Title: The King
Author name:
allkindsoffics Main Pairings: Hermione/Ron
Characters: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Rose Weasley, Elvis?
Rating: pg
Word count: 206
Warnings/Spoilers: Harry Potter epilogue
Disclaimer: Don’t own.
Summary: Hermione sends a Valentine.
Author’s Note: Day 13 -Write about a random picture you would find in an envelope of finished prints at Costco.
Day 14 -Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year. Tell about one of the people who sent one.
Author’s Note 2: I love feedback, thanks!
It’s a picture of her and Rose in Graceland on muggle film; she’s curled her lip and lifted her foot in the quintessential Elvis pose. On the picture, she’s drawn a big heart. She places it in an envelope and mailed it off via Owl.
Ron thinks she’s absolutely crazy, and there are two main reasons why. One, she uses muggle film. Two, she sends Elvis Valentines.
The first one is merely a matter of convenience; they live closer to a muggle village that can develop the film. She’s not a fan of Diagon Alley or wizarding locales that could develop wizard film. She uses wizard film for special occasions, sometimes, but rarely. Sometimes, she’s just a muggle at heart.
The second is that she knows he’s still alive; therefore, he can still receive letters. She knows for a fact that Elvis is still alive; after all, he’s a bloody wizard. Singing like that, dancing like that, and attracting women like that, obviously, he’s a wizard. He’s one of the first people she looked up, when she found out she was a witch. She had to know and she does, because every year she gets a little blue suede heart with a tag signed The King.