You Hit Like a Girl (11/?)

May 28, 2011 20:44

 Title: You Hit Like a Girl (11/?)
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel, Puck/Rachel friendship
Spoilers: Season 1 compliant, AU Season 2.
Summary: The summer after her sophomore year, Rachel Berry has three goals: 1. Prepare for Glee 2. Befriend Quinn Fabray 3. Create a Lasting Romance with Finn Hudson. By the fourth week of summer she’s completely failed two of them. Now what is she supposed to do?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Four days. That’s how long Rachel Berry had been dating Quinn Fabray. In a lot of ways, things were still the same-Rachel texted her good morning and good night, her fathers still thought that she thought she was straight, Rachel and Puck practiced football, and Quinn threatened Puck physically at least once a day. However, Rachel was now allowed more than just two texts. Luckily, Quinn hadn’t been grounded and her mother finally switched over to an unlimited plan. That’s not to say that Quinn and Rachel messaged each other all the time. They each had their own lives and Quinn still needed a little space. Sometimes Rachel wanted to text Quinn nonstop, but she hadn’t gotten Quinn by flooding her inbox, but by subtly inserting herself into her life. Rachel appreciated loud and obnoxious shows of emotion. She was used to drama, but over the summer she had learned to appreciate subtlety. Like the way she could sit with Puck and not talk at all. Or the way Quinn could be eviscerating Puck with her eyes but then she’d glance at Rachel and her lips would quirk.

So far football practices with Quinn had been interesting. Rachel had had to drag her off of Puck twice-once when she’d taken too long to get up after a tackle, and once when he’d given Rachel a congratulatory slap on the ass. Rachel had never seen Quinn’s face turn so red. But, Quinn was getting a little bit better each day. She’d bring a book and sit in the bleachers and pretend to read for as long as she could stand it. So far, she’d left early every day, but she’d always be waiting outside in the parking lot when they got done.

The first time Quinn had been waiting for them after practice hadn’t gone so well. Quinn and Puck got into a fight over who would get to take Rachel home. Puck insisted it counted as part of their bro time. Quinn told him she could take Rachel home if she wanted to because Rachel was her girlfriend. There were several threats and lots of swearing on both sides. Rachel had tried to stop them and had been shushed by both parties. Deciding she didn’t have to listen to them, she turned away and started walking home. Quinn and Puck quickly came to a compromise. They now took turns driving home. When Rachel rode with Puck, they turned the music on so loud they received glares from the other drivers. They made plans about the school year and getting Rachel onto the football team. When Rachel rode with Quinn, the blonde would spend about five minutes muttering under her breath about football and Puckerman. Then she would lightly rest her hand on top of Rachel’s and ask her about her day.

It always amazed Rachel how possessive and touchy Quinn would be when she was worried about her. She would pull her close and run her hands just about everywhere checking for injuries. But when it came to just the two of them, Quinn seemed so nervous about touching her, as if Rachel was going to dissolve or maybe push her away. They hadn’t kissed since their first and Rachel really wanted to kiss her again. But, she was letting Quinn set the pace physically. Every once in a while, Rachel would initiate contact, but it was rare. It felt really strange because she knew that Quinn was just as compelled to touch her as Rachel was Quinn.

They had yet to go on a proper date, or any outing at all. So far, their interactions had been limited to football practice and texts. Despite the fact that Quinn said she wouldn’t be ashamed of her, Rachel was trying to be considerate. She was trying to give Quinn time to adjust before she asked her out on an official date. Besides, if Quinn was ready, she could always ask Rachel first.

Rachel was still keeping tight lipped when it came to discussing things with her fathers, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t told anybody. Her gut reaction had been to text Finn and tell him “in your face”, but she didn’t. The only person Rachel had told besides Puck was her Aunt Sue.

It was the fourth day and they were out on their Sunday lunch. They had already visited Jean and had already discussed proper interrogation techniques.
“How exactly did you manage to unpress Fabray’s lemon? I knew she was a latent homosexual, but I was beginning to doubt she would ever realize it.”
Rachel shrugged, “Persistence. Determination. And unwavering refusal to accept complete dismissal.”
Sue leaned forward, “You drugged her, didn’t you? Rachel, I expressly told you to use the powder only in the case of emergencies or when dealing with Figgins.”
Rachel scowled, “I did not drug her. I just wormed my way into her heart.”
“Like a flesh eating maggot.”
“If you wish, then yes, like a maggot. And the powder is still tucked in with my school supplies, thank you very much.”

Sue studied Rachel for a moment. Her eyes were very intense. She leaned back.
“You’re not dating a closet case, are you? Because I will not allow you to tarnish the Berry Sylvester family name with such a pathetic display of self disrespect.”
Rachel fidgeted, “She’s not a closet case. She’s just not ready for public displays of affection.”
Sue scowled, “Have you even been out together?”
Rachel winced, “We’ve been busy.”
“Rachel Barbra Berry-“
“Really! We’ve already talked about this. If anyone asks, Quinn won’t deny our relationship. We’re just not going to broadcast it to the entire population.”
Sue scoffed, “I taught you to be smarter than that. She says that now, but once confronted Q could prove to be as yellow as her hair.”
“She won’t. I know she won’t.”
Rachel held her aunt’s piercing gaze. Finally, Sue gave a sharp nod.
“You’d better not get her pregnant.”

If Rachel had been drinking something she would have spit it everywhere.
“Excuse me?”
“I need all of my cheerios in top form this season. I cannot afford to lose Q again. They pyramid’s already unsteady enough with Lopez and her new flotation devices.”
“I believe you changed enough of my diapers to realize I don’t have the necessary equipment.”
Sue scoffed, “I’m sure Puckerman would be a willing donor and a turkey baster only costs a buck fifty at the grocery store. I know how over eager you baby lesbians can be.”
“Fine. No turkey basters. But I can’t promise we won’t rent a u haul or start wearing matching plaid sweater vests.”
Sue looked amused, “Fabray has to wear her uniform to school.”
“Darn it.”

“Speaking of uniforms, football, Rachel?”
Rachel nodded, “I find it invigorating. Noah and I have decided it’s something that we want to do together this year.”
Sue raised an eyebrow, “You and Puckerman have grand plans for this year already, don’t you?”
Rachel shrugged, “Perhaps.”
“Just stay away from my office. The rest of the school can go to hell in a hand basket for all I care. Understood?”
“I find it strange how my dear niece always manages to join forces with my mortal enemies. It’s the only reason I haven’t been able to completely and utterly destroy them and all they hold dear.”
Rachel raised her eyebrow, “Since when is Coach Tanaka your mortal enemy? You didn’t even see him as competition when he was with Miss Pillsbury.”
Sue waved her hand dismissively. “Tanaka is nothing but a sniveling baby. I’m referring to his replacement, Barney. Beelzebub? Bigfoot? I think it’s Bigfoot.”
“Apparently Tanaka had an emotional breakdown and Figgins hired a lady coach. She’s already requested part of my budget in order to improve her team of losers.” Sue’s eyes narrowed. “No one messes with Sue Sylvester’s budget.”
Rachel nodded, “I understand completely. But maybe we’ll actually have a chance at winning this year. It would look good for the cheerios to back a winning team for once.”
Sue studied her, “I see what you’re trying to do. You need to work on your subtlety. If she proves a worthy opponent, I might back off a little, but only in order to fully devote myself to destroying William’s godawful hair.”
“So you’ll secretly cheer for me at all of my games?”
“Of course. I might even bring your Aunt Jean.”

Two days later, Puck and Rachel showed up for practice as usual. Normally, Quinn wouldn’t show up until after they had already started. She took the time between her practice and theirs to run to the gas station for an extra large Gatorade. This particular day, however, Quinn was already in the bleachers. She glared at Puck at smiled at Rachel. Rachel gave her a small wave and Puck stuck his tongue out before they went into the storage shed to change just as they always did.

They stepped out onto the field and Rachel was going to go put up the cones when Puck nudged her.
“Dude, what’s wrong with baby mama?”
Rachel looked over at Quinn. She was staring at them in utter bewilderment, but then her eyes narrowed and her face started turning this strange shade of purple.
“Oh God, do you think she’s choking? Should I-“
“She’s not flailing. If she was choking she’d be flailing. I think.”
Rachel nodded, her face creased with worry, “Maybe I should go check on her anyways.”
She didn’t have to. Quinn stood up abruptly, threw her book to the ground, and stormed towards them.
“What did you do?” Rachel hissed.
“I didn’t do shit!” he hissed back, grabbing Rachel and holding her in front of him like a shield.

Quinn stopped in front of them, seething. She jabbed her finger at them, “You…you…”
Rachel was concerned, “Quinn, what’s wrong?”
Rachel frowned, “What?”
Puck chuckled behind her, “Ohhh. So that’s it.”
Quinn hissed. Rachel was even more confused.
“What is it, Noah?”
“Crazy over there just realized we’ve been changing together.”
Rachel’s eyes widened, “Oh, Quinn. It’s nothing. And we don’t get completely naked.”
“It doesn’t matter!”
Puck smirked, “Superstar, Fabray’s just jealous she hasn’t seen you in your underwear yet and the Puckasaurus could sneak a peak whenever he wanted.”
“You’re going to die, Puckerman!”
“Noah, stop! Quinn, please!”
Quinn stopped snarling at Puck long enough to glare at Rachel.
“Quinn, we’re just changing. You know we aren’t attracted to each other like that. We have to change somewhere.”
“So change in the locker rooms like normal people!”

A voice cut off Rachel’s response.
“Do you honestly think I’d give the My Little Lesbian and My Little Delinquent Ponies access to the cheerios locker room?”
They turned to see Sue Sylvester standing there smirking, with her arms crossed. Quinn and Puck both flinched. Rachel just looked wary. Her aunt had a certain mischievous glint in her eyes. She watched them carefully for a moment before turning to Rachel.
“I need the keys back, short stack, your privileges are being rescinded.”
Rachel frowned, “That wasn’t part of the agreement.”
Quinn and Puck glanced back and forth between them.
Sue raised an eyebrow, “There are two weeks left before school starts and Bigfoot has convinced Figgins she needs access to the field. You and Puckerman are done for the summer.”
Puck looked confused, “Bigfoot?”
Sue glared at him, “Your pathetic team’s pathetic new coach. I’m beginning to regret allowing you access to the field.”
Quinn frowned, “You allowed them access to the field?”
Sue turned her narrowed eyes onto Quinn, “Of course. Do you think anyone is allowed to step foot onto this field without Sue Sylvester’s knowledge? It took a little blackmail, but Berry convinced me to allow her and Puckerman some practice time.”
Quinn and Puck both stared at Rachel. Quinn looked worried. Puck looked awed.
The coach continued, “But I don’t recall any mention of Fabray in the agreement and, Q, you never asked my permission to stay after practice. What exactly are you doing here?”
Quinn’s face paled a little bit before she plastered a confident look on her face and Rachel’s stomach twisted. Normally, she didn’t doubt Quinn’s ability to face off with Sue Sylvester, but this time Sue was privy to information Quinn was unaware of. Rachel winced. She should’ve known her aunt would do something like this, prod Quinn about their relationship to see how she reacted.

Quinn stood up a little taller, “I was watching them practice. I wanted to make sure they didn’t break anything.”
“You thought they were illegally using my field and you didn’t tell me.”
“I didn’t want to bother you. I knew I could handle it.”
“I’m going to stop you right there, Q. I can already smell the lies pooling on the end of your tongue. I’m disappointed in you, Q, I expect better than that. Why are you here?”
“I was watching them play. That’s the truth.”
“What were you yelling at them about? You seemed awfully mad. I thought you were going to kill Puckerman and you know how much I dislike cleaning blood off of my field. It looked to me like he and Berry were a little to close for your comfort.”
Quinn clenched her jaw shut and didn’t say a word.
Rachel stepped forward, “Coach Sylvester.”
“Quiet, Berry, this is between Fabray and I.”
Rachel nodded stiffly. She appreciated her concern, but she really didn’t want her to attack Quinn.
Sue turned back to Quinn, “Are you and Puckerman doing the horizontal tango again? You can’t stand to see his meaty paws all over Berry?”
“No? Well if you’re not dating Puckerman, you must be dating Berry, because Sue Sylvester can smell jealousy from ten miles away, fifteen if there’s a strong wind. Are you dating Berry, Q? Is one of my cheerleaders dating one of the mouth breathers from Glee club?”

Rachel held her breath. Quinn’s entire body was tense and Rachel could see the panic in her eyes.
Quinn’s voice was quiet. “Yes.”
“What’s that Q? I’m afraid I didn’t hear you.”
Quinn squared her shoulders, “I said yes, I’m dating Rachel Berry. And she’s not a mouth breather.”

Rachel really, really wanted to kiss Quinn right now. Sue glanced at her and she raised her eyebrow as if to say “I told you so.”

Sue uncrossed her arms, “Good to know, Q. I’ll keep that in mind when I pick out the captain. You’d better not let any of your lesbian drama affect the team. It’s bad enough trying to keep S and B from desecrating the showers. Do we understand each other?”

Quinn nodded. She looked a little queasy.

Sue looked at Rachel, “I’ll need the key back by tomorrow afternoon. I’m leaving now, I’m tired of looking at Puckerman’s face.”

Rachel, Quinn, and Puck just stood there.
Then Puck threw his helmet to the ground, “Shit!”
“Noah, it’s going to be okay.”
Rachel hesitated and then took a step towards her shell shocked girlfriend, “Quinn.”
Quinn held up her hand, “Don’t. Just don’t.”
It hurt a little, but Rachel nodded. Quinn looked at her and Rachel could see a mix of confusion and fear in her eyes.
“I need some space. I need to go.”
“I’ll talk to you later.
She walked quickly away. Rachel frowned. Then she turned to look at Noah who was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands.
She squatted down next to him, “It’s okay, Noah.”
“No it’s not Superstar. What are we going to do?”
“Hey, look at me. It’s only two weeks and then we’ll be back to kicking ass together on the field, but it will be for real this time. We could use two weeks to rest. We can still go running, but I’m sure our bodies could use a break. We’ve already practiced ten times more than anyone else has.”
Puck sighed, “But this is our thing. This is what we can do when things go to shit.”
“And it still will be. We can do other bro stuff too, Noah. Maybe we can plan out some mischief for when school starts. We could go to the arcade again. And when you really need to release some aggression, I have a full assortment of violent fighting games at my house.”
Puck gave her a half smile, “Can we do something tomorrow? Maybe go karts?”
“As long as we don’t use them as bumper cars.”
“Okay.” He frowned. “Where’s baby mama?”
Rachel sighed, “She needed space.”
“Can’t say that I blame her. I’m actually kind of impressed she stood up to Sylvester.”
Rachel bit her lip, “I guess.”
Puck stood up and offered her his hand, “Come on, we have one practice left. I say we tear the shit out of this field and then I’ll take you home.”
Rachel smiled, “Okay.”

As Puck drove her home, Rachel sent Quinn a text.
Rachel: I’m here when you’re ready, okay?

Rachel made sure to act completely normal at dinner even as she was internally fretting about Quinn. She knew her dad was worried about her ever since Quinn had showed up for breakfast. She was glad they didn’t ask her any questions. Rachel knew she was going to have to tell them soon, but not yet. As soon as dinner was done, she went upstairs so she could look through some music and worry about Quinn.

Some time later, there was a knock at her door.
The door open and closed quietly and Rachel looked up to see Quinn standing in her room her hands clasped together. She looked a little sad and a little guilty. Her eyes flicked around Rachel’s room taking everything in. Then they landed on Rachel. Rachel stood up and walked over to her. Quinn wasted no time in throwing her arms around Rachel and pulling her close. She returned the embrace. Quinn buried her face in Rachel’s neck and her hands clutched at the back of Rachel’s shirt. The brunette ran her fingers through Quinn’s hair. The sensation of Quinn’s body pressed so tightly against her own made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Her breath hitched when Quinn spoke into her neck.

“I don’t like that Puck saw you practically naked. I trust you, but I don’t like it.”
“I can respect that.”
There was silence for a few beats.
“I was scared. I’m so sorry.”
Rachel squeezed her, “It’s okay. Thank you for standing up for me, and for yourself. That was incredibly brave.”
Quinn leaned back and looked into Rachel’s eyes, “I said I would. I just panicked at the end because she’s like God at that school sometimes and she could do anything.”
“That’s understandable. There’s nothing like coming out to your antagonistic coach less than a month after you realized you were a lesbian. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think she’s going to do anything.”
Quinn chuckled, “Yeah, nothing quite like it. And you never know. So what did you and Puck do after I left?”
Rachel hummed, “Well, we talked about what we were going to do now that we can’t practice on the field. We’ve decided to just take a break. And we set up another bro date for tomorrow night.”
Quinn raised an eyebrow, “Bro date?”
“Yes, Quinn. Noah and I are having a bromance, thus we go on bro dates.”
Quinn scowled, “So you’re going out on a date with Puckerman tomorrow night?”
“A bro date. And yes.”
“Why have you already planned a ‘bro’ date with Puck, but we’ve been dating for like six days and you haven’t asked me out once?”
Rachel bit her lip, “I didn’t know if you were ready.”
Quinn frowned, “Oh.”
Rachel reached up and smoothed the crease in Quinn’s forehead.
“I’m letting you set the pace here, okay? Besides, technically, you asked me to be your girlfriend which means that you have to ask me on the first date.”
Quinn smirked, “Oh yeah?”
“Yes, Quinn. Those are the rules.”
Quinn smiled, “Hey Rachel, do you want to go on a date with me Thursday night?”
Rachel stepped out of Quinn’s embrace causing her to frown. “Let me check my calendar.”
“Of course, Quinn. I have a very busy schedule.” Rachel grabbed her dinosaur calendar. “Thursday sounds absolutely wonderful.”
“Great. Wait a minute, why do those dinosaurs look like you and Puck? Did you make the two of you matching calendars?!”
“We spend too much time together not to have matching calendars.”
Quinn looked affronted, “But I’m your girlfriend and I don’t have one.”
Rachel quirked her eyebrow, “Are you telling me that you want matching couple calendars?”
Quinn blushed slightly and crossed her arms over her chest, “Yes but only because you and Puckerman have one.”
Rachel smirked, “Of course, Quinn. Whatever you say. Do you have any requests?”
“Something cooler than Puckerman’s.”
Rachel reached out and grabbed Quinn’s hand, swinging it lightly, “That can be arranged.”
Quinn’s lips quirked, “So, Thursday night?”
“Thursday night.”
Quinn squeezed her hand, “I have to go. I’ll see you then.” She dropped Rachel’s hand and headed for the door.
“Do you want your calendar to be ready by then?”
Quinn paused in the open door. She turned around with a raised eyebrow, “If you don’t have it, I’m not going to let you into my car.”
Rachel smiled, “Good night, Quinn.”
“Good night, Rachel.”

faberry, quinn/rachel, puckleberry bromance

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