Oct 07, 2005 14:25
ok well apparently evolution is a hot topic nowadays. and apparently catholics accept it as true? i find this interesting. wellll heres part of an email i sent recently to someone who i was discussing the topic with... if you dont want to read it all...it basically says evolution and creation (from a biblical standpoint) CANNOT COEXSIST!
i believe that if evolution were so our relationship with God would be nonexistant, if not very different. apparently some people believe that since God made man from dust, they can arrive at well perhaps other animals (apes and whatnot) were made from dust therefore humans were indirectly made from dust. the authors of the bible frequently used figures of speech (for example Jesus and parables etc), so i think the verse "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" more or less is a figure of speech saying "God created man from nothing." in other words God started from scratch. whether or not He literally used dust doesnt really matter as long as you can grasp the point is that we are from scratch. the bible also makes other clear distinctions between animals and man. in Genesis 1, all other animals are grouped into a category (sea/air/land). it obviously doesnt say God created the goose, God created the alligator, God created the peacock, God created the cow, God created the duck-billed platypus etc, but He stops and says let us create man. This creates a barrier beween animals and Man. In other words the creation of life can basically be broken down into 2 segments: God created animals and God created man. i guess i could go farther but thats really all you need to realize that a biblical view of creation and evolution cannot coexist. its impossible...theyre opposites! man and animals are separate.
i do think its important for christians to really stick up for creation vs evolution because if evolution were so, youd have to look at our relationship with God from a whole new perspective. unless something is created from scratch, it is what it comes from. 2 people dont make a toucan for example. if we come from animals we are in a sense just another species of animal. if you believe in evolution youre pretty much saying to God "im on the same level as an animal, you treat me like an animal, because i AM an animal." biblically the only thing to be regarded as an equal is another human. thats why its a sin to murder a human, but not a sin to kill an animal and eat it for dinner :). animals are our suboridnates, humans are our equals.
i find it dangerous to dilute scripture by taking a worldy view and try to make it fit within the boundaries of scripture for the sake of fitting in with the current flow. thats why i think its important for christians to support creation because otherwise youd kind of be ignoring part of genesis. and well...genesis is part of the bible too and should be taken as such.
so thats it in a nutshell if theres any questions or comments feel free to post wooo.