New account!

May 11, 2011 14:53

Just signed on at Goodreads! Still figuring out how it all works, and Kaylee's wanting to watch Strawberry Shortcake on Netflix so I don't really have time to do a ton of book reviews, but I at least got a short one of Draculas in.

Speaking of Kaylee, this afternoon she stepped on a bee. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for not freaking the hell out on the outside the way I was on the inside. Hate. Bees. And of course my inner voice was all OMG what if she's allergic PANIC RED ALERT. I talked to her as I cleaned it off and put some peroxide on it, and after I put the peroxide on she says, "Thank you!" and bounces off to grab a book. It's a couple of hours later, and you wouldn't know anything had happened. Though she does proudly announce to anyone who comes by, "I stepped on a bee!" :-)

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draculas, kaylee, books, goodreads

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