Too Good for This World, Too Pure: Ivy

Oct 24, 2015 23:10

Fandom: Dollhouse
Character: Ivy

Part 1:
Ivy is a chair technician and lab rat who plays second fiddle to Topher Brink's eccentric genius in the tv series Dollhouse. Ivy is a character who displays a surprising amount of common sense and self-preservation for someone in a speculative fiction universe. At first, Ivy is an everyman who bitches about being undervalued and underutilized at work. In one particular scene, in which the heroine of the series is fighting an enemy, her boss, Topher, asks if they should help the heroine out in the fight. Ivy sensibly replies that they did help her when they programmed her to have martial arts skills. Later, in the post-Thoughtpocalypse comic books, we find out that Ivy has programmed an imprint of her own personality to reach hundreds of people, so that she cannot fail in her ultimate goal of recruiting people for an army ran by Alpha.

Part 2:
Ivy League is a web series about Ivy Palanca working from within the Dollhouse to gather all her imprints -- as well as their recruits -- for Alpha's army, in order to maintain a certain kind of order in the city, and perhaps find a way to reverse the effects of the Thoughtpocalypse.

Part 3: (Bx4, D, & E)

Part 3b:
Wendell!Ivy is an uncle with a young boy in his charge. Ivy uses this relationship to recruit the boy into Alpha's army. Wendell is played by actor Michael K Williams.

Blonde!Ivy is a survivor through-and-through. She often arrives at the eleventh hour to save others, including other Ivys. She has more than a passing interest in dude!Ivy. She is played by Gabourey Sidibe.

Brunette!Ivy is a very attractive young woman who works very well with dude!Ivy. Perhaps a little too well, even. Some of the other Ivys are very weirded out by their relationship. She is played by actress Crystal Reed.

Dude!Ivy is a stone fox. When we first see him, he is much like prime!Ivy in personality and in mannerisms. But over the course of the series, we see him developing more and more of a dudebro attitude. He is played by Ryan Hansen.

Part 3d:

Part 3e:
Time Bomb by Bad Seed Rising (WARNING: flashing video!)
Come and get it
Come and get it
Come and make a fuss
Won't regret it
Won't forget it
Wreck it; change it up
Raise your hands
To the rock'n'roll choir
Just a girl
Just a girl on fire

type: other writing, type: other graphics, fandom: dollhouse

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