(no subject)

Feb 05, 2005 15:02

List five fictional people -- from television, movies, books, whatever -- that you had a crush on as a child (or early teens). Then post this on your LiveJournal so other people can know what a dork you've always been.

1. Briar, from Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic quartet.
2. Lumiere, from La Belle et la Bete, because he was awesome. (And yes, I am too lazy to look up the circonflexe and the grave accent codes.) I liked his voice, and used to sing to Be Our Guest until my parents joined in. They were terrible singers, and wouldn't have cared except my brother cried every time he heard them.
3. Bart Simpson. :P
4. Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes. I read them when I was four, I think.
5. Inigo Montoya, from the Princess Bride. Just. Hair. Grin. Sword.
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