Cabbage Patch Kid

Apr 12, 2012 23:34

Title: Cabbage Patch Kid

Author name: allkindsoffics

Characters: Dean Winchester

Rating: pg

Word count: 208

Warnings/Spoilers: Not really

Disclaimer: Not really

Summary: Dean and toys?

Author’s Note: Day 9 -What was your favorite childhood toy?

Author’s Note 2: I love feedback, thanks!

Dean and Sam didn’t have a lot of toys growing up; in fact, their toys were mostly weapons their father taught them to use to defend themselves against an attack. Toys weren’t really their thing. While other kids built model airplanes and begged for BB guns, Dean made his first sawed-off shotgun. It wasn’t the same; it’s not even really comparable: their lives to others’.

Unlike Sam, though, Dean can remember before they were a family of hunters. Back when they still had a mom and she bought them toys and loved them. He won’t admit it, even with threat of no pie anymore ever, that he had a cabbage patch kid that he loved dearly. It burned up in the fire and he never mentioned it again, even though, he couldn’t sleep for weeks without it. He sometimes wonders what kind of toys he would’ve had if it hadn’t happened. Would he have been begging for a BB gun? Would they have gotten a Nintendo or Sega Genesis?

It wasn’t all that bad, though, because he’s seen a world where the house didn’t go up in smoke; he and Sam weren’t close and that’s absolutely not awesome. It couldn’t be replaced with a bunch of ridiculous toys.

oneshot, dean winchester, supernatural, rating:pg, fic

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