Jun 26, 2003 22:30
Today started off fairly decent....worked till 2 then got Rochelle her coffee and some flowers and came to her house....It feels good to do things for people...to feel like you are appreciated or needed....Doing something for someone you love is a good thing....well, after about a 3 hour long nap I was awoken by Rochelle sporting a coffee....things looked promising...then something went wacky...suddenly I got the wierd vibe....the ive done something wrong vibe....It sucks when I get that feeling....like you are an annoyance to people..It made me feel kinda shitty....still do ..I dunno its a tough thing...lately ive felt like I have very limited friends...Its just like most people arnet who they said they were ....or just arent my cup of tea....Its always the same though....I always come back to my few close friends....I mean its not like they are going anywhere....Thats when you know a good friend ....the ones that never had a bad spell....never had a wierd falling out ...never got annoying to you ... ...My stomach hurts..Espresso always does that...we went to Starbucks to visit Rochelles best friend Jeff....he seems like a rad dood....Chill you know?...and now Im back here...feeling kind of kaka.....Maybe im just super insecure and sensitive but I dunno its still not a cool feeling .....brings a man down you know....I guess in the end thats my fault...My brain is wierd sometimes...
Seeing Nick this weekend hopefully ....best Dood ever...Angie is sweet as well ....anyways ....hopefully this weekend shows promise....I still am not playing music and thats the worst feeling ....ever...Ive never gone this long without doing something and I honestly want to kill myself sometimes when I think of all the uncertainty involved with being void of a musical project...anyways Im rambling and I dont want to do that ....so see you all later
Justin Beau Gaudet