
Jul 04, 2014 14:01

My iceland pictures for those who aren't on my facebook.

Part 1, Part 2, and iulieki's pictures.

So, my second trip to Iceland was even more awesome and epic than the first. We visited a LOT of places, saw HUNDREDS of waterfalls, and like 16 glaciers. But, forget all of that, for we have priorities.

Skógafoss. This was the waterfall used in Thor 2. Asgard is up there somewhere! We sent Juliet up to investigate. Asgard looks suspiciously like a river...

Svínafellsjökull. The ambush on the wildlings in 2x06 was shot on this glacier. This was where Jon spared Ygritte's life. Also some Batman Begins scenes.

Dimmuborgir. Full of interesting lava formations. These have been seen in the show too.

Grjótagjá!! THE JON AND YGRITTE SEXY TIEMZ CAVE!!! I would have gone down to get pictures of the water if I was more sure footed. I was not risking getting stuck down there, haha.

Around Lake Myvatn is where all the north of the wall filming was done starting with season 3.

Krafla Volcano. Okay, so we're looking at the Krafla Power Plant, which was built INSIDE a volcano. We also totally DROVE into this volcano, because we're totally badass. This is where Sam was attacked by the White Walker in 3x01.

Öxarárfoss. The waterfall Arya was on top of in the season 4 finale.

Arya's REAL view off into Þingvellir.

The entrance to the Vale!!! This is continuing along that huge rock wall from the waterfall. The rock wall is the edge of the North American continental plate. So Arya totally rode off into the North American sunset.

Öxará, the river Arya was traveling along. The waterfall is down a little.

friends:dora, pictures, friends:juliet, travel:iceland

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