can turn into two, and then three, and then fuck, Jack’s addicted, and that will lead him onto heavier shit. You’d probably be the first person Jack would turn to if he needed something stronger, heroin, maybe? All it takes is one little thing to go wrong, and Jack would be lying on the floor, dead.”
Oli’s palms began to sweat as Alex lectured him, “Just shut up, you’re chatting bullshit.”
“Scared, are we? Finally, I’m getting to you.” Alex growled, “If you don’t want Jack to become like you, a fucking failure, then keep your distance. I swear to God, if you ever try contact him again, you’re dead.”
“Your threats won’t work on me.” Oli challenged, yet even in the dim light, his eyes showed fear.
“We’ll see.” Alex finished.

Tears were rolling down Jack’s cheek as Alex held his open palm out for the boy to take.
“We can talk about this in the morning.” The English boy muttered, his fingers squeezing to reassure the younger boy.
“Th-thank you...”
Alex rolled his eyes, “Don’t thank me. You’re sleeping on the fucking couch when we get back in.”

- - - -

The walk home was a struggle to say the least.
Alex needed to have his spare hand pressed against something at all times to steady himself, and Jack was on the verge of passing out as they neared the house.
At least they made it, as Alex unlocked the front door and pulled the younger teen inside.

“You alright?” He asked quietly, his own dizziness beginning to make him feel a little nauseous.
Jack nodded weakly, his face drained of any colour, “I-I think so...” He whispered, hand tightly clutched against his stomach.
“Bathroom, now.” Alex commanded, leading the boy up the stairs carefully, almost tripping at the top step.
Opening the bathroom door, he pulled on the light cord, “Hopefully you’ll be sick, and then at least you’ll sober up from the drink quicker.” He sighed, as Jack knelt to the floor opposite the toilet, lifting the lid carefully. “I’ll get you some water.”

Leaving Jack to gag into the toilet bowl, Alex tiptoed down the stairs quietly. He wasn’t too sure of the time, and made a mental note to check the microwave as he stepped into the kitchen.

It had taken them about an hour just to get home.

Alex fumbled in the cupboards for two glasses, trying his hardest to minimise his noise levels. He really didn’t want his parents to wake up and see him in such a state, and anyway, the first thing they’d probably notice would be Jack’s limp body slumped in the bathroom.

Turning on the tap, Alex filled the two glasses with cold water.
This wasn’t how he thought his night would end. Well, feeling sick, he’d expected that, because he wanted to get hammered. Alex could never handle his drink, anyway. He was often throwing up.
He just hadn’t ever thought of Jack to be the type to mix with drugs. Even weeks back, when he realised that Jack was with Oli, an addict, he thought the American was sensible enough to stay away from it all. It just made him start to wonder, had Jack done this before?

The boy’s fingers gripped around the two drinks, before shuffling his way into the hallway and up the stairs.
He didn’t want to think of that, not right now. Tomorrow seemed like a better idea.

“You thrown up yet?” Alex asked softly, crouching beside Jack.
“N-no...” The other boy mumbled, his cheek resting on the lid.
Alex pressed a light kiss to the other’s temple, “Mm, I have water if you want.” And he handed the glass to the male who straightened himself up.

Jack’s pupils were dilated, beads of sweat were rolling down his forehead, and his breathing appeared to be quicker than normal.
“You’re such an idiot.” Alex said, as the boy lifted the rim of the glass to his lips. “You look terrible, baby...”
Jack nodded, offering a smile, “I feel it, too.”
“So why did you take it?” Alex asked, finally sitting down beside the younger boy.
The American shrugged his shoulders, another gulp of water, “I don’t know.”
Alex sipped from his own glass, his fringe falling out of place across his eyes, “You don’t know? Bullshit.” He retorted aggressively, and he opened his mouth to say something else, yet was interrupted as Jack leant over into the bowl, retching.

Alex turned his head to look away; it wasn’t the most pleasant of sights. Yet, as Jack had said earlier, the boy’s hand was in fact rubbing circles on his back. His previous anger had slipped away, and it just seemed like the right thing to do.
“Jack,” Alex hushed, “Sh, sh, just get it out your system.”
The younger boy responded by forcing a mixture of alcohol and bile through his throat and past his lips.
“There we go.” Alex sighed, his spare hand pushing Jack’s fringe, his fingers pinning it back. “You’ll feel better soon.” He reassured, as Jack gagged and vomited once more. “Have some water.”

The fragile boy leant backwards a little, finishing the last of his water. “Th-thanks...”
Alex simply shrugged, “I’m a good boyfriend, remember?”
Jack cocked his head in confusion, “I don’t...”
The English boy gently kissed his partner’s forehead lightly, “You said a good boyfriend would know you messed up, and would be rubbing your back and holding your hair back when you up chuck.” He laughed softly, “So, that makes me a good boyfriend, doesn’t it?”
The slightly taller boy nodded, his head lolling against Alex’s chest, the other boy wrapping an arm to support his shoulders. “I’m sorry...” He whispered, “Y-you shouldn’t have taken me home.”

Alex tilted his head to rest against the other boy’s, “I shouldn’t have,” He agreed, “But it was either you stay on the streets for the night, and who knows what would happen to you, or Oli would have taken you back, and that would have just torn me to pieces. I couldn’t let either of those things happen...”
Jack nuzzled his nose into the gap between Alex’s neck and shoulder, “Why?”
“You mean too much to me.” The other boy responded quickly. “Or maybe it’s because I’m still drunk, and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I’m sorry.”
Alex had to chuckle, “I know, I know.” He murmured, “But I guess we all mess up, don’t we?”
Jack made a noise of agreement, “Even you.”
“Even me... Fuck, I’ve messed up loads, haven’t I?” He groaned, “That whole Josh situation was probably the biggest.”
“And I forgave you for that...” Jack said, “S-so, can we say we’re even, and you can forgive me?” The American offered a hopeful smile, and though he looked like the living dead, Alex didn’t think he had the heart to say no.
“Alright,” He sighed, “But I swear to God, Jack, you ever do that again, and I don’t know what will happen...”
“I wont,” Jack promised, “B-back in that alley, I really thought I was going to lose you. I-I’m so lucky that you didn’t walk away.” The boy’s fingers managed to find Alex’s as they cuddled on the cold, tiled floor.
“You know, I don’t think I could ever walk away from you, even if you wanted me to-“
“I wouldn’t ever want you to...” Jack interrupted.
Alex laughed lightly, “I know... but if you wanted me to, I’d put up a fight, that’s for sure.”
“You really mean that?”
“Yep,” Alex nodded, “It scares me sometimes, the fact that I could honestly picture myself spending the rest of my life with you, but then it makes me smile, because I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He admitted, “A-and the reason I’m upset about you taking drugs... i-it’s only because I know that there’s a risk of losing you to them. I don’t think I would be able to cope if you were gone. I mean, in the space of what, a couple of years? The two people who mean most to me, their lives stolen, just like that...”

Jack was beginning to understand more now that the effects were beginning to wear off, “I’ve cheated death before, Alex. I can do it again.” He mumbled as he sat up straight, using the sink to help get him to his feet.
The English boy decided to copy the other male’s actions, pulling himself up. “I don’t want to risk it, though.”
And as Jack brushed his teeth before flushing away the contents in the toilet bowl, he stepped onto the landing.
The younger male followed behind, turning the light off and closing the door, before heading toward the stairs.
“Where are you going?” Alex asked quietly.
Jack turned to face the other boy, “The sofa...” He responded, “You told me I’m sleeping there tonight.”
“I’ve changed my mind.”

And the two boys walked hand in hand into Alex’s room, both stripping to their underwear as they reached the bed.
“You’re not going to be sick again, are you? Only... I don’t really want your puke in my sheets, or my hair, for that matter.” Alex said, wrinkling his nose at the thought.
Jack rolled his eyes, “No, I’m alright now.” He said, “Just tired, so tired...” And he tugged the duvet from the bed, before crawling in.
Alex slid in beside him, pulling the cover over the both of them, “Sleep sounds good.” He whispered into the boy’s hair as he pressed his body up against him. “Goodnight, baby.”
“W-wait... Alex?”
“Mm, what?” He questioned, his arm reaching over Jack’s stomach, pulling him closer, his fingers entwining with the other’s.
“Something good came out of this, you know.” The younger teen murmured sleepily, eyes closing.
“And that was?”
Jack yawned loudly, “I think...” He started, “I think I...”

But before he had a chance to finish his sentence, he had drifted off to sleep.

chaptered: fireworks, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: masokisstiic, rating: r

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