Apr 11, 2009 13:20
I feel like i should post. although I don't really know what to talk about. Yesterday was probably one of the worst days ever. I am on the breaking point of this whole job thing. Like, wow its getting fucking ridiculous. These are all the things I am no longer allowed to do at work..
*Wear a headband
*Have my nails done with acrylic
*Use to-go cups or containers
*Go out and smoke whenever I feel like it. Or when Im waiting for food to cook. [lame. but understandable.]
*Carry a backpack or a purse big enough to do fucking anything with. Or else they're allowed to search it coz by mistake I accidently said something about this kid stealing fucking steak knives. even though he was the one who told me, he made me look at a shmuck saying something like.."I wasn't the one in the damn newspaper for stealing old ladie's purses". I hope he chokes on a mushroom.
*Have my cell phone in the damn building.
You tell me how any of that makes sense okay? I follow the rules..but some of these I just can't. Some of these are more than ridiculous.
I think I just need someone to be like, wow that is insane. But it doesn't much matter coz I still have no where to get another job.