Challenge 31: Create a TV Show

Oct 26, 2014 01:53

Badger’s Planet (a Firefly spinoff)

Badger Booker (Mark Sheppard), onetime nemesis of Malcolm Reynolds and the Serenity crew, has had a lucky strike. An uncle he never knew has died and left him a substantial amount of money and a somewhat down-at-the-heels hotel/casino/nightclub in a seaside city on Greenleaf, home planet to the moon where Badger was raised.

Judging that Persephone had become a little risky for a businessman such as himself, Badger tips his bowler and hies off with some of his crew to see what fortune could be made on a tropical planet that was just developing a thriving industry-bordering on outright piracy-in black-market drugs borne from the plant life that grew so richly in the rain forest.

And what do you know? He's making a go of it. Join us for the humor, intrigue, larceny-and even romance-that thrive in the neon lights, bubbly drinks, and hectic management of….Badger’s Planet!

Also starring: Mischa Collins, Amy Acker, and John Cho!

user: catko, fandom: firefly

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