Oct 16, 2005 01:53
pretty diverse weekend. indeed. friday i had a NT exam, but i slept straight thru my alarm clock (cell phone). i looked at it after i woke up and it was indeed set for the right time so im guessing it got under my pillow somehow and was too muffled to hear? so thats scary. but apparently theres a makeup day like a week before finals. but id rather not have to worry about that. afterwards i went to the avenged sevenfold concert at the meridian. it was definaltey rockin. in more ways than one. there was so much moshing that people that didnt choose to be a part (such as myself) got so mushed in the crowd it was rediculous. the moshing settled down after the first 3 songs or so so that was definately good. but mannnnnnnnnn they can play. their lead guitar player takes me and rips me in half and eats me for dinner quicker than you can say "wesley willis." and that aint no lie. and their drummer eats baby giraffes for breakfast. they did look pretty gay tho. heh well esp the drummer. hair/makeup/etc. went way overboard. but whatev. so thats what i have on them! "at least i dont look gay! hah!" or i hope i dont at least. but then theres fernando...ouch. they win.
today i watched college football wooo! i watched the ut game because a&m wasnt on tv :(. oh well they whuped up thats all that matters i dont need to see it. and i watched USC pull a miraculous victory in the last 7 seconds. intense final 30 seconds i must say it was an edge of your seater. but ut isnt #1 and i bet all the ut fans are worried uh oh what about virginia tech?? my unlikely prediction...as unlikely as it is to happen...i still stand by it. i think a&m will somehow someway upset ut. i just think itd be the perfect way for God to humble all the ut fanatics. plus itd be funny to watch :).
tonight was a "reunion band party." me+mr bill+randy+jeremy+kelsey+megan+joey+brad = one heck of an amazing time! we talked for awhile and played taboo (got my butt kicked...im bad at that game but its fun). randy and jeremy shall never be allowed to play together in any game involving teams. its just unfair. theyre such a dynamic duo. the night was capped off with a healthy dose of balderdash. i ALMOST WON!!! jeremy beat me by ONE POINT!!! i was on fire tonight though. i guessed the correct answer several times, and i almost always had someone guess mine. even though one of mine was inspired by a seinfeld epiosde :). but for i think it was 2 rounds...i was in first place. im NEVER first place in balderdash. me and jeremy were tied in the second to last round, and then in the final round we both got the correct answer, but he got 2 votes and i only got 1. ahhhh i was SO CLOSE at beating the unbeatable jeremy. well unbeatable when it comes to clever word games. i bet i could beat him at mario kart :). but nonetheless we had interesting talks about stuff. like facebook. and how addictive it is and how you simply just cant break free.
so right now im listening to some of the ollld music i listened to like when i was a sophmore in high school. hah i was such an emo kid. one time i listened to one of my emo songs and stared at the girl i liked because it reminded me of her. true story kids, true story. so i just listened to that song and laughed on the inside. she was on drill team and i considered her out of my reach so i never talked to her heh. except this one time she initiated conversaiton with me and i just about pooped my pants...she sat in front of me in chemestry heh. i had the tendancy to like girls that i had never talked to back in the day. its funny though because a lot of them have a facebook and im too chicken to friend them because they wont remember who i am heh. itd be like heyyy i was that guy in 8th grade that liked you...but you never knew who i was. be my friend! or heyy....my friend asked you out for me in 6th grade remember? to see how pathetic i used to be, heres an entry from my "dead journal" (same thing as lj but not lj) from about 3 years ago. it was RIGHT after i became a christian. btw lindsey is that drill team girl haha.
"hi. its been like a million months. not much new. still single. still bored. still a moron. well one big change has happend. throughout the weeks, with the help of many, ive gone from a do do to a Jesus person! yeah hes cool me and him are buds...we talk everyday. anyone who doesnt like Jesus is definately missing out. if you knew me last year and havent talked to me in awhile youd be like ok whats goin on but its true! my taste in music has also changed. it went from blink and slipknot to more emoish stuff like rockett queen and taking back sunday and thursday and i also like this "christain metal" band called like david they rock. oh yeah and cant forget the grandaddy of them all! dream theater!! theyre freakin amazing. dl at the risk of wetting ur pants due to thier sheer awesomeness. better yet go buy their cds. man ive been going to java jazz a lot lately. there was this awesome band there called manplanet. they are the most original band ive ever seen. they rock. but dream theater is still better. lets see yeah i like this girl lindsey now and i have for the past couple of months. im so pathetic. for one shes a junior for 2 shes literally the hottest girl in school and for 3 im a moron and for 4 she just wouldnt go for me. lol yeah im mean to myself but its the truth! shes honestly one of the very few girls that can crack me up. hmm we have to get me over being so freakin shy cuz yeah im still like that. hmmmmmmm oh yeah shes a Jesus chick too and thats nifty. yeah im just a loser talking about what i cant have again."
heh. that makes me laugh. i cant show you the rest of that journal though because itd be too explicit and itd shock people haha.
well thats all folks. you all rock my socks off. i need sleep. but scooty is keeping me awake. make him go away! hah just kidding.
heres my plan...ive already beat banjo kazooie thoroughly. im in the middle of DK64, and next is banjo tooie i think. then its time for final fantasy VII, final fantasy VIII, final fantasy IX, final fantasy X, then final fantasy X-2. all the final fantasy games combined will take probably about 4+ months to get thru. after that is brave fencer musashi followed by chrono cross. then we have resident evil 0 followed by resident evil and starfox adventures followed by possibly pikmin metal gear solid then metal gear solid 2 and then we have starfox 64 zelda ocarina of time zelda majoras mask then zelda windwaker. after that we have a bunch of super nintendo games that i havent decided on yet (well ive decided on chrono trigger and super mario RPG). kids all those games are gonna take me about a year to beat. probably longer than that even. probably 2 years. but as you can see im re-igniting my video game nerd side heh. i just started playing one day and it was fun again so i kept playing. and i dont have $$$ for new games so im just gonna play old ones that i havent played in forever so itll seem new. and ahhhhh its fun. i cant wait to get to final fantasy those games are so good!!
well i think thats it for tonights rant. have a good day!! you all rock. kinda funny i said thats all awhile ago then i just typed that huge paragraph. but this time i think im leaving fo rizzle.