Too Good For This World Jenny

Oct 24, 2015 21:32

1.  Main Character: Jenny, the Doctor's Daughter, from episode 4x6 of Doctor Who, The Doctor's Daughter would be a fascinating character to follow along in her own adventures.  Jenny brought a bright eyed optimism to the show that was refreshing.  On top of that optimism she also knew how to stand up for herself and take down the bad guys.  Her story was not explored nearly enough in the short time the audience got to know her.  And seriously who didn't want to follow her along when she took off in her spaceship at the end.

2.  Title/Summary: "Jenny's New World" follows Jenny as she learns to navigate the the world around her and how to use the powers with in.  Her beloved spaceship is the only possession she has as she travels from society to society humorously learning how to properly interact with others, and surprisingly saving the day on most days.  Her unique way of looking at the world gives her just the skills needed to come up with the solution that nobody else can see.  Along the way Jenny realizes that travelling is no fun without someone to share it with and assembles a team of rag tag adventurers who help her on her mission to help everyone she meets.

3A) Episode Title/ Summary: "Jenny Walks Into A Bar" is the series opener of this new series.  Jenny's spaceship is in need of fuel and she lands on a planet that is well known for its drinking.  She wanders the streets for what feels like hours but all she can find are a string of bars, defeated Jenny enters one and sits down at the bar.  The crowd at the bar is a little less than savory but Jenny is oblivious to this fact as she enjoys her first taste of alcohol.  A mysterious stranger across the bar watches her the entire night and she gets uncomfortable, but when she's had too much and is in danger or being taken advantage of, the mysterious stranger rescues her.  After talking to her, he helps her find the fuel she needs and she offers him a free trip as a thanks.

3B) Side Character Description: The mysterious stranger Jenny meets in the first episode is Gareth Farmer (Jonathan Bailey).  He's a bit of a rogue and gives off a vibe that he is not someone to be messed around with.  He's been a bit of an outlaw running scams, but underneath he has a heart of gold.   He befriends Jenny and takes her under her wing willing to teach her all about the world around them.  But he's harboring a darker secret, will Jenny discover it before its too late.

3C: Mini Spam of New Character

3A) Episode Title/Summary: "Jenny gets a Makeover" is the second episode of the first series.  Gareth decides that Jenny stands out everywhere they go and that they have to find her some new clothes.  The leather pants and green shirt are to militaristic.  So Gareth helps Jenny navigate her time ship until they find a future version of planet Earth.  They land and Gareth quickly helps Jenny find a place to shop, where they meet Pippa Greer.  Pippa helps Jenny find all the best outfits and Jenny is very grateful for her new friend. When Pippa's husband shows up at her work and screams at his wife bordering on physical abuse, Jenny realizes that life isn't always as easy as it seems.    This bright happy young girl is hiding something behind her smile, and Jenny invites her to come along and Pippa is more than willing to leave her life behind.

3B) Side Character Description:  Pippa Greer (Hayley Atwell) is a sweet out going young woman who works in a shop.  She uses her upbeat nature to hide the true darkness of what she deals with at home.  As a little girl, her parents fought all the time and she learned quickly that if you just smile people will leave you alone and you won't have to deal with the questions.  She carried that advice into her adulthood as she found herself in her own abusive relationship.  She knows she wants to get away but is too scared to make the move herself.  Her rough uprbringing and marriage made her very street smart and she definitely knows how to stick up for herself.  She also has a very large protective treats and wants to leave everyone better than when she found them.

3C) Min Spam of New Character

user: dance_thrulife, fandom: doctor who

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