(no subject)

Nov 02, 2007 19:47

"Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light."

This has been one of my favorite verses for a long time. Even before I was at HA.

Now that I'm here it takes on a new significance as I look back to where I've been and where I've come to in my life.

I remember feeling so dead in high school. Most of the time like I was floating around in some fog not really knowing where I was going or how I was going to get there. No, I was not on drugs.

I remember thinking just how pointless life is. All is vanity, as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes. 80 years if you're lucky and then you're gone...and who's going to remember your name?

He was right of course. Most everything you do here on this earth has little or no significance. You wake up in the morning, eat, drink, read a book, play a video game, go to the movies, go to work, etc. But what does any of it mean? Would it make any difference if you just stayed in bed all day? Did you make an impact on this world by going to the movies? Did you change someones life by getting the high score on DDR?

If you died today, would your life have been worth it?

Really think about that.

If I died tonight in my sleep, what would people say about about me?

Would they say, "Oh yeah, I knew ___________, I totally looked up to him/her. I really thought they were going to go somewhere with their life, maybe change the world, they were so passionate about __________..." or would the say "Hmm, well I know __________ liked to play video games, yeah, and they were kinda nice.."

If "all is vanity", what in this life is worth living for? I mean, even if you're really intelligent and you go to law school and win a couple cases, what will it matter? All that's different is that now your client is $10,000 richer and the other guy is $10,000 poorer. Who cares?

And if you're a heart surgeon and perform 345 life-saving surgeries in your lifetime, what will it matter? Those same people you saved will be dead in 10, 20, 30 years. They might even die in a car wreck 3 weeks later. So tell me, what is the point?

If there is one thing that is certain in this world it is that we are all going to die. We are all dying. Day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute our lives our ticking away. So what is the point? Will someone please tell me??

Is this universe playing a joke on us? Somehow over millions and billions of years we have evolved from a single-cell bacterium in the primordial muck to the living, breathing, thinking, loving, analyzing, detailed creatures we are today. For what?!? To die??

Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this picture? Why doesn't it add up? How did we get from something that has no feelings, a speck living in the dirt, to a being that ponders eternity? Something doesn't add up.

Do you have the answer? Can you enlighten me, please?

"Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light."

does anyone care?, does anyone else wonder?

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