Challenge 61: Picspam Lists

Aug 08, 2014 13:54

Top ten places from TV shows and Movies where I'd never go for a vacation.

Haven, Maine! (Haven) Though it is a beautiful place, life expectancy there is very short. I think I'll find less dangerous places to vacation.

Mord'Sith Temples! (Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth) I've heard how the views are spectacular. There's even large bathing pools! Unfortunately, for those who aren't Mord'Sith, the accommodations are less than ideal.

Defiance! (Defiance) Supposedly this is a safe place to live? Doesn't seem so safe to me.

Beyond the wall! (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice And Fire) For someone who likes snow not I!! a trip beyond the wall seems a dream come true! Think of all the skiing and hiking on glaciers! The risks far outweigh the payoff here. Especially when The Others get involved.

I find this entry on the list particularly ironic, because I've actually BEEN to the places where this was filmed. I've actually made TWO trips to Iceland! My pictures of GoT filming locations. We did not encounter any White walkers. Just a crapton of bugs.

Vancouver of the Future! (Continuum) This is definitely a society I don't want to experience.

Panem! District 12 and the Capitol. (The Hunger Games). This needs no explanation.

Mordor (Lord of the Rings). This also needs no explanation.

Mystic Falls, Virginia! (The Vampire Diaries). Yet another town with a very short life expectancy.

Sunnydale, California (Buffy The Vampire Slayer). Yeah, NO ONE is left alive in THIS town.

Chicago, Illinois! (Divergent). I love me some Chicago, but this one is depressing.

fandom: game of thrones, type: picspam, fandom: the hunger games, fandom: defiance

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