Mar 13, 2010 22:25
So I just read the last post I made from like June or July from 2009. Its funny how much my life is basically the same since when I posted all of that. When I started off reading it I was like wow...depressing and crazy...all the work stuff. Well needless to say I'm still at Hallmark. Things are well the same but also better. Our new manager is doing a better job at bringing things back to a positive note if you want to call it that. We are doing better with sales & all that fun stuff. And GASP we're actually getting raises this year. Don't know how much, and it probably wont be alot because it never is but something is better than nothing. =) .
On another note. Nick & I broke up. At first we were still talking and he wanted to hang out and then he decided it was too hard for him. He's deleted me from facebook. Im not surprised and I don't blame him. I wish him the best of luck in NYC and with his career. I think he has a great opportunity in front of him and I hope he pursues it wholeheartedly. I can't say I never miss him, and I'm sure the summer will be interesting (to say the least) without him. We spent a lot of time together over the summers. He's got a different view of the world compared to most people and I definitely think thats what I will miss the most.
I've gone hiking. Numerous times. haha. I enjoy it.
I've been to Seton Hall three times during Bishops senior year. I went for a Seton Hall vs. Syracuse game with Matt & Brian. It was fun and Syracuse won. I didn't get to see much of Bishops life there though because I had to come back the same night for work the next day. The next time I went down was for the Stillman Dance that his friend Brett invited me to. And this last time was just to visit Brett & Bishop...lots of drinking. Good times.
I've been working on the whole be a better friend thing...and I hope its working out well but as I just got told by bishop "you would never hit me up when you hadda bf" I know that this is true so its not like im about to sit here and deny it. If you want me in your life then accept that im talking to you now. Idk why I always go into my "boyfriend bubble" but it always happens. I become more concerned with my significant other than with anyone else in my life and thats not what a good friend should do. I seriously still need to meet new people and try new things. Its my last semester at dutchess after 4 years and I still havent found the motivation to do well. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. My plan is to volunteer somewhere over the summer and hook up a connection that way. Maybe I'll find something that I love to do and I'll meet new people and find a way to make a career out of it. Or maybe I'll get a direction for school and I can pick a major that will land me somewhere doing something I love.
I don't know what the future has in store for me. No-one does. I wish I could think positively more often. I wish I knew how to wear a smile more frequently. Life isn't bad. Even when things are a mess there are still things to be thankful for. Life is about the little things. I've known that. I believe that. I just need to remember it more often.