Title: Mouth: Insert Foot Here
Author name:
allkindsoffics Main Pairings: Morgan/Reid
Characters: Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Diana Reid
Rating: pg
Word count: 530
Warnings/Spoilers: uh, slash, I guess…
Disclaimer: um none
Summary: Morgan and Reid going to visit Reid’s mother.
Author’s notes: Day 3 -Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
Author’s notes 2: Would love feedback. Thanks!
Morgan rarely puts his foot in his mouth. In fact, he can count the instances on his fingers and toes. If he pisses someone off, it’s usually deliberately. The foot-in-the-mouth position is taken by Reid who, while improved from the genius who joined the BAU, is still sometimes socially inept. Reid has relaxed a lot and can usually keep himself from shoving his different colored stocking feet into his mouth. However, when he starts talking about maps or bullied children, he slips.
So Morgan is not all that worried about meeting Reid’s mother, well meeting her as Reid’s lover. Reid flutters around the hotel room, a bundle of nerves, he tells Morgan over and over again that she may be horribly distrustful, that she may become inexplicably irate or melancholy, and that she may lecture them like they’re her students. Morgan nods his head; he’s taken enough abnormal psychology in his lifetime to have a working understanding of schizophrenia. Of course, he knows that he’s never had to live with someone whose been affected, so he nods at Reid and then holds him when the younger man stops pacing.
Even though Derek’s confident in himself, he can’t help being a little nervous. When they walk into the sanitarium, his mother’s nurse informs them that she’s been pretty lucid lately and Reid breathes a sigh of relief. He’s called ahead, of course, but he always worries she’ll take a turn for the worst. They walk hand and hand to her room, but Reid pulls his hand out of Morgan’s as they cross the threshold. He’s slightly disappointed but he lets it go because he knows how nervous Reid is. The beginning goes pretty well and she recognizes both of them. Morgan relaxes; he mentions a movie they saw recently and Reid starts explicating about all the inaccuracies.
“Seriously, Reid, stop,” Morgan says congenially and shoves gently at him, but Reid is balanced precariously on the edge of the chair and he teeters dangerously having to catch himself on the radiator. Diana’s eyes go dark and she glares holes into Morgan.
“Don’t speak to him like that,” Diana says sternly and slants herself away from Morgan.
“Mom, it’s alright, Derek was just kidding,” Reid placates softly, placing a calming hand on his mother’s arm.
For the rest of the visit, the conversation is stilted and when it’s time to leave, Morgan feels like a puppy skittering out of the room with his tail between his legs. Reid squeezes his hand and before they can get a taxi back to the hotel Reid pushes Morgan into an alleyway. He kisses Morgan roughly gripping his cotton shirts and then rests his face against Morgan’s chest.
“Spence, I’m so sorry,” he says into Reid’s hair and Reid snorts.
“This is horrible, but I was glad it was you and not me,” Reid murmurs and Morgan sighs, relieved. Morgan tilts up Reid’s chin and covers his face with kisses.
“I love you,” Reid declares. Morgan freezes; he’s been saying it for months, but Reid has yet to utter the three words in succession. Morgan squeezes his eyes shut and kisses Reid’s forehead.
“I love you, too.”