You are now JOHN STRIDER. You would go into detail about how you differ from SOME GOOBERY DOOFUS that shares your name, but right now you have bigger fish to fry and you'll let this MUNDANE dude handle the TIMEY-WIMEY EXPLANATIONS. Like the fact that you're in a closet. You're going to figure that out first.
gamersTrenchant [GT] began pestering ??? [??]
so hey, sup dudes, question ichi.
why am i in a closet.
question dos.
how do i get out.
and question three, of course is
what am i doing here.
any and all answers can and will be appreciated, k?
john strider out.
[OOC: Alrighty then! This kid is actually part of an AU in the works known as
timeslight ! A friend of mine (who coincidentally plays
lightwitchery ) came up with the idea and i've become a part of it as is the downhill spiral of insanity that is my life. Meet the quasi-ironic and down-to-earth John Strider, and have fun.]