Title: Hot Potato
Author name:
allkindsoffics Main Pairings: Morgan/Reid/Prentiss
Characters: Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 449
Warnings/Spoilers: Part of To Pick Up
Disclaimer: Not really
Summary: Emily gets some shocking news.
Author’s Note: Day 10 -What do you want to be remembered for?
Author’s Note 2: I love feedback, thanks!
A few days ago, Emily Prentiss would have told you that she wanted to be remembered for saving people. She wanted to be remembered for being on cases that saved people and caught notorious mass murderers, and while that may happen; now she wants to be remembered as someone’s fantastic mom.
Even though she wants to be an awesome mom, seeing the plus sign in the tiny window scares the shit out of her. Not just because being pregnant is always a little unnerving. Momentary panic, who doesn’t have a little momentary panic with the pee-stick in their hand. If someone says they didn’t, they’re probably lying, because, hell, there is something growing inside of you as you hold the stick and you just discovered it. She was positive that she couldn’t, that it wouldn’t happen, that her uterus was too damaged and she was too old.
She doesn’t know who the father is. They won’t know until the baby is born and they might not even know then, but, oddly, she’s alright with that. Both men will make wonderful fathers and she knows they can do this together. Or at least she hopes they will. She’s a little scared to tell them; this isn’t something they expected and she won’t blame them if they bail. That’s a lie. They’ll support her, her brain knows that, but it doesn’t stop her heart from skipping through the worst case scenario. She knows what it’s liked to be dropped like a hot fucking potato.